Fireworks And Ken Melson?

In a public service message released yesterday on YouTube by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Acting Director Kenneth Melson warns of the dangers of fireworks as we approach the 4th of July. For a moment I thought he was alluding to the impact of his testimony if he is allowed to testify before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee but I guess not.

I don’t know when this video was recorded. However, when you combine this video with the Gay Pride Observance held earlier this week, they seem to be using these mundane events to promote the image that everything is peachy keen at ATF. It has the same impact as a little kid holding his hands over his ears and singing so as not to hear bad news – it doesn’t change anything.

Damning With Faint Praise

By now, virtually everyone in the gun community knows that Paul Helmke is leaving as President of the Brady Campaign. While there is some discussion on whether he walked away on his own accord or was pushed out, the bottom line is that he will be gone effective July.

I found the release from the Brady Campaign announcing his departure and his accomplishments somewhat lacking in substance. Some of these “accomplishments” remind me of Good Penmanship Awards from grammar school. They are nice but not indicative of any substantial accomplishment unlike making the Honor Roll in the pre-grade inflation days.

Take, for example, the accomplishment listed as “leading the Starbuck ‘open carry’ campaign.” I’m sorry but Starbucks still allows open carry and told the Brady Campaign to pound sand over the issue. If that is an accomplishment, then what do they consider a failure?

Paul Helmke Departs Brady After Busy, Fruitful, Five-year Term As Brady President
Long-Time Public Servant Blazed Trails, Strengthened Movement

Jun 24, 2011

WASHINGTON, D.C. – With a great deal of sadness and overwhelming gratitude, the Brady Campaign and Brady Center today announced that Paul Helmke will end his five-year-tenure as Brady president on July 10 and begin the next chapter in his life and his long career of public service.

“When the Brady Boards hired me as President in 2006, I committed to remain in the job for at least five years. July 10 will mark the end of five busy, active, challenging, exciting, and fruitful years – and will be my last day as President,” said Helmke in a memo to the organization’s staff.

Jim and Sarah Brady expressed deep gratitude to Helmke for his outstanding commitment to the organization and the movement.

“Jim and I thank Paul for his wonderful work over the past five years. He has poured his life and soul into both the Brady Campaign and Brady Center,” said Sarah Brady, Chair of the Brady organizations. “He is a man of the highest integrity who has worked tirelessly to keep Americans safer for so many years, long before his tenure with us. His accomplishments are too numerous to mention, but we are delighted that he has made our voice louder and our movement stronger. We both will miss him as a friend and a leader.”

“The Board is grateful to Paul for his many accomplishments over the last five years, and his dedicated and tireless service to Brady and the gun violence prevention movement,” said Board Chair William Harwood. “Paul helped blaze new trails for Brady and the movement. He helped us focus extraordinary national attention on the tragedy of American gun violence, and along the way laid a strong foundation from which we will excitedly continue to strengthen this organization and our movement.”

Helmke also announced that although he will leave as CEO on July 10, he will remain through the end of July to help with the transition to new leadership.

Among the well-liked and highly-respected former mayor’s many accomplishments with the Brady organizations are these:

  • responding to the decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court in Heller and McDonald in a way that makes legislation implementing common sense restrictions on guns more likely in the future;
  • helping pass the NICS Improvement Act in 2007, which law has already helped spur the addition of another million records to the Brady background check system;
  • engaging a new generation of victim advocates, such as Virginia Tech survivor Colin Goddard, in the fight for sensible gun laws;
  • supporting the filming, release and distribution of two new documentaries on the gun issue — Living for 32 and Gunfight;
  • pursuing an aggressive media strategy, including national television and radio, as well as local, newspapers, magazines, and web outlets;
  • the Faiths United to Prevent Gun Violence initiative;
  • beginning relationships with professional athletes such as Plaxico Burress;
  • advancing Brady’s “assault clips” campaign and targeted district strategy;
  • enlisting 100+ sponsors for bills to close the gun show loophole and ban assault clips;
  • implementing successful defensive efforts in the states to stop “guns on campus” as well as helping pass strong pro-active legislation in places like California;
  • leading the Starbucks “open carry” campaign;
  • steering the organization through the most serious economic downturn since the Great Depression;
  • supporting the writing and promotion of a new book on the gun issue, Lethal Logic by Dennis Henigan;
  • getting more attention from the White House, Administration, as well as many leaders on the Hill than in the past decade;
  • budgeting for new investment in donors that resulted in thousands of new donors and supporters.

Sharyl Attkisson On Another Murder Linked To Gunwalked AK’s

Sharyl Attkisson reported on-air on the CBS Early Show this morning about 2 AK-47 variants that were found at the scene of a shoot-out between Mexican police and narco-terrorist thugs implicated in the murder of the brother of the former Attorney General for the state of Chihuahua. She also discusses the firing of whistle-blower Vince Cefalu by the ATF as well as the “livesaving” award for ATF Agent Hope MacAllister.

ISRA Responds To Chicago Police Head’s Racist Rant Against The NRA And Gun Owners

Richard Pearson, Executive Director of the Illinois State Rifle Association, released this alert and statement regarding Chicago Police Superintendent Gerry McCarthy’s racist rant against gun owners, Sarah Palin, the NRA, and Federal firearms laws delivered to the primarily African-American congregation of St. Sabina’s Catholic Church in Chicago. If you haven’t seen the video, I posted it here a couple of days ago.


Fellow Law-Abiding Firearm Owners:

As many of you may already know, Chicago’s new police superintendant, Gerry McCarthy, recently delivered an address on the topic of gun control to the parishioners of Fr. Pfleger’s St. Sabina’s Church. For those of you who have not seen the video of McCarthy’s address, you may find it at this link:

Certainly, none of us would expect McCarthy to discuss how traditional gun control policies seek to disarm law-abiding citizens while ignoring violent criminals. Likewise, we wouldn’t expect to hear McCarthy place the blame for violent crime on a justice system that woefully fails to apprehend, convict and rehabilitate society’s most dangerous elements. No, we’d never expect to hear McCarthy utter the truth about one of the most contentious issues of the day.

As much as we wouldn’t expect to hear McCarthy speak in opposition to gun control, it is equally certain that few of us were prepared to hear what actually came from McCarthy’s mouth when he spoke to the St. Sabina’s congregation. After several minutes of gratuitous self-promotion, McCarthy launched into a racially-charged tirade in which he accused the NRA and law-abiding gun owners of participating in a government-sponsored program to kill Black people.

Like most of you, we believe an assertion such as McCarthy’s is too nutty to dignify with a response. But listening to McCarthy’s rant causes us to pause and ponder the Chicago Police Department’s own record on race relations. Furthermore, given McCarthy’s background, would any of the readers venture a guess as to who McCarthy blames for crime and violence when he’s safe at home among his family and personal friends?

Gerry McCarthy’s verbal attack on law-abiding citizens serves as an affront to law-enforcement officers everywhere. But, then again, any suggestion that McCarthy is a law-enforcement officer is a sham. Rather, McCarthy is merely another in a long line of political hacks who have resided in the office of police superintendant. McCarthy’s job description has nothing to do with law-enforcement and everything to do with enforcing the political agenda of his boss, Rahm Emanuel. Of course, as we know, Emanuel’s agenda seeks the eventual prohibition of private firearm ownership.

Probably the most ironic thing about McCarthy’s speech to St. Sabina’s parishioners is that McCarthy delivered his address while standing only a few feet away from Rev. Mike Pfleger. Let us not forget that, a few years ago, Pfleger urged attendees at a gun control rally to go out and murder gun shop owners and politicians who vote against gun control laws.

McCarthy’s speech at St. Sabina’s is a mere preview of what law-abiding firearm owners can expect out of the Emanuel administration in the months ahead. Watch the video of McCarthy’s performance at St. Sabina’s and you will see what we’re up against. And, as always, we really need your financial support to help contain and defeat the Emanuel Gun Grabbing Machine. So, once you’ve watched the video, please make a generous donation to the ISRA so that Emanuel’s dream of a gun-free Illinois doesn’t wind up becoming your nightmare.

Also, please pass this alert on to your friends and relatives. Be sure to post this alert to any and all Internet blogs and bulletin boards to which you belong.

Remember, gun control is a disease and you are the cure.


Richard A. Pearson
Executive Director
Illinois State Rifle Association

GRNC On Signing Of HB 650 By Governor Perdue

As might be expected, Grass Roots North Carolina is very, very happy that the Castle Doctrine was signed by Governor Perdue. Their statement on this is below:

Your Efforts Rewarded

Congratulations! Your calls and emails have proven once again the power you wield. Despite an orchestrated effort by anti-gunners and their associates in the media to depict this bill as dangerous with little public support, HB 650 has been signed into law by Governor Beverly Perdue.

Once it became clear that all our provisions had to be included in one large gun bill, GRNC fought to include Castle Doctrine and Carry in Parks provisions in this bill. Of course none of this would have been possible had GRNC not managed to remove former House Majority Leader Hugh Holliman from his position in the last election. Holliman had blocked Castle Doctrine from coming to a vote for several years. The Parks Carry provision caps an effort GRNC spearheaded dating back to 1997. You – our supporters – have accomplished a vast amount in this one session on the heels of your hard work in the last election.

GRNC rewards cooperation. In this spirit, Governor Perdue has managed to raise her GRNC star rating due to her timely signing of this valuable law.

Thank These People:

Rep. Mark Hilton – 919-733-5988,
Sen. Buck Newton – (919) 715-3030,
Gov. Beverly Perdue – Phone: (800) 662-7952 or (919) 733-2391, Fax: (919) 733-2120,

H.R.2252 — Citizens’ Self-Defense Act of 2011

The text of HR 2252 – Citizens’ Self-Defense Act of 2011 – is below.

The key section of the bill is Section 3. It asserts that individuals have the right to obtain a firearm for self-defense (unless otherwise prohibited) and to use that firearm in the defense of self, family, and home. To enforce this legal right, the individual has the right to sue in U.S. District Court for both damages and injunctive relief from any Federal, state, or local governmental body or individual who violates this right to self-defense.

I think I was wrong to speculate that this was a Federal castle doctrine in a post yesterday. This bill does not go that far and does not include the legal presumption that an attacker means to cause you grievous bodily injury or death. That said, it does enshrine the right to keep and bear arms for self-defense as decided in D.C. v. Heller and gives the individual the means to protect that right in Federal court.

1st Session

H. R. 2252

To protect the right to obtain firearms for security, and to use firearms in defense of self, family, or home, and to provide for the enforcement of such right.


June 21, 2011

Mr. Bartlett (for himself, Mr. Simpson, Mr. Posey, Mr. Burton of Indiana, Mr. Latta, Mr. Calvert, Mr. Hall, Mr. Duncan of Tennessee, Mr. Marchant, Mr. Mica, Mr. McCotter, Mr. Ross of Florida, Mrs. Miller of Michigan, Mr. Forbes, Mr. Brooks, Mr. Gingrey of Georgia, Mr. Flores, Mr. Franks of Arizona, and Mrs. Schmidt) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary


To protect the right to obtain firearms for security, and to use firearms in defense of self, family, or home, and to provide for the enforcement of such right.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

SECTION 1. Short title.

This Act may be cited as the “Citizens’ Self-Defense Act of 2011”.

SEC. 2. Findings.

The Congress finds the following:

(1) Police cannot protect, and are not legally liable for failing to protect, individual citizens, as evidenced by the following:

(A) The courts have consistently ruled that the police do not have an obligation to protect individuals, only the public in general. For example, in Warren v. District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department, 444 A.2d 1 (D.C. App. 1981), the court stated: “[C]ourts have without exception concluded that when a municipality or other governmental entity undertakes to furnish police services, it assumes a duty only to the public at large and not to individual members of the community.”.

(B) Former Florida Attorney General Jim Smith told Florida legislators that police responded to only 200,000 of 700,000 calls for help to Dade County authorities.

(C) The United States Department of Justice found that, in 1989, there were 168,881 crimes of violence for which police had not responded within 1 hour.

(2) Citizens frequently must use firearms to defend themselves, as evidenced by the following:

(A) Every year, more than 2,400,000 people in the United States use a gun to defend themselves against criminals—or more than 6,500 people a day. This means that, each year, firearms are used 60 times more often to protect the lives of honest citizens than to take lives.

(B) Of the 2,400,000 self-defense cases, more than 192,000 are by women defending themselves against sexual abuse.

(C) Of the 2,400,000 times citizens use their guns to defend themselves every year, 92 percent merely brandish their gun or fire a warning shot to scare off their attackers. Less than 8 percent of the time, does a citizen kill or wound his or her attacker.

(3) Law-abiding citizens, seeking only to provide for their families’ defense, are routinely prosecuted for brandishing or using a firearm in self-defense. For example:

(A) In 2001, a grand jury had to rule on the case of 2 brothers that used firearms to protect their lives and their livelihood for their involvement in a fatal shooting in Reisterstown, Maryland. The grand jury decided not to press criminal charges. The brothers, at the time, had encountered several burglaries at their concrete business. The brothers spent the night in their warehouse armed with shotguns. One night at 1:00 in the morning the burglars returned and the brothers shot and killed 1 burglar and injured 2 of the others. The 2 injured men were charged with burglary and 2 others were charged with burglary in connection with burglaries that had occurred in a previous month at the brother’s warehouse. Burglary is known to be a violent crime and the brothers were particularly worried when they realized a gun of theirs had been stolen in a previous break-in.

(B) In 2008, a Waukegan, Illinois, store clerk shot and injured a robber. According to news reports, there was potential the clerk could face criminal charges, even though he acted in self-defense. The store clerk did not have a firearm owner’s identification card and would be charged with a State firearms violation. Additionally, Illinois law does not allow employees to carry a gun in a place of business. Rather, the law only allows individuals to carry a gun in a place of business if that individual is the owner or has proprietary interest.

(C) In September 2009, a Lithonia homeowner from Dekalb County, Georgia, was charged with aggravated assault after he shot someone who was trying to knock down the door of his home as an attempt to break into the residence. According to the neighbors, there had been trouble in the neighborhood before. A police spokesperson said the homeowner was charged because the robber was technically not inside the home. The suspected robber was charged with attempted burglary.

(D) In January 2004, Wilmette, Illinois, police charged and convicted a homeowner with misdemeanors for owning 2 handguns and violating the village handgun ban ordinance. The homeowner was also faced with a potential $750 fine for failing to renew his Illinois firearm owner’s identification card. These charges were brought after he shot a home intruder. The resident stated, “My Plan A is to call 911 and keep the family upstairs … But my Plan B is to have a loaded firearm and put a bullet in the intruder.” The intruder entered the house 2 times, once through a dog door and the second time with a stolen house key. The homeowner had just put his children to bed when his security system was set off. The homeowner went downstairs and confronted and shot the intruder. The intruder jumped through a window and stole the family’s car to go to the hospital. The intruder was charged with 2 counts of residential burglary and 1 count of possession of a stolen vehicle.

(4) The courts have granted immunity from prosecution to police officers who use firearms in the line of duty. Similarly, law-abiding citizens who use firearms to protect themselves, their families, and their homes against violent felons should not be subject to lawsuits by the violent felons who sought to victimize them.

SEC. 3. Right to obtain firearms for security, and to use firearms in defense of self, family, or home; enforcement.

(a) Reaffirmation of right.—A person not prohibited from receiving a firearm by section 922(g) of title 18, United States Code, shall have the right to obtain firearms for security, and to use firearms—

(1) in defense of self or family against a reasonably perceived threat of imminent and unlawful infliction of serious bodily injury;

(2) in defense of self or family in the course of the commission by another person of a violent felony against the person or a member of the person’s family; and

(3) in defense of the person’s home in the course of the commission of a felony by another person.

(b) Firearm defined.—As used in subsection (a), the term “firearm” means—

(1) a shotgun (as defined in section 921(a)(5) of title 18, United States Code);

(2) a rifle (as defined in section 921(a)(7) of title 18, United States Code); or

(3) a handgun (as defined in section 10 of Public Law 99–408).

(c) Enforcement of right.—

(1) IN GENERAL.—A person whose right under subsection (a) is violated in any manner may bring an action in any United States district court against the United States, any State, or any person for damages, injunctive relief, and such other relief as the court deems appropriate.
(2) AUTHORITY TO AWARD A REASONABLE ATTORNEY’S FEE.—In an action brought under paragraph (1), the court, in its discretion, may allow the prevailing plaintiff a reasonable attorney’s fee as part of the costs.

(3) STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS.—An action may not be brought under paragraph (1) after the 5-year period that begins with the date the violation described in paragraph (1) is discovered.

HR 2252: A National Castle Doctrine?

Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD) has introduced HR 2252 on Tuesday. While the text of the bill is not available, the working title is “To protect the right to obtain firearms for security, and to use firearms in defense of self, family, or home, and to provide for the enforcement of such right.”

This sounds almost like a national castle doctrine to me. We won’t know for sure until the text of the bill is released.

Currently, HR 2252 has 18 co-sponsors including:

Rep Brooks, Mo [AL-5]
Rep Burton, Dan [IN-5]
Rep Calvert, Ken [CA-44]
Rep Duncan, John J., Jr. [TN-2]
Rep Flores, Bill [TX-17]
Rep Forbes, J. Randy [VA-4]
Rep Franks, Trent [AZ-2]
Rep Gingrey, Phil [GA-11]
Rep Hall, Ralph M. [TX-4]
Rep Latta, Robert E. [OH-5]
Rep Marchant, Kenny [TX-24]
Rep McCotter, Thaddeus G. [MI-11]
Rep Mica, John L. [FL-7]
Rep Miller, Candice S. [MI-10]
Rep Posey, Bill [FL-15]
Rep Ross, Dennis [FL-12]
Rep Schmidt, Jean [OH-2]
Rep Simpson, Michael K. [ID-2]

As soon as the text of the bill is available, I will post it. The bill has been referred to the House Judiciary Committee.

Attention North Carolinians! Want HB 650 Signed? Call Perdue Now! (updated)

I spoke with Governor Bev Perdue’s office today to inquire about the status of HB 650 which amends a number of North Carolina’s gun laws and, more importantly, adopts the Castle Doctrine. It has not been signed yet.

Gov. Perdue has until June 30th to either veto HB 650 or allow it to be passed with or without her signature. Under the North Carolina Constitution, a bill passed by the General Assembly can only be vetoed by the affirmative action of the governor. In other words, North Carolina does not have the pocket veto whereby a bill is vetoed if not signed within 10 days. Thus, if Perdue does nothing against the bill, it will become law regardless of whether she actually signs the bill or not.

In my chat with the Governor’s Office I found out that they are keeping a tally on each bill passed by the General Assembly to see whether the caller wants the bill signed or vetoed. They also implied that Perdue is holding off on HB 650 until the last moment to see what the popular sentiment is on the bill.

Call her office now! It is a toll-free call – 800-662-7952 – and say you want HB 650 signed. That is all you have to do. You don’t have to present them with any arguments why she should sign it – just say sign it. If you live in the Raleigh area, the local number is 919-733-2391. All they will ask is your name and county.

We have fought too long and too hard to see this bill vetoed. While the numbers are there for a veto override, why should be there be any more delay in advancing your gun rights?

Pass this on to pro-gun friends and family!

Sean at An NC Gun Blog has more on this bill as well as a report from WRAL on the bill’s chances of being signed.

UPDATE: According to a Tweet from WRAL, Governor Perdue has signed HB 650.

Perdue has signed “Run and You’re Done,” omnibus gun rights bill, E-verify, “founding principles,” opt-out for corp punishmt, 17 more #ncga

UPDATE II: According to Laura Leslie, Capitol Bureau Chief of WRAL, Governor Perdue signed 22 bills, allowed one to become law without her signature, and vetoed one bill. Included in the signed bills was HB 650. The vetoed bill was a bill that required voters to present a picture ID in order to vote.

As she works through the more than 200 bills state lawmakers sent her last week, Gov. Bev Perdue released a list of 22 bills signed today, and one she allowed to become law without her signature.

HB 650 Omnibus Gun Bill – This bill makes multiple changes across an array of statutes related to gun possession and use. The bill’s most significant change is implementing the castle doctrine in North Carolina.

Tone Deaf

The powers-that-be at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives are tone deaf.

Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News posted this Tweet a couple of hours ago:

ATF Phoenix case agent Hope MacAllister –headed ATF’s controversial gunwalking op– today reportedly recvd national ATF “Lifesaving Award.”

Today, it was also confirmed by CBS News that “gunwalked” two AK-47 variants were found at the scene of a shoot-out in Mexico between authorities and the suspects in a high profile murder. The murder victim was the brother of a Mexican state attorney general.

CBS News has learned that U.S. officials called Mexico’s attorney general the day before last week’s gunwalker hearing to inform her of the link to the murder.

Mario Gonzalez Rodriguez, the brother of then-Chihuahua’s attorney general Patricia Gonzalez Rodriguez, was kidnapped in October.Hooded terrorists surrounding the handcuffed Rodriguez forced him to record a video statement that was widely-distributed in Mexico. His body was found in November.

I don’t know what Ms. MacAllister did to be awarded an ATF “Lifesaving Award” but it sure wasn’t protecting the innocent from the narco-terrorist thugs running much of Mexico. If you helped these thugs become armed, then you are complicit in the murders committed with them. To then get an award on top of this indicates a divorce from reality by the upper echelon in ATF’s Washington headquarters.