An Explanation Of “Assault Rifles”

If you’ve read my blog for any amount of time, you know I love infographics. The Babylon Bee, a Christian satire site, has come up with an explanation for “assault rifles” (sic) which is a hoot.

Artistic Inspiration

I never considered Robert Francis O’Rourke, the Hispanic cultural appropriator, to be particularly inspiring. Obviously, I was seriously mistaken.

The Hispanic cultural appropriator known as Beto inspires all sorts of artists.

Here is an example of how he has inspired street artists. The sample was provided by The Gun Writer.

He has also inspired those who work with metal. This particular piece of art will soon be available to the public from the Artist Known As PSA.

If you come across any more pieces of art inspired by Robert Francis, please put a link in the comments.

He’s Right, You Know

MADEbyJIMBOB is an anti-politically correct satirist. He was the subject of a story in The Federalist a few days ago about the memes he puts up on Instagram and one that recently was removed. JimBob was put on notice that his account could be shut down if he has “subsequent violations.

So what did he do that was so objectionable?

He told the truth about the mosque murders in New Zealand and the reaction of the government of Jacinda Adern.

From The Federalist:

When asked what he was hoping people would get from the post, MADEbyJIMBOB said: “The purpose of the meme was explore the perhaps unhealthy relationship between terror, trauma and reactionary legislation. The definition of terrorism is the use of violence or threat with political motivation, the inquiry is, is terrorism being exploited for political action and where is the line between responding to terrorism and rewarding violent behavior with legislation.”

This is a valid question, but one Instagram apparently thinks isn’t worth entertaining on their platform. Whether it be due solely to the mention of terrorism or some perhaps more nefarious politically based antagonism, it’s hard to say why Instagram found this so unacceptable. And there’s no appeal process, so MADEbyJIMBOB might never know.

And the meme:

Copyright MADEbyJIMOB

If you’ve read any of the killer’s off-the-wall manifesto – and I have – you know this was his intent.

As Morgan Freeman would say:

Satire Is Sometimes The Best Way To Get The Message Across

A group of ham actors on YouTube calling themselves “Gun Control Hunters”  have created an excellent satire about red flag laws. The video below is a parody but it gets the message across that red flag laws are dangerous, evil, and contemptuous of the Constitutional rights such as due process.

Share this video with your friends, family, and especially those on the fence about red flag laws aka extreme violence protection orders.


Those guys in South Carolina really know how to stick it in the face of the gun prohibitionists. Palmetto State Armory is selling AR lowers with the logo #ONEMORE engraved on it. They are even on sale this weekend.

If I needed another AR lower, I’d certainly consider it. As it is, I have too many builds planned with the parts bought and not enough time.

Proud Gabby – With Apologies To John Fogarty

I’m reading yet another email asking for money from Americans for Responsible Solutions. They are criticizing the NRA for being respectfully quiet following the Las Vegas mass casualty event. As I continued to read, a jingle started playing in my head to the tune of Creedence Clearwater Revival’s Proud Mary. All I could hear was “rollin’ in the blood”.

This led me to rewrite a bit of the first few stanzas of Proud Mary.

Left a good job in the Congress
Workin’ for the Left ev’ry night and day
And I never lost one minute of sleepin’
Worryin’ ’bout the way things should have been

Big money keep on commin’
Proud Gabby keep on beggin’
Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’ in the blood

Cleared a lot of checks in the District
Pumped a lot of hands down in Tucson
But I never saw the good side of the city
‘Til I hitched a ride as the anti-gun queen

Big money keep on commin’
Proud Gabby keep on beggin’
Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’ in the blood

 This is probably not the most respectful thing to say about a former member of Congress and I am truly sorry that she got shot by a mentally disturbed young man who had passed all background checks. Nonetheless, I get sick and tired of how the gun prohibitionists roll in the blood of the victims before the blood is even dry.

He Had Me At Mil-Spec Butter Knife

This is something to share with all your gun-hating friends who know nothing about firearms. Tell them they need to share far and wide to show the world just how easy it is to make any firearm full auto. In this case, the guy shows how to make a Sig run at 2,000 rounds a minute and an AR run at 70,000 rounds a minute.

Of course this is a satirical video but do Shannon Watts and her coterie of “I support the Second Amendment but…” friends know this? Probably not which makes it even more imperative that we encourage them to share it. As that great Southern philosopher Forrest Gump once said, “Stupid is as stupid does.”

New Year’s Resolutions

Given that Hillary Clinton thinks the National Rifle Association is one of the enemies that she is most proud of, it is good to see the NRA punching back twice as hard.  Their New Year’s video pokes fun at her support from Bloomberg as well as her obvious disdain for the Second Amendment and by extension the US Constitution.

I think it is smart for the NRA to start switching their focus from Obama to Clinton. While Obama can still make mischief as he is signaling with his weekly address, he is a lame duck. Short of appointing another Supreme Court justice, he can’t hurt us too badly. Hillary, on the other hand, given four years in office would be a disaster for gun owners.

UPDATE: Interestingly enough, the NRA’s video is catching some traction with the news media. In our local station’s (WLOS Asheville) reports on the gun control moves by Obama, this video is mentioned each and every time. I heard about it at 5pm, 5:30pm, 6pm, and 11pm.

Five Easy Steps To A Gun-Free America

When President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and other gun-hating progressives speak about how much they like the “Australian Model”, what they really mean is that they want gun confiscation. Unfortunately for them, there are impediments to this.

The good folks at Reason TV have come up with a video to assist the President, Mrs. Clinton, Mike Bloomberg, and all the rest in their campaign to get a gun-free America. By gun-free, I mean, of course, that they will still have their armed guards and we will be at the mercy of predators. As Reason TV says, all it takes is five easy steps.

It Feels Right

Chris Muir at Day by Day Cartoon, as per usual, nails it. He calls out lefty filmmaker (and gun law violator) Rajina Sincic and Americans for Responsible Solutions as well as those SJW* who continue to perpetuate the U.Va. rape hoax story.

Courtesy of Chris Muir

After reading this cartoon, I have this running through my head! Listen at your own risk.

*SJW = Social Justice Warrior – I had to look up this acronym a few weeks ago after seeing it used frequently on Facebook. Those darn kids and their newfangled acronyms!