It’s Not Just Illegal Mayors

For years we have seen one after another of Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns (sic) being arrested. Usually the charges had to do with some sort of corruption. Now it seems that the Demanding Moms are wanting to join the party but with an “Illegal Senator”.

Becker County booking photo

Minnesota State Senator Nicole Mitchell (DFL- Dis. 47) was charged with 1st Degree Burglary by authorities in Becker County, Minnesota for an early morning break-in. The burglary was of her stepmother’s home in Detroit Lakes, MN. Mitchell was dressed in all black, wore a black hat, and had a black sock over the lens of her flashlight. She supposedly was after pictures of her late father, his ashes, and other items. The stepmother who had been married to Mitchell’s father for over 40 years was reportedly afraid of her stepdaughter and had applied for a restraining order against her. She had also buried most of her late husband’s ashes but had sent a container with some of the ashes to Mitchell.

Mitchell was an Moms Demand endorsed “Gunsense” candidate in 2022 when she was first elected. She also has a boatload of endorsements from virtually every left-oriented group in Minnesota. Just last week she posted the picture of herself with Demanding Moms volunteers to X. Obviously, she was seeking their 2024 endorsement as she expected to get it for introducing a safe storage bill in March.

Not only is Mitchell a meteorologist, she is an attorney with a law degree from Georgia State. She is a member of the Minnesota Bar and is authorized to practice in Minnesota. One would think a licensed attorney would have used the court system to retrieve family memorabilia instead of engaging in an illegal, pre-dawn burglary.

As could be expected when the DFL has a one-seat majority in the State Senate, her arrest on felony charges is bringing different responses. Senate Majority Leader Erin Murphy is upset by the allegations but believes “Senator Mitchell has the right to a full defense of her case in court.” Meanwhile, Republican Minority Leader Mark Johnson said her conduct was unbecoming and “she needs to resign from the Senate immediately.” Republicans might also object to Mitchell voting while she still faces felony charges.

Mitchell’s district is strongly Democratic (or DFL in Minnesota-speak). She won her election in 2022 with over 58% of the vote. I’m sure if she resigned, another DFL candidate would replace her.

All in all, being an Illegal Senator sure doesn’t seem like Minnesota Nice to me.

UPDATE: Mitchell is now trying to justify her actions by claiming her stepmother has Alzheimer’s and associated paranoia according to her post on Facebook.

Like so many families, mine is dealing with the pain of watching a loved one decline due to Alzheimer’s and associated paranoia.

Over the weekend, I learned of medical information which caused me grave concern and prompted me to check on that family member. I entered a home I have come and gone from countless times in the past 20 years, where my son even once had his own room.

Unfortunately, I startled this close relative, exacerbating paranoia, and I was accused of stealing, which I absolutely deny.

I am calling bullshit on this. I understand elderly dementia all too well as my mother suffered from it in that last few years before her death. Yes, there is paranoia associated with elderly dementia but there are ways to deal with it in a constructive manner. For example, Mitchell could have had a trusted friend of her stepmother’s to intercede on her behalf. She could have had her stepbrother or other family member accompany her to visit with her stepmother so as to get the family memorabilia.

According to her father’s obituary, family was important to him and he always celebrated holidays with them. The obituary includes Mitchell’s son and two foster children as surviving relatives. It said her father considered it a “great gift” when he became a grandfather to her son. As an obituary is usually approved by the surviving spouse, it makes one wonder if any issues between the stepmother and Mitchell were actually of Mitchell’s doing and not that of the stepmother.

As it is, breaking in through a basement window at 4:45am dressed in all black with a masked flashlight would only serve to a) increase her stepmother’s paranoia, b) is suspicious, and c) indicates bad intent.

Giving Moms Demand Action A New Meaning

Susanna Gibson would seem, on the surface, to be the ideal candidate for Virginia Democrats in their attempts to regain control of the House of Delegates. Running in a suburban Richmond district, she is a nurse practitioner with degrees from U.Va. and Columbia University, an attractive mom with two young kids, a Virginia native married to a local attorney, and on the right side of all the issues that matter to young suburban professional liberals.

She has all the right endorsements. Politicians ranging from former Gov. Ralph Northam (D-VA) to US Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) to Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney have endorsed her. Gun control groups such as Giffords and Moms Demand Action support her as do organizations that are pro-abortion. She got the endorsement of the Sierra Club, the Climate Cabinet, and the Virginia League of Conservation Voters. In other words, her positions on the issues check all the correct boxes for Democrats.

As often with things that seem too good to be true, there is more to her story. Thanks to an article that first appeared in that cesspool of right-wing extremism, the Washington Post, we now know she had an “innovative” way of raising money for her campaign. You might even say she and her husband put themselves out there to raise money “for a good cause”.

From the Post:

Susanna Gibson, a nurse practitioner and mother of two young children running in a highly competitive suburban Richmond district, streamed sex acts on Chaturbate, a platform that says it takes its name from “the act of masturbating while chatting online.”

Chaturbate videos are streamed live on that site and are often archived on other publicly available sites. More than a dozen videos of the couple captured from the Chaturbate streamwere archived on one of those sites — Recurbate — in September 2022, after she entered the race. The most recent were two videos archived on Sept. 30, 2022. It is unclear when the live stream occurred….

In multiple videos, Gibson interrupts sex acts to type into a bedside computer. Speaking directly into the screen, she urges viewers to provide tips, which are paid through “tokens” purchased through the site. In at least two videos, she agrees to perform certain acts only in a “private room,” an arrangement that requires the viewer to pay more.

“I need, like, more tokens before I let him do that,” she responds to a request that they perform a certain act. “One token, no. More. Raising money for a good cause.”

Gibson is now characterizing the release of the videos of she and her husband having sex on a live webcam as “revenge porn”. Her attorney goes further saying it was a criminal act. He cited a 2021 Virginia Court of Appeals ruling which said it was unlawful to secretly record someone in a consensual sexual encounter. That is all good and dandy but there was nothing secret about this as it was streamed live for an audience with the intent to raise money. With a quick search, you can find some of the videos. What she did is no different than any other porn actress who engages in sex in front of a webcam for money. Gibson aka “HotWifeExperience” is reputed to have upwards of 6,000 followers on Chaturbate.

Screen Cap from one of her videos posted by the New York Post

Gibson has gone on the attack accusing the Republicans of trying to silence her because she is a woman. In other words, even though she recorded one or more of these videos after she declared for the House of Delegates, she is trying to play the victim card. While Politico is trying to play it off as “so what”, Democrats seem to be taking a wait and see approach. Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) offered “no comment” after appearing with her at a campaign rally

What Susanna Gibson suffers from is a lack of good judgement. I would say this about her even if I agreed 100% with her on her political priorities. Everyone knows by now that the Internet is forever. If you and your husband are performing sex acts on a live feed and are asking for “tokens”, you should have no expectation that it will remain private.

Good judgement is the one thing we can hope for in a candidate. We don’t have to agree with them but we expect them to make decisions impacting our future with a sober, reasoned, and judicious approach to the issue at hand. I do not think the voters in Virginia’s 57th House District can have any expectation of that from Susanna Gibson.

Shouldn’t The Killers Be The Ones Held Accountable?

I received the expected blood-dancing email from Everytown, the Demanding Moms, and their Young Pioneers (aka Students Demand Action) this afternoon. They are calling for accountability. And donations. Mostly donations.

We must hold the people who continue to enable gun violence accountable: The lawmakers who choose to exacerbate this crisis with only thoughts, prayers, and deadly legislation to further weaken our gun laws. The gun industry executives and gun traffickers who have flooded our communities with guns. The extremists who have pushed forward a violent agenda that we—and our children—are paying for with our lives.

I agree with accountability.

Accountability for those who demand gun free zones that make our children and grandchildren targets for killers. The killer chose the Covenant School as the backup after passing on a better defended location.

Accountability for those who decided a private school shouldn’t be assigned an armed school resource officer yet who would object to trained armed school staff.

Accountability for those politicians who veto bills that would allow churches with private schools to protect their congregations.

Accountability for prosecutors who give violent people a slap on the wrist or even a pass as opposed to prosecuting them. Perhaps three students at Michigan State would have been alive if a prosecutor had done his or her job.

Accountability for those in the media whose spin on anything involving guns and crime would make Josef Goebbels proud with its half-truths and lies.

It is the gun control industry and their allies in both media and politics who raise money off of tragedy who are the real villains in this story. While they have their own personal armed security, they will continue to fight to keep us, our children, and families defenseless. That is what is unforgiveable.

Follow-Up On Be Smart’s Gun Show Visit

If there was any doubt that Be Smart for Kids is anything other than a front for the gun control industry, the post below from Moms Demand Action – NC will remove it.

They posted on Friday:

Volunteers had a Be SMART for Kids table at a gun show in Fletcher, NC on March 4 and 5. They gave out postcards and had great conversations!

Learn more about safe firearm storage at

Here are the photos that accompany it.

There is no mention of the Project Childsafe gun locks that they obtained under false pretenses. They can be seen in the bottom photo at the far left as well as on the right side of the table. Thanks to a note from Holly Sullivan of the Connecticut Civil Defense League, I found out that the box in which these locks are shipped specifically states that Everytown and Moms Demand Action are unauthorized groups.

Elsewhere, I find numerous mentions by Moms Demand Action of “our volunteers” manning Be Smart booths. Frankly, I think it is an effort reinforce the PR message that the Bloomberg groups are about “gun safety” as opposed to their real mission of gun control.

If Moms Demand Action, Be Smart for Kids, and Everytown were really serious about “gun safety” in the context of children, they would be partnering with actual gun safety efforts like the NRA’s Eddie Eagle, the NSSF’s Project Childsafe, and my friend Derek LeBlanc’s KIDS Safe Foundation. But that would force them to be serious about gun safety and not gun control.

Shannon Watts Retiring From Demanding Mommies

Shannon Watts, who founded Moms Demand Action as a way to reinvigorate her PR career, is now stepping down as the leader.

According to an exclusive story in the Washington Post – written by a reporter for whose book Watts gave a endorsement blurb – she used her AD/HD disorder to “hyperfocus for many hours straight, a skill she’s harnessed hundreds of times to live-tweet details and context after shootings.”

Context after shootings? Is this a new term for dancing in the blood of the victims?

The story also stated her security guard was “unarmed” and that his job was to know where the nearest hospital was if she got attacked. I’m sorry but that is Grade A bullshit.

Having watched Watts over the years as she moved from Indiana to Colorado to California, all I can surmise is that she is either going to run for office herself or has found another billionaire for her next self-aggrandizing project. I just cannot see her giving up the limelight to retire to a quiet life.

I built a dossier on Watts over the years using publicly available information. Most of it was just general information such as the value of her various mansions, wedding pictures, etc. I did find interesting her hypocrisy on campus carry given that her older daughter Abby started college at Colorado State University where campus carry was legal.

So as Shannon supposedly rides off into the sunset, I dedicate this 1969 hit single to her. I would just change the “him” in the lyrics to “her”.

Against Guns, Against Self-Defense, or Both?

There was a shooting at the Greenwood Park Mall in Indianapolis, Indiana area on Sunday. Reportedly, the killer had hidden in the bathroom adjacent to the food court with a number of firearms in his backpack. As the mall was preparing to close, he entered the food court and killed three individuals as well as wounding two others. He might have killed more but he was stopped by 22 y.o. Elisjsha Dicken who was legally armed. Mr. Dicken was legally carrying concealed without a permit as was his right under Indiana’s recently passed permitless carry bill.

While the mall was posted as a so-called gun free zone, they have no force of law in Indiana. It would only be an offense if the carrier was asked to leave and refused. In that case, the concealed carrier could be arrested for criminal trespass.

Even though the mall was posted against carry by its owners the Simon Property Group, they had this to say about Mr. Dicken.

We are grateful for the strong response of the first responders, including the heroic actions of the Good Samaritan who stopped the suspect.

Contrast this dignified response with that of two of the leaders of the gun prohibition industry: Shannon Watts and Kris Brown.

First, Mrs. Watts who resided in the Indy area for many years until she left for more progressive pastures in the People’s Republic of Boulder and thence to California. She later deleted it.

And now Kris Brown, president of Brady United, who referred to Mr. Dicken as a “vigilante”.

Many on the progressive Left believe that government should hold the monopoly on violence. In other words, self-defense on behalf of yourself or others would be against the law and that any defense of a person should come from agents of the state, i.e., the police. If you respond like Mr. Dicken, then you are just as culpable in the eyes of the law as the killer.

Michael Bane discussed this at length in his MBTV On The Radio podcast last week. His example was that of the bodega worker who was being charged with first degree murder for protecting himself against a felon out on parole. This episode is well worth a listen.

We know that Mrs. Watts and Ms. Brown are anti-gun. It also appears that they are against self-defense. I am of the belief that as elitists, they fear firearms in the hands of the great unwashed. In other words, thee and me. They want the monopoly of violence – and the tools with which to secure it – to be in the hands of the state. This fits in directly with what Chairman Mao’s speech to the Chinese Communist Party said in 1938.

Every Communist must grasp the truth, “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” Our principle is that the Party commands the gun, and the gun must never be allowed to command the Party… All things grow out of the barrel of a gun.

The founders of the United States, by contrast, were greatly influenced by the works of English philosopher John Locke. He was a proponent of natural law. One tenet of natural law is that you have a natural right to life and you have a right to defend this life.

From Locke’s Second Treatise on Government, Chapter II, Section 16:

 it being reasonable and just, I should have a right to destroy that which threatens me with destruction: for, by the fundamental law of nature, man being to be preserved as much as possible, when all cannot be preserved, the safety of the innocent is to be preferred: and one may destroy a man who makes war upon him, or has discovered an enmity to his being, for the same reason that he may kill a wolf or a lion; because such men are not under the ties of the commonlaw of reason, have no other rule, but that of force and violence, and so may be treated as beasts of prey, those dangerous and noxious creatures, that will be sure to destroy him whenever he falls into their power.

Most countries of the world, whether they be communist, socialist, capitalist, authoritarian, democratic, or some other variant, do not recognize the individual’s right to self-defense. It doesn’t matter whether you are in China or Canada, the monopoly of violence remains in the hands of the state.

The United States, however, does recognize an individual’s right to self-defense. Whether by common law or codified law, it is a right recognized in all 50 states plus the District of Columbia. This is true even in the most progressive of states.

That Mrs. Watts and Ms. Brown reject the right of self-defense puts them, not us, outside the mainstream. It is a right that must be defended at all costs because without it we are slaves.

Criminal Carry?

The anti-rights lobby has now coined a new word. It is “criminal carry”. I learned it when I saw this tweet by the Demanding Mommy herself, Shannon Watts.

Of course, she has characterized permitless or constitutional carry by that epithet. As to the Demanding Moms actually stopping that bill in Tennessee, let’s just say that Mrs. Watts is never shy about taking credit when no credit is due her.

Given the right to keep and bear arms is an enumerated right, I’d like to take Mrs. Watts’ classification of one enumerated right to its illogical extreme by applying it to other enumerated rioghts.

So is it free speech or criminal speech that is protected by the First Amendment?

Is it the free exercise of religion or the criminal exercise of religion?

Is it due process of law or criminal process of law?

Is it a free press or a criminal press?

Is it the right to peaceably assemble or is it a right to criminally assemble?

The list could go on but you get what I’m saying. Someone may not like my right to exercise a constitutional right but to denigrate it diminishes all rights. Too bad Mrs. Watts is not smart enough to realize that.

Questions Not Asked (Updated)

I received a press release late this morning regarding a recent shooting in Durham, North Carolina. It was from the North Carolina chapters of Everytown, Moms Demand, and Students Demand. The tenor of this missive was that “gun violence” (sic) is killing the youth of North Carolina.

Lest I be accused of selective editing, here it is in its entirety:

DURHAM, N.C. —  The North Carolina chapters of Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action, both part of Everytown for Gun Safety’s grassroots networks, released the following statement after a shooting in Durham left two people dead and four others injured. According to local reporting, the six victims were driving in an SUV when they received fire at around 3 a.m. Monday morning. Most of those shot were under the age of 18, with some of the youngest being just middle school students, WRAL reports.

“The shooting in Durham is another tragic example of the devastating impact gun violence has had on North Carolina’s youth,” said Sylvia Burns, a volunteer with the North Carolina chapter of Moms Demand Action. “We can’t sit idly while young lives continue to be cut short by gun violence. Enough is enough.”

The shooting comes at the end of Durham’s deadliest year — by September 30, 2021, Durham police had investigated 43 homicides, surpassing 2016’s previous record of 42, according to INDY Week.

In an average year, 1,388 people die and 3,407 are wounded by guns in North Carolina. Guns are the second-leading cause of death among the state’s youth population, with an average of 104 children and teens being killed by guns every year. 60% of these deaths are homicides. More information on North Carolina gun violence can be found here.

There are a number of questions that this press release ignores while saying “enough is enough.”

Why were these “youths” out driving around at 3am on what is a school night?

Did the parents of those that were identified as “middle school students” know their children were out at this time of the morning? According to a more recent report, the middle schools students included a 13 year old boy, a 13 year old girl, and a 12 year old girl.

Given police say this shooting was not random, were any of these “youths” members of a gang?

Did the victims know their attackers?

Was this shooting gang related? Durham officials said earlier in the year that the city has a gang problem.

Were any firearms found in the SUV of the “victims”?

With one of those killed being 19 years of age, does Everytown consider this victim a “youth” or an adult?

The Durham Police Department reports that the SUV, a Hyundai Santa Fe, was reported stolen sometime on Sunday. Were these “youths” involved in the theft of the car and did the theft play any role in the shooting?

I do agree that it is a tragedy to see any young person’s life end prematurely. However, there are so many factors at play here that to heap all the blame on firearms is both misleading and simplistic.

UPDATE: More details emerge on this incident.

In addition to there being a seventh passenger in the stolen car, a firearm was found in it by police.

From WRAL Raleigh:

A police report indicates a .308 Winchester 88 was recovered from the Hyundai Santa Fe, which crashed into a utility pole near the intersection of Mathison and Eugene streets after the shooting.

Police said the SUV had been reported stolen on Sunday from a location in Durham that they didn’t disclose. There was no information as to whether the rifle was stolen along with the vehicle. Police haven’t said whether any of the teens have been linked to the vehicle theft.

A Winchester 88 is a magazine-fed lever action rifle. I will say it is not what one would expect to find at the scene of the crime.

Taliban – You Don’t Need Weapons For Personal Protection

As the Taliban consolidate their power in Kabul, Afghanistan, they have started going door to door collecting weapons from private citizens.

From Reuters:

Taliban fighters in the Afghan capital, Kabul, started collecting weapons from civilians on Monday because people no longer need them for personal protection, a Taliban official said.

“We understand people kept weapons for personal safety. They can now feel safe. We are not here to harm innocent civilians,” the official told Reuters.

The Taliban also believe in a strict interpretation of Muslim law including women should not leave their homes unless accompanied by a male relative and to be fully covered in a burqa. There are numerous stories of how they have killed or beaten innocent women as they moved back to power.

This leads me to ponder on the the conundrum facing American gun prohibitionists like Everytown, Moms Demand Action, Giffords, and the Brady Campaign. On the one hand you have a group that brutally subjugates women like it was the 7th Century. On the other hand, they want to ban the private possession of firearms saying, in essence, the state will protect you.

Choices are tough.