GRNC Alert On First Citizens Bank

First Citizens Bank is headquartered in North Carolina and has 570 branches in 18 states. The majority of its branches are in the Carolinas and Virginia. First Citizens, while publicly traded, is still controlled by the Holding family. Frank B. Holding, Jr., CEO of First Citzens, is the grandson of the bank’s founder Robert P. Holding. The bank’s Vice Chairman and fellow board member, Hope Holding Bryant, is his sister. Their brother-in-law Peter Bristow is the president of the bank.

Rep. George Holding (R-NC), Frank and Hope’s cousin, represents the 13th Congressional District of North Carolina. He was A-Rated and Endorsed by the NRA-PVF in the 2014 elections and was ranked 4-stars by the GRNC-PVF. According to his last financial disclosure report filed in 2014, he held stock in First Citizens (NC and SC) valued at more than $500,000 and less than $1 million.

The bank’s Board of Directors recently voted to prohibit lawful concealed carry holders from carrying on their premises. As Grass Roots North Carolina notes below in their alert, they did this despite bank robberies being at a 10 year low in North Carolina. Being a non-public entity, they are certainly entitled to do what they want on their own property. However, their customers and potential customers are just as entitled to vote with their feet if they disagree with the board’s action. No state in their markets are lacking in other alternatives.

From GRNC:

FCB Risks the Safety of Banking Customers
In a unified show of ignorant disregard for your safety, First Citizens Bank’s Board of Directors recently decided to disallow concealed carry at their branches. This puts all law abiding citizens at risk and should convince current and potential customers of First Citizens Bank (FCB) to reconsider patronizing this, or any bank, that puts customers in harm’s way.
What problem are they trying to solve with the ban? If it’s bank robberies, the N&O reported in this article that bank robberies hit a 10 year low in 2014 of 91 (as of Nov. 30), down from 267 in 2004. The fact that this correlates perfectly with the exponential growth of CCW in NC suggests that CCW is a large part of that fix. Are they trying to fix the non-existent problems they have with CCW permitholders? Where are those reports?
First Citizens Bank has given its customers a false sense of security inside the bank (criminals will not obey a CCW ban) while enhancing the real and present danger that banning concealed carry presents to its patrons outside the branch doors. Criminals know the best place to find people carrying large amounts of cash is in the parking lot of a bank. A concealed weapons ban means customers will be forced to leave their lawfully carried weapon in their car when they walk into, and out of the bank. None of the bank’s elaborate security will do anything to protect people outside of the front doors. In addition, the parking lots of First Citizens Bank will also become fertile hunting grounds for criminals looking to steal guns from cars.
Until First Citizens Bank revokes this counterproductive ban it is imperative that its customers and patrons understand the risks of banking at an institution that jeopardizes its customers’ safety by banning them from lawfully carrying a gun for self defense.
It is imperative we express our safety concerns to First Citizens Bank
  • Email first Citizens using their contact page
    linked below.  Copy and paste the message provided under ‘Deliver this Message’
  • Phone First Citizens Bank and tell them you will not do business with a bank that disregards its customer’s safety by banning them from lawfully carrying guns for self defense. Use the phone number provided below.
You can find contact info for FCB on their web site:
No email address is supplied but you can send email from a form on the contact page.

The general customer support number is: 1 (888) 323-4742
FCB Head of Security

Skip Lee
FCB Board of Directors
John M. Alexander, Jr. Victor E. Bell, III
Peter W. Bristow Hope Holding Bryant
H. Lee Durham, Jr. Daniel L. Heavner
Frank B. Holding, Jr. Robert R. Hoppe
Lucius S. Jones Floyd L. Keels
Robert E. Mason, IV Robert T. Newcomb
James M. Parker

Suggested Subject: Revoke Concealed Carry Weapons Ban

Dear First Citizens Bank,

I am writing to voice my strong objection to your Board of Directors’ recent decision to ban lawful concealed carry in the branches of First Citizens Bank. Not only does this create a false sense of security in the branch (criminals will not obey a CCW ban), but customers will have no way of defending themselves in parking lots where criminals await customers they believe are carrying large sums of cash.
Until this policy is fully revoked, I will not risk my safety doing business with First Citizens Bank and will pass my concerns to my friends and family and encourage them do the same.
I will continue to monitor this situation through alerts from Grass Roots North Carolina.