An Interesting Question

The meme below posits an interesting question for which the anti-gun forces have no answer. I assume most of them will say that you will be protected by the government which any rational person knows is a fallacy.

While any weapon can be abused by those with evil intent, these same weapons can and are used by good people to protect themselves and their families on a daily basis. It doesn’t matter if we are talking about an AR-15, a baseball bat, or a knife. All can be used for defensive purposes.

Apples To Associations

A friend sent me this today. It is a take-off on probably the most famous Super Bowl advertisement of all time. If you’ve never seen it, you can see the original on YouTube.


Today, we celebrate the first glorious manifestation of the Information Purification Directives. We have created, for the first time in all history, a garden of pure greed—where any Officer, Director, Vendor, Consultant or other Snout-in-the-Trough may profit, secure from the vermin purveying contradictory truths. Our Unification of Thoughts is more powerful a weapon than any fleet or army on earth. We are one Official Family, with one will, one resolve, one cause. Our enemies shall talk themselves to death, and we will bury them with their own confusion. The Cult of the Personality shall prevail!



h/t Nathan K.

What They Really Mean

Since the Parkland High School shootings, you have heard all manner of politicians from the president on down saying that we need to raise the age to buy a semi-automatic rifle to age 21. They along with the media have painted a picture that wants you to believe one thing when the reality is totally different.

I was 18 when I purchased my first firearm. It was a Ruger 10/22 similar to the one shown in the meme. I paid $55 for it at a long ago closed discount store called Best Products. I used my savings from mowing lawns and my job as a school bus driver.