The 2012 Democrat Platform On Firearms

The Democrats finally released their platform yesterday evening. With regard to firearms and firearm rights, it is a study in contrasts with the Republican platform which was ardently pro-gun rights. It is full of the gun prohibitionists’ favorite codewords like “commonsense” and “reasonable” along with their usual so-called respect for the Second Amendment.

Firearms. We recognize that the individual right to bear arms is an important part of the American tradition, and we will preserve Americans’ Second Amendment right to own and use firearms. We believe that the right to own firearms is subject to reasonable regulation. We understand the terrible consequences of gun violence; it serves as a reminder that life is fragile, and our time here is limited and precious. We believe in an honest, open national conversation about firearms. We can focus on effective enforcement of existing laws, especially strengthening our background check system, and we can work together to enact commonsense improvements – like reinstating the assault weapons ban and closing the gun show loophole – so that guns do not fall into the hands of those irresponsible, law-breaking few.

If you wondered what a second Obama term meant for gun owners the road map is right in front of us. Private sales will be outlawed which is what they mean by their use of the oxymoron “gun show loophole”. Moreover, when they say they will reinstate the assault weapons (sic) ban, you can rest assured that it won’t be like the Clinton-era ban which had many loopholes in it. They will have learned their lesson from before and you can expect any new ban to be draconian.

Elsewhere in the platform, the Democrats talk about future Supreme Court nominations and applaud the selections of both Sotomayor and Kagan.

That’s why President Obama appointed two distinguished jurists to the Supreme Court: Justices Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor. Moving forward, we will continue to nominate and confirm judges who are men and women of unquestionable talent and character and will always demonstrate their faithfulness to our law and our Constitution and bring with them a sense of how American society works and how the American people live.

You should remember back to Justice Sotomayor’s confirmation hearings where she declared that the Second Amendment was settled law. She promptly then was one of the dissenting votes in McDonald v. Chicago. If just one of the majority in Heller and McDonald dies or retires during a second Obama term, you can fully expect your Second Amendment freedoms to be at risk. You should also remember that most cases never advance beyond the District Court and Circuit Courts of Appeal and that stacking these courts with anti-gun appointees will also put your rights at risk.

The Democrats have said what they plan to do in a second Obama term and I believe them. As a gun owner and one that believes in gun rights, I plan to do everything I can to make sure that second term never happens.

“I expect the crowd in power to destroy everything…” – The Anchoress

Elizabeth Scalia – The Anchoress – is a Catholic blogger who tends to blog about things like the feast days of various Catholic saints, the Catholic Church, and the intersection of religion and politics. She is a Benedictine Oblate or lay religious who has made “a promise to a monastery to live a spiritual life patterned after the Rule of St. Benedict.”

Thus, when she has a blog post about people arming themselves, buying ammo, and prepping in general out of a fear of what Obama and his cronies will do to stay in power, I pay attention. Frankly, this is something I would more likely expect to read on James Wesley, Rawles’ SurvivalBlog or any number of prepper forums.

Scalia describes a scene at her local beauty salon where both the stylist and his boss admit to storing food and to purchasing firearms.

In the past few weeks I’ve heard some surprising people admit they’ve been arming themselves and purchasing ammunition — one such discussion happened all around me at the hairdresser’s while I sat and listened. The stylist and his boss, they’re storing food and arming themselves. The chiropractor who popped in to say hello while taking his afternoon stroll said he is armed, too: “never in my life thought I’d have a gun in the house, now we have two.”

They’re arming, they say, because they “see it all going bad.” These same folks who voted for Barack Obama in 2008 were now asserting an idea the far-left had floated around before that election, but instead of “Bush is going to install martial law and suspend elections.” they’re saying it of Obama. “He paid off his friends and did nothing to create jobs and he wants it all to go bad, because then he can stay in power and dictate.”

 I don’t know where Scalia lives but the small businesses are taking it on the chin. 30% of the businesses in her area are closed and new ones are not opening. There is a lot of economic anxiety and fear among the people she is talking with. I’m guessing it is probably somewhere in the Northeast or in the Rust Belt.

There is an absolute collapse of faith in our systems and in the guy they helped put into office. These folks who were so quick to believe the press in ’08 and to believe in “hope and change” are now willfully believing the absolute worst. While I was getting my grey washed away I heard about local goings-on that I won’t write about here until I check it out for myself, because I don’t know what is real and what is paranoid fantasy or conspiracy theory. But the thing is, the anxiety is real, the doubt is real, as is the willingness to believe the absolute worst of all of our institutions — the press, the churches, the government. These folks are utterly convinced that the only thing that is going to be installed come next January is chaos and oppression. They’ll vote for Romney (“assuming there is an election and we’re allowed to vote and the vote is actually counted…”) simply because he’s not Obama, but they’re convinced that America’s best days are over.

Maybe it is because many people have gardens and already own firearms but I’m not seeing this locally in the mountains of North Carolina. People are worried about the economy and keeping their homes but they aren’t talking about a seizure of power. I asked the Complementary Spouse if she had heard anything like this where she works and she said no. She has heard people at work saying they better buy the guns they want now because of Obama but that is about it.

Scalia’s post indicates to me that the fear many of us have in the gun rights community hold about a second Obama term is not unreasonable. We fear that an unfettered Obama won’t be so circumspect as he has been in his current term. That said, what Scalia describes about the attitudes in her community, the fear and anxiety, and even the paranoia go far beyond that and I’m not sure what to make of it.

Ryan On Guns

With Mitt Romney’s pick of Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) to be his running mate, I wanted to know where Ryan stood on guns and gun control. I know where Ryan stands on economic issues but what about guns.

It’s a good record. He has been both rated A and endorsed by the NRA-PVF going back to at least 2002. The archives don’t go back any further than that.

Gun Owners of America rates him an A. They define this as “A & A- Pro-Gun Voter: philosophically sound.”

On The Issues has this on his record on gun rights:

  • Voted YES on prohibiting product misuse lawsuits on gun manufacturers. (Oct 2005)
  • Voted YES on prohibiting suing gunmakers & sellers for gun misuse. (Apr 2003)
  • Voted YES on decreasing gun waiting period from 3 days to 1. (Jun 1999)
  • Rated A by the NRA, indicating a pro-gun rights voting record. (Dec 2003)
  • National cross-state standard for concealed carry. (Jan 2009)
  • Ban gun registration & trigger lock law in Washington DC. (Mar 2007)
  • Allow reloading spent military small arms ammunition. (Apr 2009)

More recently, he was a co-sponsor of HR 822, the National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act, and HR 615, the Collectible Firearms Protection Act, which allows M-1 Garands and M-1 Carbines to be repatriated without State Department approval.

Ryan is also an outdoorsman. He reportedly proposed to his wife Janna at his favorite fishing lake in Wisconsin. Moreover, in what will drive the PETAfiles nuts, he includes pictures of deer and turkey that he shot on his Congressional campaign website. Here is Ryan with a nice 8-pointer.

With regard to the contempt vote for Attorney General Eric Holder, Ryan said Holder brought it upon himself for stonewalling the Oversight Committee in the investigation of Operation Fast and Furious. The video of this interview can be seen here.

On the Department of Justice’s handling of the “Fast and Furious” operation:

Paul Ryan: Attorney General Eric Holder brought this upon himself. He has been stonewalling Congress for 16 months and, yes, he can avoid this if he brings the documents that have been requested for months.

NeilCavuto: Do you think a lot of cynics will say quickly that this is along party lines and this is sort of like a Republican cabal to embarrass the Attorney General and embarrass the White House. What are you saying?

Paul Ryan: I think what’s embarrassing is “Fast and Furious.” It is something that should never happen ever again and we need to get to the bottom of it. All Congress is doing is its job, detailed in the Constitution, to conduct oversight of the Executive Branch. We have separation of powers for a very important reason, to preserve liberty and limits to government, and this is being infringed upon by this stonewalling so we are just doing our jobs here in the Legislative Branch.

 Finally, here is what a much younger Paul Ryan had to say to C-Span about gun control laws back in 1998 when he was a Congressman-elect. (Thanks to TTAG for the pointer on this.)

As a gun owner, I think Mitt Romney made a good choice with the pick of Paul Ryan as his running mate. As an American, I think he made an even better choice because of Ryan’s determination to not pass the buck on fiscal issues to another generation.  
UPDATE: More on Ryan and the Second Amendment from Also has another picture to drive PETA nuts not that they aren’t already.


The National Shooting Sports Foundation has just released a 30-second public service ad reminding people just what is at stake in this election. They remind people that one vote is what made the difference in the Heller and McDonald cases and that the next President of the United States will likely nominate at least one new Supreme Court Justice.

I think it is an effective and well done adverstisement. The NSSF has a special section on their website devoted to the #gunvote campaign. It has news, lets people find where their polling station is located, and has a registration guide for all 50 states plus the District of Columbus.


The NRA has established a new website to support their “All in 2012” message for this election. To introduce it they just released this two minute video. I think the video is very well made and does get the message across.

At, the NRA has a set of five videos concerning the UN Arms Trade Treaty, Operation Fast and Furious, border security, the narco-terrorists (or drug cartels, if you prefer), and the impact of gun control in the United Kingdom. As with the intro video, they are very well done and do get the message across.

The NRA is encouraging members and supporters to not only view these videos but to share them with friends, family, and neighbors. They provide links to share them ranging from Facebook and Twitter to Pinterest (the Complementary Spouse’s favorite).

The Black Pastor Not Invited To Meeting

Attorney General Eric Holder held a meeting on Wednesday with a number of African-American religious leaders to discuss ways that they can discuss political issues (and support President Obama) without endangering their tax-exempt status. One of the major issues that they will discuss is Voter ID laws.

Rep. Emanual Cleaver (D-MO) had this to say as reported by the Washington Examiner:

“We will have representatives from nine denominations who actually pastor somewhere in the neighborhood of about 10 million people, and we’re going to first of all equip them with the information they need to know about what they can say and what they cannot say in the church that would violate their 501c3 status with the IRS,” Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, D-Mo., told MSNBC today.

“In fact, we’re going to have the IRS administrator there, we’re going to have the Attorney General Eric Holder there, we’re going to have the lawyers’ organization from around the country, the ACLU — all giving ministers guidance about what they can and cannot do,” he noted.

Cleaver said they would not tell pastors which candidate to support. They will let them know who to regard as the bad guys, though (hint: not Democrats). “We’re going to talk about some of the draconian laws that have cropped up around the country as a result of the 17 percent increase in African American votes,” Cleaver said, describing voter ID laws as a form of Jim Crow-style “poll tax” on seniors and black voters.

One African-American pastor not invited to the meeting was Rev. Kenn Blanchard. NRA News’ Ginny Simone interviewed Kenn about this meeting as well as the attempt to use black clergy to put pressure on Speaker John Boehner over a contempt citation for Eric Holder.

Kenn didn’t hold back in the interview. He described many of those who claim to be “civil rights veterans” as mere opportunists who are not even close to following in MLK’s footsteps. That is pretty powerful stuff!

Quote Of The Day

The Serious Gun Blog had a not so serious look at the choices gun owners face in this presidential election.

When all is said and done, and more will be said than done, a President will be elected. Either Mr. Obama, who hates guns unless they are used against bad guys like free citizens or Mitt Romney, who as a passionate supporter of the NRA cites as his favorite gun the Ruger 11 mm Glock by Smith & Bushmaster will be elected.

What does it mean for gun owners? Buy more guns now.

And ammo. They forgot ammo!

Electoral Math

The Wall Street Journal ran a story today examining what they characterize as the math challenge for Mitt Romney. As we know from our US Civics class – or should know – the actual popular vote for president is relatively irrelevant. What is relevant is how many electoral votes a candidate gets in the Electoral College. The magic number is 270 which equals one-half the number of Congressmen and Senators (with three allotted to the District of Columbia) plus one.

Looking at the starting points for Obama and Romney you get Obama with a base of about 230 electoral votes and Romney with a base of 190 electoral votes. For Obama, this translates into the West Coast, New York, and the Northeast. Meanwhile, Romney can count on Texas, most of the Rockies, the Deep South, and the Plains states.

If Romney carried all the states that George W. Bush won in 2004, he would get 292 electoral votes and have a respectable victory. However, there are nine states that Bush carried that went for Obama in 2008. These swing states are Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Iowa, New Mexico, Colorado, and Nevada. Romney must get the five largest of these states plus one more if he is to win.

Spot Mr. Romney the five biggest swing states the Democrat won four years ago—Florida, Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina and Indiana—and the Republican still wouldn’t be guaranteed the White House. To win, he would need to also carry at least one other state that went to Mr. Obama four years ago.

That makes Mr. Romney’s path to the White House narrow and perilous, while Mr. Obama has multiple routes to victory, including several that don’t require him to win either Florida or Ohio, the most important battlegrounds of past elections.

Frankly, as a gun owner, American, and taxpayer, the mere thought of a second Obama presidency scares the hell out of me.

I can’t say I’m thrilled with Mitt Romney and he definitely wasn’t my first choice of the Republican candidates and non-candidates. I found his speech at the NRA Annual Meeting’s Leadership Forum to be workmanlike and not exactly inspiring. I think the reaction of those in attendance was similar. Nonetheless, I did vote for Romney last week in the early voting for the North Carolina primary and will be voting for him in November.


In a word, judges. The two big Second Amendment cases, Heller and McDonald, were decided in our favor with 5-4 majorities. If only one of the five were to retire or die and we had a President Obama appointing another Sotomayor or Kagan, our Second Amendment rights could be effectively lost for years to come.

While I, like Sebastian, was disappointed to see Romney put Robert Bork on his justice advisory team, I think that most judges that a President Romney would appoint would be friendlier to the Second Amendment than any judge (or justice) appointed by Obama. I also like that Romney put Alan Gura on his legal advisory team.

I know there are many in the gun rights community who say “a pox on both their houses” and that they plan to sit this one out. I can understand that if you live in California or Texas or Tennessee or Massachusetts or any of the other states that are not in play. However, if you live in a battleground state or one of the states like Pennsylvania or Michigan that could come into play depending on the state of the economy, it is my opinion that you don’t have a choice if you want to protect your gun rights. Any vote not for Romney, whether it is a non-vote or a vote for a third party candidate, is just one less vote that Obama needs to get in order to win that state’s electoral votes.

Six months is a long time and a lot can happen in the meantime. We in the gun rights community cannot relax even for a moment until we hear Chief Justice John Roberts turn to the President-elect on January 20, 2012 and say, “I, Willard Mitt Romney, do solemnly swear…” And then it is our job to keep his feet to the fire on gun rights.

NRA-PVF Endorsements And Rankings For North Carolina

The NRA Political Victory Fund released its 2012 primary endorsements for North Carolina on April 19th. They only released grades and endorsements in selected races for the US House of Representatives.

A major omission is the race for Governor of North Carolina. In 2008, the NRA-PVF endorsed current Gov. Bev Perdue (D-NC) who has decided not to run for re-election given her poor chances of being re-elected.

The endorsement that I find most interesting is that for Hayden Rogers (D) in the North Carolina 11th Congressional District. Incumbent Rep. Heath Shuler (D-NC-11) decided not to seek re-election after his district was redrawn. Rogers has served as Chief of Staff to Shuler for the last six years and in that position presumably worked closely with the gun rights groups that Shuler supported.

Here are the grades and endorsements. I have put the endorsed candidates in BOLD.

District 2
Republican Primary

Renee Ellmers (R)
Grade: A
Status: Incumbent

Sonya Holmes (R)
Grade: ?
Status: Candidate

Clement F. Munno (R)
Grade: ?
Status: Candidate

Richard Speer (R)
Grade: AQ
Status: Candidate

District 3
Republican Primary

Walter Jones, Jr. (R)
Grade: A
Status: Incumbent

Frank Palombo (R)
Grade: AQ
Status: Candidate

District 6
Republican Primary

Howard Coble (R)
Grade: A
Status: Incumbent

Bill Flynn (R)
Grade: AQ
Status: Candidate

Billy Yow (R)
Grade: AQ
Status: Candidate

District 8
Democratic Primary

Larry Kissell (D)
Grade: A
Status: Incumbent

Marcus W. Williams (D)
Grade: F
Status: Candidate

District 9
Republican Primary

Robert Pittenger (R)
Grade: A
Status: Candidate

Dan Barry (R)
Grade: A
Status: Candidate

Andy Dulin (R)
Grade: AQ
Status: Candidate

Jon Gauthier (R)
Grade: ?
Status: Candidate

Ric Killian (R)
Grade: A-
Status: Candidate

Ken Leonczyk (R)
Grade: AQ
Status: Candidate

Richard Lynch (R)
Grade: AQ
Status: Candidate

Edwin B. Peacock III (R)
Grade: A-
Status: Candidate

Jim Pendergraph (R)
Grade: AQ
Status: Candidate

Michael Shaffer (R)
Grade: AQ
Status: Candidate

Mike Steinberg (R)
Grade: AQ
Status: Candidate

District 10
Republican Primary

Patrick McHenry (R)
Grade: A
Status: Incumbent

Ken Fortenberry (R)
Grade: AQ
Status: Candidate

Don Peterson (R)
Grade: AQ
Status: Candidate

District 11
Republican Primary

Spence Campbell (R)
Grade: ?
Status: Candidate

Susan Harris (R)
Grade: ?
Status: Candidate

Jeff Hunt (R)
Grade: AQ
Status: Candidate

Mark Meadows (R)
Grade: AQ
Status: Candidate

Vance Patterson (R)
Grade: AQ
Status: Candidate

Chris Petrella (R)
Grade: AQ
Status: Candidate

Kenny West (R)
Grade: ?
Status: Candidate

Ethan Wingfield (R)
Grade: AQ
Status: Candidate

District 11
Democratic Primary

Hayden Rogers (D)
Grade: A
Status: Candidate

Cecil Bothwell (D)
Grade: F
Status: Candidate

Tom Hill (D)
Grade: ?
Status: Candidate

District 13
Republican Primary

Paul Coble (R)
Grade: AQ
Status: Candidate

George Holding (R)
Grade: AQ
Status: Candidate

Bill Randall (R)
Grade: AQ
Status: Candidate

District 13
Democatic Primary

Bernard A. Holliday (D)
Grade: F
Status: Candidate

Charles Malone (D)
Grade: ?
Status: Candidate

Here is an explanation of what the grades mean as described by the Political Victory Fund.

The NRA-PVF is non-partisan in issuing its candidate grades and endorsements. We do not base our decisions on a candidate’s party affiliation, but rather on his or her record on Second Amendment issues. The NRA is a single issue organization. The only issues on which we evaluate candidates seeking elected office are gun-related issues.

A+   A legislator with not only an excellent voting record on all critical NRA issues, but who has also made a vigorous effort to promote and defend the Second Amendment.

A   Solidly pro-gun candidate. A candidate who has supported NRA positions on key votes in elective office or a candidate with a demonstrated record of support on Second Amendment issues.

AQ   A pro-gun candidate whose rating is based solely on the candidate’s responses to the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire and who does not have a voting record on Second Amendment issues.

B   A generally pro-gun candidate. However, a “B” candidate may have opposed some pro-gun reform or supported some restrictive legislation in the past.

C   Not necessarily a passing grade. A candidate with a mixed record or positions on gun related issues, who may oppose some pro-gun positions or support some restrictive legislation.

D   An anti-gun candidate who usually supports restrictive gun control legislation and opposes pro-gun reforms. Regardless of public statements, can usually be counted on to vote wrong on key issues.

F   True enemy of gun owners’ rights. A consistent anti-gun candidate who always opposes gun owners’ rights and/or actively leads anti-gun legislative efforts, or sponsors anti-gun legislation.

?   Refused to answer the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire, often an indication of indifference, if not outright hostility, to gun owners’ and sportsmen’s rights.

Grass Roots North Carolina Issues Scorecard For NC Primary

With North Carolina already having started its one-stop early voting last week for the May 8th primary election, Grass Roots North Carolina’s Political Victory Fund has released its recommendations which can be seen below.

GRNC has also released their ratings (separate from the PVF recommendations) of all the candidates – Democrats, Republicans, or Libertarians – who are running for Congress, Governor, Lt. Gov., Council of State, and the General Assembly. Candidates can be found by electoral race or by their last name.

GRNC-PVF is distinct from GRNC

By law, we are restricted from using organizational money to influence elections. The Grass Roots North Carolina Political Victory Fund is the tool we use to elect pro-gun lawmakers and throw out anti-gunners. The GRNC-PVF is North Carolina’s federally registered political action committee. We use it to make political donations and to run radio and newspaper ads for and against candidates.

GRNC-PVF Recommendations:


US House:

District 2(R): Vote for Elmers

District 3(R): Vote for Jones

District 4(R): Vote for D’Annunzio

District 5(R): Vote for Foxx

District 6(R): Vote for Coble

District 7(R): Vote for Rouzer (due to 100% pro-gun voting record in NC Senate)

District 8(R): Vote for Robinson (Keadle is equally good, but Robinson’s charisma makes him slightly more likely to beat Kissell in the General Election)

District 9(R): Vote for Pittenger: Do NOT vote for Pendergraph. Despite submitting a survey with a score of 95, Pendergraph’s performance as Mecklenburg Sheriff reflected unwillingness to sign Form 4s or to issue handgun purchase permits in a timely fashion. Killian has an excellent record of pro-gun votes in the NC Senate, but is unlikely to win the race. Pittenger has a 100% pro-gun record from the NC Senate and is the best bet in this race.

District 10(R): Vote for McHenry, who has been a leader on gun issues both in the NC House and in Congress.

District 11(R): Vote for Meadows, who has made support for the Second Amendment a large part of his campaign.

District 13(R): Vote for Coble

NC State Positions

NC GOV(R): Vote for McCory. Although other candidates scored higher on GRNC surveys, McCrory is the most likely to beat Etheridge in the General Election. Given Etheridge’s abysmal 21% voting record in Congress, gun voters should cast votes to most effectively keep him out of office.

NC LT GOV(R): Vote for Folwell

NC TREAS: Vote for Royal


District 1(R): Vote for Cook

District 2(R): Vote for Sanderson

District 11(R): Vote for Newton. A former Jesse Helms staffer, in his freshman year Newton earned a co-chair position on the Judiciary II Committee through which gun bills are generally referred. He not only facilitated Senate passage of omnibus gun rights bill HB 650 – which contained Castle Doctrine, parks carry and much more – but actually wrote language to further strengthen Castle Doctrine. Newton is a leader for gun rights and the clear choice in this race.

District 12(D): Vote for Davis

District 18(R): Vote for Bradley. In his first term in the NC House, Bradley not only compiled a perfect 100% vote record on gun issues, plus sponsoring or cosponsoring numerous pro-gun bills, but also demonstrated willingness to buck centrist party leadership. Given the chance, this guy will become a gun rights hero.

District 26(R): Vote for Berger. With a long history featuring a 100% pro-gun vote record and of sponsoring pro-gun legislation, as Senate President Pro Tempore, Berger initially appeared to have let inertia settle in as the Senate refused to give a vote to concealed carry in restaurants. After months of pressure, however, he appears to have “seen the light” and has promised a vote on restaurant carry in the upcoming session.

District 27(R): Vote for Wade. With a perfect 100% voting record in previous term of the NC House, Wade is the clear choice in the race.

District 29(R): Vote for Tillman. With a perfect 100% gun rights voting record, he is the clear choice.

District 33(R): Vote for Bingham. With a perfect 100% gun rights voting record, he is the clear choice.

District 38(R): Vote for Rivette

District 41(R): Vote for Tarte. Although Aneralla would likely vote pro-gun, Tarte demonstrates the passion and desire to sponsor pro-gun legislation and is likely to be a leader for gun rights. His mediocre survey score (which he says was the result of misinterpreting survey instructions) is more than offset by the fact that as mayor of Cornelius, the town has never adopted restrictions on concealed carry in parks.

District 44(R): Vote for Carney. Ray might be a second choice, but in previous terms she dropped several votes and generally had to be pressured to vote with gun owners.

District 45(R): Vote for Soucek. In his first year, he compiled a 100% voting record on gun issues plus sponsored pro-gun legislation. He is the clear choice in the race.

District 48(R): Vote for Apodaca. In addition to a long pro-gun voting record, as Chairman of the Rules Committee he has generally been accommodating to giving pro-gun legislation committee hearings. He is the clear choice in the race.

District 49(R): Vote for Clark. In previous Senate terms, he compiled a 100% pro-gun voting record plus a willingness to stick his neck out for gun owners. He is the clear choice in the race.


District 2(D): Vote for Crawford.

District 3(R): Vote for Speciale

District 10(R): Vote for LaRoque

District 16(R): Vote for Thomas’

District 19(R): Vote for Davis

District 35(R): Vote for Cutlip

District 44(R): Vote for Button

District 49(R): Vote for Capps

District 50(R): Vote for Chambers or Chaney, not Hannah

District 59(R): Vote for Cook

District 67(R): Vote for Burr

District 73(R): Vote for Hollo

District 74(R): Vote for Brown

District 76(R): Vote for Ford

District 79(R): Vote for Whiteheart. This is a case in which GRNC refuses to support a mediocre incumbent simply for incumbency. Julia Howard voted twice against gun owners in the last session while Whiteheart, as county commissioner, successfully lead the charge to prevent Forsyth Co. from adopting restrictions on concealed carry in parks. Whiteheart is the clear choice.

District 84(R): Vote for Mitchell

District 92(R): Vote for Jeter

District 94(R): Vote for Goudreau

District 95(R): Vote for Brawley. Despite a mediocre survey, Brawley racked up a 100% pro-gun voting record in previous terms of the NC House.

District 97(R): Vote for Saine

District 110(R): Vote for Hastings, who has fought tenaciously for gun rights in his first term.

District 117(R): Vote for Snyder. Incumbent McGrady twice voted against gun owners last year, and orchestrated the weakening of pro-gun legislation. Afterward, he was caught on videotape bragging about it to a leftist group.

District 118(R): Vote for Keilman

District 120(R): Vote for West.