Ballots for the 2025 NRA Board of Directors election should be arriving this week in the official journals (Am Hunter, Am Rifleman, Shooting Illustrated, and America’s First Freedom). For those who take the magazine in digital format, you should be receiving your ballot in the mail.
However, what should you do if neither the magazine or the ballot arrives? I asked NRA Secretary John Frazer this question and here is his answer.
Any issues involving damaged or potentially lost ballots should be reported to the regular Membership phone number at 1-800-672-3888. One of the staff there will take a full report so that we can assess each situation individually.
As you correctly note, especially early in the process, people should wait a couple of weeks before reporting their ballots as lost. The mail does get backed up from time to time. If the current run of weather continues, we can probably expect more delays.
The one thing to remember is that you can only vote for 28 candidates. This includes the two write-in candidates – Charles Brown and Paul Babaz. Any votes over that amount will spoil your ballot and cause it to not be counted.
We are encouraging voting members to vote the entire slate found at The rationale has changed from bullet voting as has been urged in the past. The new rationale of voting a full ticket of 28 reformers is to close any opportunity for one of the old guard aka Friends of Wayne aka the cabal to slip back into office. If your conscience doesn’t allow you to vote for any one particular candidate on the reform slate, I might suggest Mark Shuell as an alternative candidate. I have spoken with Mark and his heart seems in the right place. He is not part of the cabal’s list of endorsed candidates.
John for your information the WNC Friends of NRA will be holding our yearly banquet February 28 at the Crowne Plaza Expo Center in Asheville. Doors open at 6 PM. This will be the 33rd year for this event. You can go on line and buy your tickets or contact me at 828-606-3080.
We certainly like to have you attend
My wife and I plan to attend. I meant to buy our tickets last week.
Thank you for the invite as well.
In years past, a Friday banquet just didn’t work for me as by Friday I was wiped out.