Call Roger Goodman At 1-800-BAD-GUNZ

Comedian Steven Crowder calls out gun controllers in this parody called “Rogue Guns”. I think one of the reasons that parody is such an effective political tool is that it is so close to the truth.

In this case, how many times have we heard the gun blamed rather than the person using it? The answer is much too often. A gun or a knife or even a Martha Stewart marble rolling pin are all tools until they are misused.

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I love parody. I just love how it takes the pompous down a peg or two. Comedian Steven Crowder does parody really well. Just look at his parody of Lena Dunham and her “first time” ad for Obama.

UPDATE: Another parody of the Lena Dunham “first time” ad.  This one comes from TokenLibertarianGirl who does a really good job of nailing Dunham’s insipidness.