If you have been following NRA In Danger or Members Take Back the NRA (on Facebook), you are aware that David Coy called up certain fellow directors to press NRA President Bob Barr to call a meeting of the Executive Committee. Barr heeded Coy’s call and has scheduled an Executive Committee meeting for Friday to be conducted electronically on Microsoft Teams.
From: Frazer, John <john.frazer@nrahq.org>
To: Frazer, John <john.frazer@nrahq.org>
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2024 at 09:05:00 PM EST
Subject: OFFICIAL NOTICE: Executive Committee meeting November 29
Dear Board and Executive Council members:
Pursuant to Article VI Sec. 4 of the NRA Bylaws, President Barr has called a special meeting of the Executive Committee to take place on Friday, November 29, 2024, at 3:00 PM EST. The meeting shall be conducted by Microsoft Teams (with video conference or audio-only available). Login information is at the bottom of this message, and will also be sent in the form of a calendar invitation.
The object of the meeting will be to consider recent actions taken by the Executive Vice President with regard to the leadership of NRA-ILA and to take any appropriate action thereon.
Please note that this notice is being sent to all members of the Board and Executive Council pursuant to Article VI, section 4(c) of the NRA Bylaws.
John Frazer
National Rifle Association of America
11250 Waples Mill Rd.
Fairfax, VA 22030
(703) 267-1254
The backstory is that Doug Hamlin moved to fire Randy Kozuch as head of NRA-ILA. Whether it was because he wanted to put his own person in the job or because Kozuch just wasn’t cutting it is left to speculation. Kozuch’s decision to have the NRA-PVF endorse Democrat Mary Perolta in Alaska over Republican Nick Begich caused much consternation with gun groups there and probably played a role in Hamlin’s decision. Kozuch, as is his right, appealed to members of the Board of Directors.
From all I’ve spoken with Kozuch is seen as a nice guy who has been around for many, many years. The question on whether he is effective is another story. I remember speaking with a board member back when Chris Cox was fired when there was speculation that Kozuch would get the position. He was adamant that this would be a horrible choice. Jason Ouimet eventually was named to replace Chris Cox.
I have heard that the intended replacement would be John Commerford who currently serves as the Chief of Operations at NRA-ILA. Commerford started with the NRA as an intern while still in college. He left for a couple of years to work with high-end shotgun company Krieghoff and then returned as a state liaison in 2013. He has been with NRA-ILA ever since. One criticism I have heard about Commerford is that he allowed himself to be used by Brewer’s team in the jury trial when they were trying to run the clock. Having read his testimony, it was mostly questions on the role of ILA, travel, and reimbursements. In other words, stuff that had been asked and answered earlier. This criticism was countered by a current director stating that Commerford was an employee and did what he was told.
According to the Bylaws (Art. V, Sec. 3b), it will take a supermajority of 75% of the Executive Committee to suspend Doug Hamlin with or without pay. This suspension would remain effective until the next regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors. The next regular meeting is scheduled for early January 2025. However, if the cabal plans to remove Doug permanently, they will need to provide him a 15 day notice in writing along with the preferred charges. It would take another supermajority of the board (75%) to remove him from the office. Some think the cabal has enough votes on the Executive Committee while others do not. We shall see.
All of these moves come before Judge Cohen has released his final order in the New York case. Frankly, I find this grossly foolish as their moves only reinforce the NYAG’s contention that the cabal must be removed from power. It is also foolish to think the NYAG and Judge Cohen are ignorant of the cabal’s machinations.
I’m sure that some of the cabal see their moves as a heroic defense of the NRA and its rights. I see it more as their last gasp showing that they can assert their power before they are swept away in the tide of reform. A slate of reform minded individuals are running in 2025 to replace them. In the interest of transparency which is one of the slate’s goals, I am one of those individuals. You can see all on them on our new website.
Finally, one of the big mistakes made by David Coy in calling for the Executive Committee meeting, was essentially to out the members of the cabal. Instead of sending his email out by BCC (blind carbon copy) to preserve anonymity, he named names. You can see this in a post of the original email by Willes Lee on Facebook here. I guess we should thank him for that.