Tone Deaf

The powers-that-be at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives are tone deaf.

Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News posted this Tweet a couple of hours ago:

ATF Phoenix case agent Hope MacAllister –headed ATF’s controversial gunwalking op– today reportedly recvd national ATF “Lifesaving Award.”

Today, it was also confirmed by CBS News that “gunwalked” two AK-47 variants were found at the scene of a shoot-out in Mexico between authorities and the suspects in a high profile murder. The murder victim was the brother of a Mexican state attorney general.

CBS News has learned that U.S. officials called Mexico’s attorney general the day before last week’s gunwalker hearing to inform her of the link to the murder.

Mario Gonzalez Rodriguez, the brother of then-Chihuahua’s attorney general Patricia Gonzalez Rodriguez, was kidnapped in October.Hooded terrorists surrounding the handcuffed Rodriguez forced him to record a video statement that was widely-distributed in Mexico. His body was found in November.

I don’t know what Ms. MacAllister did to be awarded an ATF “Lifesaving Award” but it sure wasn’t protecting the innocent from the narco-terrorist thugs running much of Mexico. If you helped these thugs become armed, then you are complicit in the murders committed with them. To then get an award on top of this indicates a divorce from reality by the upper echelon in ATF’s Washington headquarters.

Overview Of Project Gunwalker On CBS Early Show

Sharyl Attkisson had a report on this morning’s CBS Early Show in which she gave an overview of Project Gunwalker. The overview was to preview what will come out at the hearings before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee next week. It is one of the better summations of the scandal that I’ve seen.

The accompanying story can be found here.

If you have friends, family, or even anti-gun friends who don’t get it, have them watch this video report. They will understand after viewing it.

The only quibble I have is calling the semi-automatic firearms “assault rifles” when they were not full-auto firearms.

I agree with David Codrea about getting a kick out of hearing Chris Wragge refer to it as the “gunwalker scandal”. After a descriptive name is attached to a scandal, it sticks like mud. Sen. Sam J. Ervin (D-NC) officially headed the Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities. Everyone knows it as the Watergate Committee. I hope the same will happen here.

Investigative Journalism Or Puff Piece?

Sharyl Attkisson, an investigative correspondent for CBS News, posted this yesterday on

CBS News is working on a report to get at the truth of the assault rifle sales to suspected straw purchasers. We are in need of firsthand information from people who have it. Our deadline is ASAP. We have a lot of information that’s been circulating, but we need to talk to sources directly. You do NOT have to appear on television or be quoted on TV by name (although it would be extremely helpful to have those types of sources too). We can just start with a phone conversation. We are very experienced in dealing with whistleblowers and covert sources.

Please contact soonest and pass along our contact info if you know others who might be willing to talk to us:

Sharyl Attkisson


Picture was included with Attkisson’s post.

Given the so-far fruitless efforts by David Codrea and Mike Vanderboegh to get the mainstream press to report on the story, I am wondering if this is the break they were hoping for. As David has commented many times, the reporters he has spoken with want his list of contacts including the whistle-blowers. As he rightly notes, talking to a reporter gives a whistle-blower no legal protection; talking to a sitting U.S. Senator and his staff under the provisions of Federal law does provide some legal protection to the whistle-blower.

If Attkisson is serious about doing an in-depth story on Project Gunwalker, I wish her luck and success. If it is just a puff piece, well…..