“Blood Is On The Hands Of Those At The Justice Dept Who Tried To Cover Up”

ATF Agent Jay Dobyns was interviewed on Fox News’ Justice with Judge Jeanine yesterday about Operation Fast and Furious. When asked if Brian Terry’s blood was on the hands of the DEA, FBI, and ATF, he responded, “Yes”. He then went on to say it was also on the hands of those in the Justice Department who have tried to cover up Operation Fast and Furious. Dobyns then said it was on the hands of those in the White House who made the decision to seal the records of the investigation into Terry’s death.

Dobyns has never been one to mince words and he doesn’t in this interview. It takes cojones to infiltrate the Hell’s Angels and it takes cojones to stand up to the full weight of the Obama Administration and the Justice Department.

Watch the latest video at <a href=”http://video.foxnews.com”>video.foxnews.com</a>

HR 3289 – The Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2011

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, has introduced legislation that would strengthen the protections granted to whistleblowers in the Federal government. This act, HR 3289 – The Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2011, was introduced yesterday and has 3 co-sponsors including Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), Ranking Member of the House Oversight Committee. While the text of the legislation is not yet available, Issa’s office did release this statement about the bill.

WASHINGTON – House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) today announced the introduction of the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act (H.R. 3289). The legislation will strengthen provisions of the Whistleblower Protection Act, originally enacted in 1989, for federal government employees who expose abuse, mismanagement, or criminal activity in federal agencies and programs.

Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., Ranking Member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, is an original co-sponsor of the legislation, as are Rep. Todd Platts, R-Pa., and Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., who sponsored whistleblower protection enhancement legislation last congress. Similar legislation was approved by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee last month. You can read a copy of the House legislation here.

“Whistleblowers play critical roles in exposing wrongdoing in government,” said Issa.”Federal employees who discover waste, abuse and mismanagement in their agency need to be able to alert agency leaders and Congress without fear of reprisal from supervisors, and within the confines of the law. This legislation establishes new protections for those who seek lawful ways to address abuse of taxpayer dollars.”

When enacted, the legislation will:

  • close judicially-created loopholes in existing whistleblower protection law;
  • extend whistleblower protection rights to some 40,000 airport baggage screeners;
  • increase avenues for intelligence community whistleblowers to safely and legally expose waste, fraud and abuse at intelligence agencies;
  • create specific protection in the law for scientific freedom;
  • ensure a permanent anti-gag statute to neutralize classifications like “classifiable,” “sensitive but unclassified,” “sensitive security information” and other poorly defined security labels;
  • establish consistency with other remedial employment laws;
  • strengthen the Office of Special Counsel’s ability to seek disciplinary accountability against those who retaliate, and provides the OSC with authority to file friend of the court briefs in support of whistleblower rights cases appealed from the administrative level;
  • create a pilot program to extend whistleblower protection to non-defense contractors.

The legislation will be considered at a business meeting of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee Thursday November 3rd at 9:30 a.m.

Given the retaliation that we have seen against such ATF whistleblowers as John Dodson, Vincent Cefalu, and Jay Dobyns, I think this legislation is an overdue step in the right direction.

Katie Pavlich of Townhall.com did a story a week and a half ago about ATF Agent Jay Dobyns who, after successfully infiltrating the Hell’s Angels, received death threats, threats against his family, and had his house burned to the ground. These threats were ignored by the then head of the Phoenix Field Division William Newell. When Dobyns filed a complaint, Newell retaliated against him. As Pavlich notes as to why this matters:

So why does this matter? Newell was the brainchild of Operation Fast and Furious in the ATF Phoenix Field office. Newell is also the agent who was in regular contact with a member of the White House national security team, Kevin O’Reilly, about the lethal program. Newell also said he would conduct Operation Fast and Furious again, despite two Americans and hundreds of innocent Mexicans dead as a result of the program.

Newell used Dobyns as a test run, to see just how much he could get away with in his management position within ATF before getting reprimanded. Considering nobody was held accountable for the mistakes made in handling death threats against Dobyns, Newell knew he had the green light to do whatever he wanted, at the highest levels of corruption. The Dobyns case empowered him. Newell was protected and defended for ignoring violent death threats against a federal agent, he had free reign to do what he wanted. This gave Newell everything he needed to get away with Operation Fast and Furious, which started in Fall 2009.

If Newell and Gillett had been reprimanded and/or fired when they should have been, we may never had a Project Gunwalker and Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry could well still be alive. That sounds like as good a reason as any to see HR 3289 pass and be signed into law.

ATF Special Agent Jay Dobyns Interviewed By Judge Napolitano

Another video interview of ATF Special Agent Jay Dobyns. He served undercover while investigating the Hells Angels. After ATF managers including the ones who ran Operation Fast and Furious out of the Phoenix Field Division failed to protect Dobyn’s family, he blew the whistle on their actions. Here he speaks out on the failure of Operation Fast and Furious.

Watch the latest video at video.foxbusiness.com

ATF Whistleblower Jay Dobyns On Fox Business News

ATF Agent Jay Dobyns infilitrated the Hell’s Angels. After he came out of deep cover to testify at trial, his wife was threatened with gang rape, threats of torture were made against his kids, and his house burned down due to arson while his family was originally still in it. Fortunately, his family escaped without harm.

And what did ATF managers in the Phoenix Field Office do in response? Nothing. They left Dobyns and his family hanging out to dry. From Once Proud on the CleanUpATF Forum, “What’s sad is the Hells Angels take better care of their own than ATF takes care of it’s agents!”

Interestingly enough, these are the same managers who ran Operation Fast and Furious. In the interview below, Dobyns says that ATF has become a rogue agency run by corrupt managers.