Some Good News Out Of Illinois

Finally, some good news on gun rights out of Illinois. Gov. Bruce Rauner (R-IL) vetoed SB 1657 which would have forced Illinois gun dealers to be licensed by both the Federal government and the state. It was legislation intended to eventually force the mom and pop gun shops out of business.

However, the fight is not over. There are other bills out there as well as the potential for Rauner’s veto to be overridden.

From ISRA:

Help Needed In Illinois To Defeat SB1657 Gun Dealer Licensing

The gun banners in the state of Illinois are trying to add another level of bureaucracy to firearms dealers. SB 1657 would require anyone selling more than nine guns a year to be licensed as a dealer. Dealers are already federally regulated by the BATFE. Despite the many questionable things done by BATFE, they do have the experience to work with FFLs to do inspections. I sincerely doubt that anyone at the Illinois State Police or any of the local police and sheriffs’ departments could say the same thing.

Illinois Carry released this alert this afternoon. If you live in Illinois and care about your gun rights, I’d suggest jumping on it.

Call to
Slips & Phone Calls Needed
The time is here. It is now. We
stand at a crossroads in Illinois. To one side, the freedoms guaranteed in the
Constitution. To the other, the oppression in SB1657 Gun Dealer Licensing, a bill
designed to close Illinois gun stores and, with them, foreclose our rights as
You know the reasons to oppose this
> Individuals transferring a
modest number of firearms must be licensed
> License fees are undefined and
unlimited – as high as $5,000 per year by some estimates
> Carve outs for “big box”
stores, making them exempt from this law, virtually guarantee the demise of
family owned gun stores
> Permission to operate a gun
store is required from the local Sheriff, meaning no gun stores in Cook County,
and none in other counties if their demographics change
> Contrary to Ezell v Chicago,
stores are not allowed within 500” of schools and day-care facilities
The list is long. Longer than
included here, but one thing is clear. Every page, every line, every word in
this bill is designed to eliminate existing gun stores and prevent new stores
from opening. And, in so doing, this bill is meant to strike a fatal blow to
the Second Amendment in Illinois.
You must make
a choice
Will you join thousands of other
Illinois gun owners and fight for your rights? Will you spread the word to
fellow gun owners, family, and friends? Will you file witness slips and make
phone calls opposing this bill?
Choose what is right. Choose action
Your State Representative!
Beginning tomorrow please call your
Illinois House Representatives to express your opposition to any form of state
licensing of gun dealers. Politely ask them to Vote No on SB1657, should
it come to a vote.
Contact information can be
found here.​
Witness Slips Needed!
In addition to phone calls, please
file witness slips opposing SB1657 Gun Dealer Licensing. This bill is scheduled
to be heard in committee the morning of May 16.
File Witness Slips Now!
To avoid having
to complete each field manually, 
 to your ILGA Dashboard (or Create
a New Account
 if you have not already done so) then
return to this email and click on the links for each witness slip. If you do
not wish to create an account, simply click on each witness slip link and
complete the required fields manually:
personal information. Enter “NA” for the Firm/Business or Agency and
Title fields unless you are officially representing an organization.
“Myself” unless representing an organization.
III. POSITION: Unless instructed
otherwise for a particular bill leave the description field at its default
value “Original Bill”. Indicate your position by selecting the
“Proponent” or “Opponent” radio button.
IV. TESTIMONY: Select the
“Record of Appearance Only” radio button.
If filing manually, complete the
Captcha challenge and agree to the ILGA Terms of Agreement.
Then click Create Slip.

Witness slips can be tracked here.

Let’s face it – the goal of this bill is to drive the mom and pop gun stores out of business. After that is done, they will go after the big boxes to make it undesirable for them to sell guns and they will fold like a deck of cards.

Making Amends?

The other controversy that seemed to hang over the NRA Annual Meeting was the report that the Illinois Firearms Manufacturers Association had gone neutral on an anti-gun bill in the Illinois General Assembly. The bill would add state oversight and licensing to gun dealers and manufacturers in addition to Federal oversight from BATFE. In exchange for going neutral on the bill, manufacturers were dropped from the bill which then passed the Illinois Senate. The vote there was 30-21 on the day before the Annual Meeting got started.

According to press releases sent out on Monday, there were unaware of what their lobbyist was doing. It got worse when it was reported that IFMA had made contributions to anti-gun politicians who used that money to defeat pro-gun candidates.

Both Springfield Armory and Rock River Arms evidently recognized the PR nightmare was getting worse and announced their resignations from IFMA. They obviously were determined not to be the next Smith & Wesson circa Year 2000.

Last night I received multiple emails from Springfield Armory asking people to contact their Illinois state representative to vote against SB 1657. I see this as an excellent move on Springfield Armory’s part. They are finally taking a pro-active stand. In case the link didn’t come through below, it is here.

Dear John,
The 2nd Amendment urgently needs your help in Illinois!
Illinois House of Representatives may consider Senate Bill 1657,
legislation that could put state gun dealers out of business, at any

It is imperative you share this with friends and family living in Illinois and strongly urge them to OPPOSE SB 1657!

 Screen Shot 2017-05-03 at 1.32.37 PM?noresize.png?noresize
1657 would create onerous mandatory regulations, fees potentially in
the thousands of dollars and excessive amounts of red tape that would
almost assuredly force the closure of many firearm dealers, and prevent
prospective owners from opening new ones.  The federal Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) already licenses and
closely monitors all federally licensed firearm dealers (FFLs) and
strictly enforces any violation of federal law.
SB 1657 goes far beyond federal law and is designed to shut down as many FFLs as possible.
please click the “Take Action” button above to contact your state
Representative and urge them to strongly oppose SB 1657!  Stay tuned to for further updates on this bill.