Celebrating The State Run Media

President Barack Obama’s Twitter feed is celebrating the role that his campaign organization spin-off Organizing for Action and its supporters have played in getting media attention for gun control.

It really shouldn’t be that hard for them as the mainstream media – both nationally and locally – is just an extension of the White House’s Communications Office.

Is it just me or does having a personal propaganda organization outside of the normal channels seem a bit too reminiscent of the cult of personality that was built up around Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, and others of their ilk?

It’s Not All Violence They Oppose

The Coalition To Stop Gun Violence (sic) does not oppose all violence. They are on record in support of state-sponsored violence.

Thus, given their recent jihad against blogger Kurt Hofmann which includes trying to get the FBI involved by saying Kurt is engaging in treason, sedition, and incitement to violence, I think this is the scenario that they’d like to see.

These guys would arrive:

Armed with this:

They would toss in one of these:

With this as the result:

Why? Because they feel threatened by ideas. Ideas that are different than their own collectivist ideas. Ideas that come from the grassroots and not from some top-down organization like CSGV. Ideas that promote freedom and self-responsibility.

If they had their way, America would have a People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs (otherwise known as the NKVD which became the KGB) to seek out those of us who differ ideologically from them. When people called them out in defense of Kurt, they responded with this:


As I called them yesterday, totalitarian thugs.That is all they are and all they will ever be.