13th Annual Free Firearms Training Event For Women In Detroit

Registration has opened for Rick Ector’s 13th annual introduction to handguns event for women in Detroit. His goal this year is to provide 1,700 women with a free shooting lesson. When he started his goal was 50 women and it has increased over bit by bit.

The event will be held on Saturday, July 27th, and Sunday, July 28th, at the Recoil Firearms range in Taylor, Michigan. Registration for the even opened yesterday (July 8th). Interested women can register for a 90-minute time slot here.

Here are the details of the event:

  • No previous experience required
  • Ammunition and firearms will be supplied
  • All women participants from age 12 to 80 are welcome
  • All minors must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian
  • Please register for only one 90-minute time slot
  • Over 10,000 women have been trained over the years

The event is presented by Legally Armed in Detroit and Rick’s Firearm Academy of Detroit with the aid of a cadre of volunteer instructors from around the US.

More information is available here.

Good Story On Women Getting Carry Licenses In Detroit

This is a great story from Fox 2 News in Detroit on women in that city stepping up to get Michigan Concealed Handgun Licenses to protect themselves and their families. I love the quote near the end from one woman who said, “I’m not a vigilante but I’m going to protect myself, my family, my property.”

I had a chance to meet their instructor, Rick Ector of Rick’s Firearms Academy, at the NRA Annual Meeting in St. Louis. He is one of the good guys out there and I think it is great what he is doing to bring firearms training to women in Detroit.

Women Packing Heat: More Getting Concealed Pistol Licenses: MyFoxDETROIT.com
My only criticism of the story is that I wish TV reporters would find another cliche instead of “packing heat” to describe women obtaining concealed carry permits.