Infographic For The Weekend

I like infographics. A good one can convey a lot of information in a short amount of time and space.

Here is one I stumbled across on Pinterest (yes, even guys have found out about Pinterest) and then went to the source of it – That site, by the way, has a lot of good reviews on bourbon and other “potent potables”.

Profile of the Average American Bourbon Drinker by | Bourbon, Wine, and Liquor Reviews

I’ve Done My Part – Have You?

The team over at has come up with a great infographic showing the rise in gun and ammo sales for the past few years. It is part of a report called “The Greatest Gun Salesman In America: President Barack Obama.” With this sort of success, you’d think Obama would be touting his contribution to the growth of a $4 billion industry but, of course, he hasn’t.

The Greatest Gun Salesman In America: President Barack Obama [INFOGRAPHIC]