There Is A Special Place In Hell For These People

I don’t usually comment on things like this but I’ll make an exception here. For the last 4 1/2 years of her life, my mother was in a nursing home with dementia. The nurses and CNAs took exceptional care of her for which I’ll always be grateful.

Thus, when I read about a story like this one from Connecticut involving unionized nursing homes and workers affiliated with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), it makes my blood boil.

“In the hours leading up to the strike by the New England Health Care Employees Union, District 1199 SEIU (the Union) against five HealthBridge Management Health Care Centers in Connecticut, Union members engaged in multiple illegal and dangerous acts against Center residents,” reads a statement released by HealthBridge on Tuesday afternoon.

According to police reports obtained by The Daily Caller and reported Monday by the RedState blog, HealthBridge Management Health Care Centers alleged that union employees in at least three of its facilities intentionally mixed up or removed patient name plates, photos, medical bracelets and dietary advisories as they began their strike. Additionally, the police reports include allegations of both vandalism and larceny.

The median daily cost for a nursing home care in Connecticut last year was $385 per day. By contrast, the national median is $213 per day while the median cost in North Carolina is $190 per day.

There is absolutely no excuse for ever putting the patient’s health at risk, union work action or no union work action. As I said in the headline, there is a special place in hell for these people.


The Washington Post reports today that the Service Employees International Union’s NC affiliate, SEAC, has failed to get the 85,000 signatures needed to qualify their “party” for the November elections.

SEANC (State Employees Association of North Carolina) was mad at certain Blue Dog Democrat such as Congressmen Heath Shuler (D-11), Larry Kissell (D-8), and Mike McIntyre (D-7) who voted against Obama’s health care “reform” bill. To punish them, they planned on starting a third party called North Carolina First to elect a “real” Democrat instead of a more conservative Blue Dog.

They say they have recruited a candidate by the name of Wendell Fant to run in the 8th District against Rep. Larry Kissell. Democrats are afraid this might split the vote for Kissell, a first-term Congressman, and give the seat to the Republicans. And this is in the face of some brutal intercine warfare between the Republicans in the 8th District. I’m sure whomever the Republicans do select in the run-off primary is jumping up and down with joy at the prospect.

The Instapundit, Glenn Reynolds, commented on their failure saying “Remember, this isn’t a union made up of tough, disciplined coal miners. It’s a union made up of DMV clerks…” I’d go a step further and remind folks that SEANC is forbidden by law from striking and from engaging in collective bargaining. They are the ultimate Paper Tiger.