Home Security

Former Navy SEAL Dom Raso is one of the three new younger commentators for the NRA. In his latest, he takes on the attempts to limit our right to defend our homes, our families, and ourselves.

He makes an excellent point when he says, “For many people, home security isn’t worth talking about.” Too many people are both unprepared and unaware. They live in a world of denial that violent crime can happen anywhere and to anyone. 

NRA News Report On The NY SAFE Act

Ginny Simone of NRA News has been doing a series of in-depth special reports on various issues that impact gun owners. Her latest is a report on the New York SAFE Act and the arrest of Greg Dean. Mr. Dean was arrested for violating the NY SAFE Act when a State Policeman inspected the magazine of  his .40 S&W pistol. The magazine contained 9 rounds or two too many under the NY Safe Act.

Mr. Dean’s arrest has gotten some notice. What hasn’t gotten as much notice was Columbia County District Attorney Paul Czajka’s decision not to prosecute the case.

Great Interview With Rick Ector And Kenn Blanchard

Cam Edwards of NRA News interviewed Rick Ector and Kenn Blanchard at the recent NRA Annual Meeting in Houston. I got a chance to meet Rick again in the media room. I was introduced to him last year at the Annual Meeting in St. Louis and have followed his work ever since.

As to Kenn Blanchard, what can I say? It is always good to catch up with Kenn. I’ve listened to Kenn’s Urban Shooter Podcast for years and have really gotten to know him at various events such as the Lucky Gunner Blogger Shoot and the various Gun Rights Policy Conferences. I feel privileged every time that I get to spend quality time with Kenn.

MrColionNoir To Biden – “At The End Of The Day, You Don’t Have The Credentials”

MrColionNoir is starting to grow on me. I’m not hip nor urban nor, unfortunately, young any more but I can still appreciate the way he can communicate a message in effective and simple terms. I think it was a brilliant move by the NRA to add him to their stable of commentators on gun issues.

In his latest, he takes direct aim at the use of the buzzwords “responsible” and “reasonable” by the Obama Administration to push background checks. He then turns to Vice-President Joe Biden and Biden’s advice on guns and gun safety. It gets even better from there.

Bob Schieffer And Godwin’s Law

Cam Edwards of NRA News fisks Bob Schieffer of CBS News and his attempt to invoke Godwin’s law with regard to the NRA. Godwin’s Law states that the longer an online discussion goes on that the likelihood of someone invoking Hitler or the Nazis approaches one.

Schieffer said that if we could find and kill Osama bin Laden, pass civil rights, and defeat the Nazis then America surely could take on the easier task of defeating the gun lobby. The only problem is that as Cam points out the gun lobby isn’t a bunch of gun manufacturers – it is you and me. So what Bob Schieffer really wants to do is to take away the civil rights of gun owning Americans just like that other group did in 1930s Germany.

Media Misinformation

Cam Edwards fisks a recent NBC Today Show episode with Matt Lauer in the YouTube video below. Lauer was aghast that someone would publish personal information of the publisher, editor, and staff of the Journal News. You will recall that this is the newspaper that thought every pistol permit holder in a two county area – including retired police officers and domestic violence victims – should have their name and address linked to an interactive Google map. It looks like burglars have also used the list to target at least one home owner to steal firearms.

This is a short video but Cam does an excellent job in pointing how Lauer sets the tone and then how the panel tries to marginalize gun owners as some strange and exotic breed of American.

Dave Kopel Provides An Analysis Of 7th Circuit’s Illinois Carry Decision

In an interview with Cam Edwards of NRA News, Second Amendment scholar Dave Kopel analyzes the opinion of the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals in the Moore and Shepard cases.

He makes the point that Judge Richard Posner who wrote the decision is “the furthest thing from a libertarian” and had publicly disagreed with the Supreme Court’s reasoning in the Heller decision. However, Kopel said Posner was very smart and could read what the Supreme Court said (and meant) in that decision. If Posner had been a Supreme Court justice, his opinion might have been different. Since he wasn’t, Kopel said Posner wasn’t going to impose his own views on this case.

Emily Miller On SAF’s Illegal Mayors Initiative

In a follow-up to her Washington Times article on the Second Amendment Foundation’s push to point out all of Mayor Bloomberg’s illegal mayors, Emily Miller was interviewed by Cam Edwards of NRA News on Monday.

Emily discusses how MAIG jumps on any shooting “like white on rice”. She then discusses the background of some of the MAIG members and their criminal past (and present). Of course, this is not new information to anybody who has followed gun blogs for a while. Still, it is good that this info is getting out. Even better is that the NRA through NRA News is acknowledging the roll that the Second Amendment Foundation is playing in publicizing this information.

Clay Logan On The Possum Drop

The Possum Drop in Brasstown, North Carolina has been in the news a lot lately due to the suit brought by PETA to stop it. Cam Edwards of NRA News interviewed Clay Logan, owner of Clay’s Corner and the organizer of the Possum Drop, about his plans now that Administrative Law Judge Fred Morrison, Jr. ruled in PETA’s favor.

In a rather humorous interview, Mr. Logan noted that in all the years that they’ve had the Possum Drop not one opossum get scared or traumatized enough to “play possum” or act dead. I believe that says something there.

While the New Year’s Eve festivities will continue in Brasstown, Mr. Logan said he didn’t know what the guest of honor would be. He was noncommittal on whether or not they will just ignore the judge’s ruling and use a live opossum.

Frankly if they aren’t allowed to use a live opossum, I think they should put Ingrid Newkirk in the cage and use her. I’m sure she wouldn’t object as it would be a human in the cage and not a four-legged critter.