The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence likes to cast aspersions on gun rights activists. Their Facebook and Twitter posts are littered with the terms “gun extremist”, “insurrectionist”, and “treason”. I, for one, have been labeled a “gun extremist” because I dared to question the sainted Carolyn McCarthy’s continued use of her family tragedy for political purposes. However, being called a “gun extremist” is not in the same league as being accused of “treason”.
Kurt Hofmann is one of those who has been called a traitor by CSGV and Ladd Everitt. In his St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner column for Thursday, he discussed how Ladd Everitt and the CSGV are engaging in a new McCarthyism. He notes that, just like Sen. Joe McCarthy, CSGV likes to toss around accusations of treason with the same amount of proof as the late Senator. In other words, none.
Kurt concludes:
A nation of people who meekly accept the notion that they commit “treason,” merely by stating the obvious fact that the Second Amendment exists to guarantee their ability to resist government tyranny, is indeed a nation of sheep. That’s the nation the CSGV would like to see the U.S. become.
Over my dead body, CSGV–and I won’t die alone.
Treason is an ugly word. Those who would toss it around it with impunity need to be called out on it. Kudos to Kurt for exposing the neo-McCarthyism of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence for what it is.