Josh Powell replied to the court’s inquiry yesterday by email. The reply confirmed one thing that is in the works. Powell is trying to work a deal with the New York Attorney General’s Office. If you look at the third item in his response, you see he hopes that by the end of this week that a “stipulation of settlement” and an “order of dismissal” will be entered.
As I noted with regard to the New York Times article, Powell is the most vulnerable of the defendants in the case. Thus, it is not surprising that he is seeking a settlement with the Attorney General’s Office.
Powell states he is not able to retain counsel. He goes on to say that he was informed that the NRA’s D&O (Directors and Officers) insurance coverage will not cover his legal bills and that any leftover monies will go to pay the NRA’s fees. What this tells me is that given Powell has crossed the NRA with his tell-all book they are hanging him out to dry. It is also a not so subtle warning to anyone else such as former First VP Willes Lee they better stick to the NRA’s party line as promulgated by Bill Brewer or else they will suffer the consequences.