Meme Of The Day

My friend Derek LeBlanc who heads the Kids Safe Foundation has created a number of 2A memes and infographics. I will be posting them on occasion.

Additionally, if you want to make a tax deductible donation to a great organization which does fantastic gun safety education for kids, consider Kids Safe. I have attended one of Derek’s presentation to children and it is top notch.

Gun Meme Of The Day

Frankly, I’m with the kid at the bottom right. I think he has the right attitude.

I’d add in .38 Special, .357 Magnum, .44 Special, .44 Magnum, .380 ACP, and the list goes on. Just like the old saying that the best gun is the one you have on you, the best handgun caliber is the one or ones for which you have handguns and can control.