Happy National Knife Day!

Today has been declared as National Knife Day! I know there seems to be day for everything but this is actually recognizing an essential tool.

A number of knife retailers will be offering specials and giveaways from what I understand. Check out your favorite retailer for more on that.

I prepared for today by getting a new knife sharpener. It isn’t like I don’t have a number of stones, guided sharpeners, and diamond plates. I do. However, I saw it on Amazon and the price was right so I bought the Work Shop Guided Field Sharpener.

It works. I took an old Camillus pocket knife couldn’t even cut paper and put a nice working edge on it rather quickly. Is it what a Japanese sushi chef might use to put a razor edge on a knife? No but then I didn’t have to invest in a series of water stones either. I think it will be a convenient tool to take when I go camping or hunting.

Given it is National Knife Day, the other way I plan to celebrate it is to make a contribution to Knife Rights. They have done more in the last few years to change outdated laws and expand our rights to carry a knife than any other organization. They have more work to do and every little bit of money helps.

Their donation page is here.

National Knife Day

August 24th is National Knife Day. I had hoped to have a picture of my new Cold Steel Kukri Machete so I could say, “This is a knife”, but I’ve been lazy.

So in honor of National Knife Day, I’ll let Crocodile Dundee fill in for me.

On a slightly more serious note, Knife Rights is celebrating National Knife Day by giving away a Limited Edition Knife Rights S&W folder or ESEE Izula to the person who posts the coolest picture of themselves with a knife on their Facebook Page. Their page is here. If you like having and using knives you may want to make a donation to them as well. They are, as they say, the Second Front in the battle for the Second Amendment.