Protest Against Tillis In Raleigh Starts At 10am Friday

This is just a reminder. Grass Roots North Carolina will be holding a protest outside the office of Sen. Thom Tillis (D-NC) tomorrow. It starts at 10am and will feature the hero of the Sutherland Springs Stephen Willeford.

If you can be there, be there. Information below is from GRNC

Gun Group to Picket Tillis Office 

Grass Roots NC will demonstrate against 

Tillis role in federal gun control

[Raleigh] On Friday, June 24 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM, Grass Roots North Carolina (GRNC) will be picketing Sen. “Traitor Thom” Tillis at his district office at 310 New Bern Ave., Raleigh, NC, 27601. The focus will be Tillis’ participation in federal gun control. Additional details are available at

“Traitor Thom” is also a coward

To avoid the “redress of grievances” with his constituents guaranteed by the First Amendment, a Tillis staff member says they will close the office on Friday, demonstrating clearly that Tillis doesn’t want to hear from his constituents. Accordingly, Tillis is not only a traitor to the gun voters who gave him his narrow victory in the 2020 elections, but also a coward afraid to face his constituents.

Sutherland Springs hero

GRNC is bringing in Stephen Willeford, the hero who stopped the mass killing at First Baptist Church in Southerland Springs, TX by shooting and wounding the perpetrator with an AR-15 and then chasing the perpetrator’s motor vehicle to prevent him from committing further killings. Willeford will address the demonstration because his experience illustrates that only armed deterrence and intervention will stop mass killers.

Capitulation, not compromise

Democrats exploit mass killings to further their pre-ordained agenda to disarm the American public. The “solutions” they impose have no impact on mass murder.

What Republicans claim is a “compromise” negotiated by Tillis, John Cornyn (R-TX) and eight other Republicans is not a “compromise” at all because Second Amendment supporters gain nothing. In truth, it is capitulation, virtually guaranteeing that Democrats will soon demand more gun control.

GRNC position on gun control measures

GRNC opposes all measures in the Senate gun control package being voted on today, including:

♦ “Red flag” gun confiscation orders: Gun confiscation orders (GCOs) are issued in “ex parte” hearings in which the accused is not only denied the ability to defend himself in court but might not even know the order has been issued until law enforcement officers show up to confiscate his guns. In 2018, 61-year-old Gary Willis was shot by police after responding to banging on his door at 5:17 AM with a gun in hand. At least one-third of such orders are issued spuriously upon complaints by vengeful ex-spouses and other complainants with grievances. Ironically, if the person is truly dangerous, GCOs leave him at large and able to commit violence with other weapons.

So-called “boyfriend loophole”: This measure further expands the list of people prohibited from owning firearms after committing only misdemeanors rather than felonies. Although Republicans will argue the prohibition is only for five years, it creates another “loophole” which Democrats will eventually exploit to incrementally restrict private gun ownership.

♦Age restrictions and juvenile record provisions: Under these measures, an urban 20-year-old single mother living amidst rioting and looting would have a waiting period to obtain a firearm for self-protection. It represents an unconstitutional infringement on the constitutional rights of people old enough to drive, vote, and die in the service of their country.

For more information: 

Protest At Tillis’ Raleigh Office, June 24th

Given Sen. Thom Tillis’ (R-NC) role in the GOP capitulation on gun control, Grass Roots North Carolina is holding a peaceful protest outside his Raleigh office on Friday, June 24th. They were able to get Stephen Willeford, the hero of the Sutherland Springs, Texas attack, to attend as the featured speaker. Mr. Willeford is now the National Spokesman for Gun Owners of America.

The event will be from 10am until 1pm outside the Terry Sanford Federal Building in Raleigh.

If you live in the Piedmont or can get to Raleigh on the 24th, please be there. Remember, it is politicians like Tillis who are the reason the GOP is known as “the stupid party”.

More details in the alert from GRNC below:

We need YOU to picket against Tillis gun control sellout!

Traitor Thom” Tillis wants to saddle you with “red flag” gun confiscation.

As one of 10 Republicans tasked by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to “compromise” with anti-gun Democrats, Tillis is key to the “bipartisan” gun control framework announced last weekend.

Worse, with the support of 10 Republicans, the measures have exactly the 60 votes needed to overcome a filibuster. We need YOU to convince Tillis that his present course will be highly damaging to his political career by showing up on June 24 at Tillis’ district office in Raleigh. 

Stephen Willeford knows what really works 

We know mass killers seek out “victim disarmament zones” and that only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun. To deliver that message to Tillis, GRNC is bringing in Stephen Willeford, the hero of Sutherland Springs, who will address the Tillis protest

Stephen Willeford is the modest man of faith who stopped the massacre at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, TX with several carefully delivered rounds from his AR-15, then jumped into a truck driven by another Good Samaritan and chased down the killer, preventing him from continuing his murderous rampage elsewhere.

On June 24, Willeford will address those attending the protest against “Traitor Thom” by emphasizing that armed defense, not gun control, is the only way to deter or stop mass killers.

Gun control must be stopped! 

Even beyond unconstitutional gun confiscation without adequate due process of law from people convicted of nothing, anti-gun Democrats regard “red flag” Gun Confiscation Orders as the “low-hanging fruit.” Success in passing the measures under consideration will embolden them to demand additional gun control.

GRNC demonstration against Tillis

GRNC is organizing a protest at Sen. Tillis’ Raleigh district office and WE NEED YOU THERE. If you fail to show up, you will be delivering a message to gun ban advocates that you are too weak and apathetic to stop them. PLEASE ATTEND THIS EVENT, no matter how inconvenient or expensive it may be.

Protest details

What:     A peaceful picket featuring Stephen Willeford at the building containing Sen. Thom Tillis’ Raleigh district office
Where:   Terry Sanford Federal Building, 310 New Bern Ave., Raleigh, NC 27601
When:    Friday, June 24, 2022  -10 AM to 1 PM
Why:      To stop federal gun control
How:      Only by you showing up! Please RSVP!

At present, each of Senator Tillis’ district offices are using “COVID protocols” as an excuse to limit in-person interactions with staff. Therefore, we will ask them to send a staffer out for a redress of grievances as guaranteed by the First Amendment. We will also ask demonstrators to use cell phones to call into the office to deliver the message that we will not compromise on gun confiscation orders.

Help GRNC succeed      

Please RSVP: Please confirm by email to that you will attend by sending your name, city you are coming from, number of people you are bringing, and whether you are willing to carpool with others.      

Please bring others: We need a good turnout, so please bring family, friends, and like-minded acquaintances.      

Please dress for the press: Do not give the leftist media ammunition to depict us in an unflattering light. Please avoid clothing or signage with inflammatory language or slogans. We will have signage available for protestors, but if you chose to make your own signs, please stick to the theme that WE WILL NOT COMPROMISE ON GUN CONTROL.      

Weapons are prohibited: Note that the demonstration location is in front a federal office building, so dangerous weapons of any kind, whether carried openly or concealed, are prohibited under state and federal law.       

Please continue contacting senators: As you make plans to attend next Friday’s Raleigh demonstration, continue to regularly email and call U.S. Senators and remind them you will not accept further infringements on the rights of ALL lawful citizens to keep and bear arms and that you will not “compromise” on this issue.

Location & parking