Umm, Because It Only Selectively Backups Emails?

A Tweet by Iowahawk included a link to this 2009 Tweet from Sonasoft. They are the company whose software is used by the Internal Revenue Service to back up emails on the IRS network.

Sonasoft’s slogan is “email archiving done right”. I guess by right they mean according to the transparency standards of the Obama Administration. Either that or the software did properly back up Lois Lerner and her cohorts’ emails and someone is lying about not being able to locate them.

If I were the CEO of Sonasoft, I’d be pushing the last explanation.

Comment Of The Day

The comment of the day comes from an editorial in Investor’s Business Daily. The subject of the editorial was the supposedly lost emails from former IRS official Lois Lerner. She is the IRS official who “took the Fifth” before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee with regard to her actions against Tea Party groups. Lerner has also been charged with contempt of Congress but the prosecution of that charge would have to come from the Department of Justice run by Eric Holder.

With regard to Holder, the editorial had this to say:

As in Watergate, more than a few individuals warrant prosecution and incarceration. But that would have to come from Eric Holder’s Justice Department, an organization shown to be as corrupt as the IRS.

Watergate’s John Mitchell was the first attorney general to be convicted and imprisoned due to illegal activities. We suggest that he shouldn’t be the last.

I quite agree. I can think of many reasons that Attorney General Eric Holder should be tried but first and foremost among them would have to be Operation Fast and Furious. Unlike Watergate, two Federal law enforcement officers and over 300 Mexican nationals have been murdered as a result of those guns walked by ATF agents.