Richard Childress Resigns From NRA Board

NASCAR legend and NRA Board member Richard Childress has resigned from the NRA Board of Directors effective yesterday. He served as First VP until late April of this year. He along with Oliver North were asking the difficult questions about finance and the Brewer law firm. His resignation is the fifth this year and the sixth since the 2018 NRA Annual Meeting if you count Pete Brownell.

Richard Childress at the 2019 Annual Meeting – from CNN

His letter below says he needs to fully focus on his businesses which include his race team and a winery in North Carolina. His business acumen and his fund raising abilities will be missed by the NRA. It is my understanding that he is the reason Bass Pro Shops and their Cabelas subsidiary are such large sponsors especially at the Annual Meetings.

Joint North-Childress Letter On Payments To NRA Outside Counsel

Below is the joint letter from then-NRA President Oliver North and then-First VP Richard Childress to John Fraser, NRA General Counsel, and Charles Cotton, Chair of the NRA Board’s Audit Committee (and now First VP), regarding the payments to the NRA’s outside counsel William Brewer III.

Another board member who shall remain unnamed told me that Brewer could become the NRA’s biggest vendor – more than Ack-Mac – if things keep going this way. He also was very dismissive of his legal abilities, he had concerns about his ethical issues, even more concerns about his sway with Wayne LaPierre, and characterized him as a hustler. A friend who is an attorney in Dallas where Mr. Brewer is located said Brewer was “an asshole”. I will make no judgment on his legal competency as I’m not a lawyer but would say you could get some of the best lawyers in DC like Paul Clement and the firm of Cooper and Kirk for probably less.

The nine page letter is below: