Grass Roots North Carolina recently sent out an alert on an issue that has come with renewals on North Carolina Concealed Handgun Permits. It seems some mental health organizations are trying to bill the permit holder for the mental health records check. This violates state law.
Here is what GRNC has to say about it:
It has come to our attention that some Mental Health Companies have been billing individuals that are renewing permit a fee for doing a records check.
Don’t fall for it.
Submitting the bill is a violation of NC law.
In the 2015 Legislative Session GRNC was instrumental in changing the NC CHP statute pertaining to the renewal of Conceal Handgun Permits. It reads as follows:
NCGS ยง 14-415.15 “The sheriff shall make the request for any records concerning the mental health or capacity of the applicant within 10 days of receipt of the items listed in G.S. 14-415.13. No person, company, mental health provider, or governmental entity may charge additional fees to the applicant (emphasis mine) for background checks conducted under this subsection.”
Send the invoice back and tell them to submit it to your sheriff’s office.
So if you are renewing your permit, be aware and don’t be conned into paying for the records check when state law forbids it.