Tweet Of The Day

The tweet of the day comes from the Firearms Policy Coalition with the reminder that tonight is the last time to make your voice heard on pistol braces.

Make sure to turn up your volume.

Don McLean Plays NRA Annual Meeting

A tweet by Bitter brought up that Don McLean was playing the Saturday musical event at the NRA Annual Meeting. I never pay much attention to that event as I never go. I would agree with her that he should have gotten top billing and I mean no disrespect to Lee Greenwood or any of the other performers.

I still remember how we analyzed the lyrics to American Pie in 9th grade English with Mr. Tutt. From what I understand McLean never every explained them but I think our analysis was pretty close to this story by the BBC.

So with apologies to Mr. McLean and because it is the NRA Annual Meeting, I’ve taken a little license with his first three stanzas.

A long, long time ago
I can still remember how the NRA
Used to make me smile
And I knew if I had my chance
That I could make those politicians dance
And maybe we’d be happy for a while

But January made me shiver
With every paper I’d deliver
Gun control on the doorstep
I couldn’t take one more step
I can’t remember if I cried
When I read about Biden and his guy
Something touched me deep inside
The day the freedom died

So, bye-bye, Miss NRA
Wayne drove his Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry
And the good ol’ Board was drinkin’ whiskey and rye
Singin’, “This’ll be the day that I resign
This’ll be the day that I resign”

A poet or lyricist I’m not. However, I’m still furious about untold amounts of wasted money going to Wayne’s Rasputin when it could have been used to assure that the Senate remained a bulwark against more gun control. How Wayne’s paranoia forced out Chris Cox from ILA who might have prevented one, if not both, of the senators from Georgia going to the Democrats. Most of all, I’m disgusted that the Board has acquiesced to all of this and many still think Brewer is the smartest guy in the room when he clearly is not.

PSA’s In Your Face Response To Biden

I imagine most people by now have heard about President Biden’s speech where he said you needed F-15s and nukes to take on the US government. Of course there are always those naysayers ranging from the Viet Cong to the Taliban to just about everyone in the gun culture.

The memes have abounded as social media has shown.

Palmetto State Armory is going one step beyond the memes. They are now offering “Tyranny-15” stripped AR lowers for pre-sale.

It is a pre-order item going for $79.99 with about a 12 week lead time.

I have to hand it to them. This is about as in your face as it gets from its name to the engravings. Even the serial number string of TJEFFERSON xxxx recalls Thomas Jefferson’s 1787 “Tree of Liberty” letter where he said the “the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” This was the quotation that Biden mangled in his speech.

10 Potential Replacements For Wayne LaPierre

First off, this is satire. That said, some of them would be more likely to do a better job than Wayne LaPierre in running the NRA.

This suggested list comes from the Gun Cranks. They are Tom McHale, editor of American Handgunner, Brent Wheat, editor of Guns Magazine, and Roy Huntington, the retired publisher of both publications. They are gun guys who have had it with Wayne LaPierre’s grifter ways.

I have edited their discussion down to just their 10 potential replacement for Wayne.


It Was A Dark And Stormy Night…

This is a short guest post from ScotShot. In it, he theorizes about the true origins of the shortage of a consumer product with which we are all familiar.

It was a dark and stormy night on K street sometime in early January. Adam Longneck had been pestering Lady P about some virus that was going to turn Orange Man Bad into Orange Man Gone, but no-one was paying attention to him since he blew out the impeachment. Nonetheless, Lady P was desperate. So she had grudgingly agreed to let some failing interns do what they could to come up with ideas that would turn a pending infection from China into a national panic.

It was after bed-time and the chilled Ketel One had run out ages ago. The button downs were unfastened and there wasn’t a Windsor knot to be seen. Karen was poking the eyes of the bunny on her sweater with a ballpoint and Tyler was using lip-balm for the tenth time that hour he rubbed his chin and was temporarily distracted by the lack of growth since that morning. Not that it was worrying him.

… “OK, OK, these are great ideas, but Lady P needs something to get it going. We need, we need a trigger..” “What do we HAVE, people?”

There was silence, then a Karen-in-the-Korner raised her hand. Tyler sighs. “OK, what?” KK says, “Toilet paper.. “ A hush settles in the room and then high fives all round.. The Android gets tapped.. “mm-hmm.. yup.. it’s us.. you can tell her we got it … tell her to call the people at

If Fast Food Was Sold Like Guns

It should come as no surprise that the gun prohibitionists are in a tizzy because the BATFE has adopted sensible regulations during this time of COVID-19. The regulations allow gun dealers to use drive-in windows or a table in front of their store so as ensure social distancing. It never absolved them of running a NICS check or having a Form 4473 filled out.

Kris Brown, co-president of Brady United, opined, “We should not need to say this, but guns should not be sold like fast-food burgers or lemonade.”

That’s a nice little sound bite but lets look at what it would look like if fast food was actually sold like guns.

During this time of stay-at-home orders and eating your own cooking everyday, you decide you need a treat. You decide you want a BigMac, large fries, and a chocolate shake from McDonalds. If you don’t like McDonalds, it could just as well be a Whopper from Burger King.

To make it go faster you place your order over the Internet using the McDonalds’ app. After all, you’ve know about the Internet loophole from reading the literature of the food safety groups (formerly known as food control).

You arrive at the drive-thru window anxious to pick up your BigMac, fries, and shake. Instead of handing you your meal, the cashier ask you to fill out the USDA’s Food & Nutrition Service’s Form FAST. She tells you that they will need to run a NICS (Nutritional Inventory Check System) check through the FDA.

You are flabbergasted. But what about the Internet loophole you say! The cashier says you always have had to fill out Form FAST and have a NICS check even if you bought it over the Internet. You eventually get approval and go home to eat while grousing about the unfairness of it all.

However, imagine if you lived in Illinois or New Jersey or California.

In Illinois you would have to have your FFID (Fast Food ID) Card. If you were just visiting, the only way you could get it is if you had a non-resident eating permit. That also would be required if you just wanted to buy condiments.

Now in New Jersey, it gets a bit more cumbersome. There you would be required to apply for a Fast Food Application and Registration System permit in advance. To get the FFARS, you would have to submit an official cholesterol report and BMI to the nutritional police for their OK. Now if you wanted to get a Big Mac or Whopper that requires additional paperwork for your FFPID (Fast Food Purchasers ID). The rationale is that Big Macs are more dangerous than a simple hamburger.

That goes back to an effort by Josh Saccharine of the Food Violence Policy Center to confuse the general public by coining the term “assault burger”. He knew that a Big Mac had fewer calories than three slices of pizza but the average consumer would be wary of those people eating Big Macs because they were assault burgers.

Now assume our fast food consumer is in California. A regular Big Mac is banned because the State Nutritionist General has deemed it an Assault Burger. Thus, fast food restaurants have come up with California-compliant versions that replace the beef burger with a soy burger. Our man can still get his California-compliant Big Mac but he will have a 10 day wait to pick it up after placing his order, paying for it, and having the require background checks. If he wants extra ketchup, that requires a separate check.

If all of this seems a bit far-fetched, never underestimate the power of bureaucrats, nanny-state politicians, and anti-freedom groups to implement such a regime. They have done it for firearms which are actually mentioned in the Constitution so it isn’t that much of a stretch to see them do it for something that doesn’t have such Constitutional protections.

The point here is that when Kris Brown of Brady United or John Feinblatt of Everytown say that guns are being sold like fast food they are full of crap. You know it, I know it, and they know it.

Move Over Super Bowl – It’s Time For Super Barrel II

If the impeachment trial in the Senate hasn’t caused you to ditch television entirely, you know that tomorrow is Super Bowl Sunday. That’s where one set of oversized rich guys beat up on another set of oversized rich guys to see who will get even richer.

Yeah, well, whatever.

The exciting news is that Brownells will be holding Super Barrel II!

From Brownells:

GRINNELL, Iowa (January 31, 2020) – Brownells will give away a barrel full of freedom during the biggest pro football Sunday of the year with its Super Barrel II Weekend extravaganza.

One lucky Brownells fan will bring home the championship-worthy trophy of a barrel full of 13,889 rounds of 5.56mm NATO Hornady Frontier 55-grain M193 ammo.

Starting at 12:01 AM Saturday, February 1, and going through 11:59 PM Sunday, February 2, Super Barrel II contestants can sign up for their chance to win at the Brownells Super Barrel II page.

One lucky winner will be drawn by random and will receive the big red barrel full of ‘Merica valued at $4,239.99.

Containing enough ammo to fill almost 70 standard-length belts for an M249, the barrel weighs more than all but the very biggest football linemen. If all 13,889 cartridges contained inside were laid to end-to-end, they would stretch over 870 yards — almost twice as far as the most passing yards ever in a modern pro football championship game.

Just think what you could do with that amount of ammo!

You could give the Demanding Moms, the Cult of Personality known as Giffords, AND Brady United the collective vapors.

It could make Mike Bloomberg’s campaign against Big Gulps looks as small as he is.

Or it could give you enough ammo to become really proficient with your AR-15!

Tweet Of The Day

I know this is in response to the satirical website BabylonBee but it is wonderful.

Jayne Cobb approves!