1944 – Highly Recommended

I stumbled across an Estonian made movie called 1944. It is the story of Estonians fighting Estonians during WW II and not necessarily by choice.

Estonia was annexed by the USSR in 1940 and over 50,000 Estonian men were conscripted into the Red Army. Come 1941 and Operation Barbarossa, the Germans have pushed out the Red Army and now conscripts about 70,000 Estonian men into their army. Only, because they are not German citizens, they are forced into the Waffen-SS and not the Wehrmacht.

It is now 1944 and the tide of the war has changed again. The Red Army is on the move through Estonia and that is where this story is set.

The movie has action mixed with sadness or pathos. It shows the humanity of the men in the trenches and on the battlefield while illustrating the corrupt evil of the political officers.

The movie is free to watch (with ads) on Freevee and is still free (for now) on Amazon Prime Video.

As I said, highly recommended.