Keep Otis McDonald In Your Prayers

Pastor Kenn Blanchard let me know earlier today that Second Amendment hero Otis McDonald was admitted to the ICU at a Chicago hospital. He was admitted for a cerebral blood clot.  Mr. McDonald has been a fighter all of his life but this may be his toughest battle.

Kenn didn’t know Mr. McDonald’s current condition but requested prayers for him. I second that and would add that we need to keep his family in our prayers as well.

If I hear anything more about his condition, I’ll update this as soon as possible.

UPDATE: Mr. McDonald’s cerebral blood clot is a result of a fall at the airport in which he hit his head. He was on his way to the Gun Rights Policy Conference when he had his accident.    I was informed by Colleen and David Lawson that this happened at home and he was feeling faint. He didn’t fall but merely lowered himself to the floor. He was brought to the hospital a little later that day.

UPDATE II: Julie Versnel reported at the Gun Rights Policy Conference that Mr. McDonald is on the mend. That’s good news!

Keep In Your Thoughts And Prayers

During this Holy Week I’d ask that you keep in your thoughts and prayers two gun bloggers who have made very important contributions over the years.

First, Dave Hardy who was just released from the hospital on Wednesday.

Released from the hospital yesterday afternoon, still rather weak. Last night I got a sound sleep, but the night before got only an hour or so. The usual hospital noises, awakenings for blood draws and vital checks, plus a special disturbance…. patients in the next room over who listened to the TV or talked loudly until 2 AM, and thereafter faked moans of pain and begged for help. They stopped the moans of pain after another patient mocked them by groaning in chorus. I don’t know if they were drunk, had mental problems, or were just jackasses.

Doc said he was initially concerned that I was going septic, but that had been avoided.

All I have left is exhaustion, some aches from sleeping on that bed, and some bruising where the IV went in and more where I got all the blood sticks in the other arm. I even got four injections to the belly; I’d only heard of those for rabies (and that might be history, or a legend).

Secondly, Mike Vanderboegh who just had major surgery has been readmitted to the hospital to deal with what has now been diagnosed as an abcess.

Woke up 0230 with stabbing pain in my left side just under the rib cage, like somebody was taking a Sykes-Fairbairn dagger and probing for my lung. Called Doc and he, like me, feared a pulmonary embolus. Made it into the ER in record time. CAT scan on lungs said no, praise the Lord. Further tests revealed that something is leaking internally, with probable infection. They stuck another drain in me and here I am sitting in Room 539 back at Trinity Montclair. Keep me in your prayers.

I’d also ask that you remember the family of Newbius whose funeral was this past Wednesday. Losing a father and husband is always hard.