Quote Of The Day

Saturday a week ago, TSA officials in Florida forced a 95 year-old woman who has terminal leukemia to remove her adult diaper to be inspected. They claimed to have found something “suspicious” on her leg.

Tam at View from the Porch had this to say about this outrage, TSA’s support of the ghoulish thugs who perpetrated this on an elderly woman, and a culture that would allow it.

Seriously, have we reached a point where we, as a nation, are so pants-pissingly scared of a bunch of self-immolating neolithic goatherds that we are willing to inflict any indignity on any citizen at any time rather than expose ourselves to the slightest bit of risk?

I couldn’t agree more. If our forefathers had this same level of risk aversion, we’d still be a colony and the National Anthem would be God Save the Queen.

H/T Markos

Powerful Video On SWAT Team Excesses

I just saw this video this morning courtesy of Everyday No Days Off blog. It is produced by Reason TV.

In the light of the Jose Guerena murder (and yes, it was murder) by the Pima County Sheriffs Department SWAT Team, the Department of Education SWAT raid on the wrong house in Stockton, California, and all the other wrong house, wrong person, excessive force no-knock raids, this video deserves to be seen by a wider audience. Pass it on to friends, family, and co-workers.

Guide To Gun Prohibitionists

Thirdpower at the Days of our Trailers blog has done all in the gun community a big favor. He has compiled a “Primer for Gun Control Groups in the US”. It details the members of the gun control industry in the United States, their major money sources, and their leaders.

This is definitely an important contribution to keeping an eye on those who would deny us our civil rights.

Thirdpower also has a post up today on the most recent recipients of grants from the Joyce Foundation. One of the more interesting grants was “a total of $790K to NewVentureFund to “support the development and launch of a new online organization. “

Charles Heller To Head JPFO

The search for a new Executive Director of Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership extended from Wisconsin to Arizona. Charles Heller, one of the four co-founders of the Arizona Citizens Defense League, was named to succeed the late Aaron Zelman who passed away in late December. Heller’s appointment was announced on June 23rd.

With the passing of Aaron Zelman, not only did American freedom lose a great warrior, but JPFO lost its Founder and Executive Director. At the proper time, the search began for a new Executive Director. That person needed to be deeply educated in the gun rights battle, media savvy, politically savvy, and have solid firearms industry contacts. There was also no doubt whatsoever that our new organizational leader needed to be one hundred percent “hard core no compromise” regarding the Second Amendment and the morality of self defense — just like JPFO.

We have found that person in Charles Heller of Tucson Arizona. Over the past month or so, as JPFO’s Rabbinic Director, I have worked with Charles on all of our JPFO projects. Charles and I are of one mind with regard to JPFO’s course and strategies. Charles is a patriot, a true believer in American freedom, and a visionary of America’s great potential. I am proud to be working shoulder to shoulder with him at Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. We stand together in the fight for your freedom!

Please join me in welcoming our new Executive Director, Charles Heller, and offering your blessings of success in his new role.

As always, thank you for your support.
Shalom, Rabbi Dovid Bendory, Rabbinic Director, JPFO

The Arizona Citizens Defense League had this to say, in part, about Heller’s appointment in an alert sent out yesterday.

Charles is one of AzCDL’s co-founders and our Communication’s Director. Through his media savvy and extensive networking Charles has played a critical role in the successful passage of legislation that AzCDL has requested and supported over the last 6 years.

Charles is also the host of Swap Shop, Liberty Watch, and America Armed & Free radio programs on KVOI in Tucson, and has been on the air for 13 years (http://www.libertywatchradio.com/).

I had the opportunity to meet and chat with Mr. Heller in San Francisco at last year’s Gun Rights Policy Conference. He was responsible for recording all the sessions of the Conference and did a great job. I wish him great success in his new position.

Codrea’s Journalist Guide To Project Gunwalker Hits Fourth Volume

David Codrea, National Gun Rights columnist for the Examiner.com, has been assembling what he calls his “A Journalist Guide to ‘Project Gunwalker'” since the early days of the scandal. It includes all the links to stories by David and by Mike Vanderboegh on Operation Fast and Furious and Project Gunrunner. It was originally intended to point out to the mainstream media just what they had been ignoring.

He has now begun the fourth volume of this guide which presents the stories in chronological order. I have included links below. They serve as an excellent reference guide to the scandal.

Part Four

Part Three

Part Two

Part One

Issa Staffer: Project Gunwalker Doesn’t Stop At Ken Melson

This is an interview that Cam Edwards of NRA News had with Matthew Boyle of The Daily Caller to discuss Project Gunwalker. Included is part of an interview with House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa who flatly states that Attorney General Eric Holder will be the last witness called. He goes on to explain that they are taking a bottom-up approach to the investigation and started at the lowest level.