A Match Made In Hell

I received an email today from the Everytown Victory Fund which is their PAC. They are now have formed a coalition with the Planned Parenthood Votes PAC to produce a pro-Kamala, anti-Trump online advertisement. The ad touts how Kamala is pro-abortion and pro-gun control. This is juxtaposed against Trump on his appointments to the Supreme Court and speaking about his record on gun rights.

Now anyone who knows anything about gun rights and Trump knows he is not perfect on gun rights despite what they have him saying in this ad. The now overturned bump stock ban is evidence of this.

I don’t care what your position is on abortion but I am having a bit of cognitive dissonance seeing these two leftist organizations in a coalition. One promotes killing the unborn while the other thinks restricting firearms is a safety (sic) measure. Perhaps I should view Everytown as not so much as a gun control organization but rather an organization that is doing everything in its power to limit the basic human right of self-defense. Seen that way, this coalition does make some sense.

I do understand that if you want a free vasectomy or abortion pills, they are both available at the Democratic National Convention. I guess that is one way to limit the spread of leftism.

North Carolina Runoff Primary

Early voting in the North Carolina GOP runoff primary started this past Thursday. If what the Complementary Spouse and I experienced is any indication, turnout will be sparse. We went to vote on Friday and were the 16th and 17th voters in a county with almost 45,000 registered Republicans! This doesn’t even count the number of unaffiliated voters who are also eligible to vote in the GOP primary.

Other counties may have a higher turnout as they may have a Congressional candidate for whom to vote. In Buncombe County, it was only the race for Lt. Governor and the race for State Auditor.

As a reminder, the Grass Roots North Carolina – Political Victory Fund has these recommendations:

  • US 6th Congressional District – Addison McDowell – his opponent Mark Walker has dropped out but there still may have a runoff.
  • US 13th Congressional District – Brad Knott
  • Lt. Governor – Hal Weatherman
  • State Auditor – none as neither candidate in the runoff submitted GRNC-PVF candidates surveys.

While there is no recommendation by GRNC-PVF for State Auditor, I would note that Jack Clark is a CPA and former auditor while his opponent Dave Boliek, an attorney, only recently became a Republican. You can make of that what you will.