Greg Buchel Of Big Horn Armory Gets It!

Greg Buchel is the president and owner of Big Horn Armory. His company makes some of the most interesting pistol caliber lever actions on the market. Want something in .500 S&W, you got it. Maybe something a little smaller such as .454 Casull but with a 16″ octagonal barrel and fancy wood? He’s got you covered.

Thus, I think it notable that he just sent out a letter to all his customers endorsing the Elect A New NRA slate of candidates. Greg is Benefactor Life Member who got tired like so many of us of supporting Wayne’s excesses and he wants those who supported that former status quo gone.

Here is his letter:

More Info on Candidates and Issues


Greg Buchel
Big Horn Armory, Inc.

I want to thank Greg for taking this step. I doubt he will the only one within the firearms and shooting industry to say this but it takes fortitude to step up and put your company’s name behind it.

You should be getting your ballot in the mail this week with your magazine. If you subscribe digitally, it will be coming in the mail.

One thought on “Greg Buchel Of Big Horn Armory Gets It!”

  1. Thanks to you and Greg Buchel for this. I have never been one to bash the NRA for compromising since I have spent too much of my life hanging around legislatures to not understand the need for tactical compromises at times. However, the corruption and mismanagement is another thing entirely.

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