Sure They Can, Bob

NBC sportscaster Bob Costas went on MSNBC last night to amplify on his remarks during the Eagles-Cowboys game on Sunday night. He denied using the words “gun control” and “Second Amendment” on the air saying that people had made an inference that he had.

In his discussion with Lawrence O’Donnell on MSNBC’s The Last Word, he then said with reference to the number of football players who own guns:

“Even if all those guns were obtained legally, you can’t have 65 guys in
their 20s and 30s, aggressive young men, subject to impulses without
something bad happening,” Costas insisted.

Sure you can, Bob.

Ever hear of an infantry platoon or a Marine company? You have upwards of 150 hard-charging, aggressive young men armed with fully-automatic carbines (plus grenades and other explosives) in their teens and 20s led by a young officer in his early to mid 20s. The “old man” in the platoon or company might be the platoon or company sergeant who is all of 30. If “something bad” happens, it is at the direction of the officers and NCOs and is directed towards the enemy.

You could argue the difference between a pro football team and a Marine infantry company is discipline. However, that would ignore the fact that it takes a certain level of self-discipline for both football players and Marines to succeed. Neither got there without it.

Given that Costas is reported to live in St. Louis – a free state, so to speak – it is a bit surprising that he still holds his antiquated views on guns and gun control. It is every bit as surprising as that at 60 years old, Costas has so little gray hair.

UPDATE: Robb Allen has a very interesting post on this same comment by Bob Costas. It is well worth reading.