Twenty AGs Say No To Chipman

Attorneys general from 19 states have signed on to a letter from Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen opposing the confirmation of David Chipman to be Director of BATFE.

They call the possible confirmation of Chipman an “an attack” on the Second Amendment and say their oath to uphold the Constitution makes it impossible for them to support someone like him.

They go on to write:

The ATF has an important role to play in upholding the public safety of
communities around the country. Its agents deserve a director who will inspire
confidence from the people they serve. Given Mr. Chipman’s history of anti-gun
lobbying and political activism, Americans cannot be reasonably expected to believe
he will be an unbiased enforcer of current laws. As chief law enforcement or legal
officers in our respective states, we are concerned that Mr. Chipman will make
Americans less safe by diverting ATF resources to attack the rights of law-abiding
gun owners instead of cracking down on violent criminals and criminal

I think it is rare to see attorneys general take such a stand against a nominee for a law enforcement position like this. I think if the nominee were someone like a former DA or former US Attorney who, while still probably anti-gun, had not made a small fortune by shilling for the gun control industry you would not have seen this.

You can read the letter in its entirety below.

05.25.2021 State Attorneys General Letter to US Senate Leadership by jpr9954 on Scribd

David Chipman Nomination Hearing Today

The Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing today on the nomination of David Chipman, Joe Biden’s slap in the face to gun owners, to be the Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. As he is lumped in with a few other nominees for various positions, I’m not sure what time his nomination hearing will actually be held but the live stream starts at 10 am.

I expect Chipman to be asked fawning questions by Democrats such as Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and equally tough questions by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR). I think the final outcome will be a split vote with all Democrats voting to pass his nomination to the floor and every Republican voting against it.

It goes without saying that you should have contacted your own senators before today to voice your opposition to Chipman. I have sent both personal emails and the auto-generated emails in opposition to Chipman whose nomination to head BATFE is the equivalent of nominating an avowed vegan to head the meat inspection division of the Ag Department.

If you live the states of West Virginia or Arizona, I hope you have been putting a lot of pressure on Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Sen. Krysten Sinema (D-AZ) to oppose the nomination. The Democrats haven’t done away with the filibuster yet but even if they go to the “nuclear option” there is some hope that one or both of these senators would vote against Chipman.

In the meantime, it is now time to start making the calls.

Grass Roots North Carolina released an alert aimed at North Carolinians which also suggests contacting Sen. Mitch McConnell. It includes a way to get around McConnell’s web form’s rejection of out-of-state comments.

Act now, hearings start Wednesday

Joe Biden has found a special someone who hates your liberties as much as he does and wants to have that Waco Whacko head up the ATF or is it the “AFT” (to quote Biden). How could the Senate even consider confirming an anti-gunner to head up the ATF? SHOCKENINGLY CHIPMAN HAS MADE IN EXCESS OF A MILLION LOBBYING AGAINST YOUR SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS!!!

When Chipman champions “gun safety” the real meaning behind the lie is ‘no firearm protection from criminals for you’ indeed, Chipman’s advice for you in these dangerous times is to”buy stronger deadbolts for the exterior doors of your home”.    

Mr. Chipman (who worked as an ATF agent for 25 years)- ticks off each of the ‘take your firearms boxes’: he saddled up with Mike Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety (safety for criminals only).

To top it off Chipman is a Senior Policy Advisor for Gifford’s: Courage to Fight Gun Violence. What kind of a nut does Mr. Chipman have to be, to believe that the demoralized and defunded police will get to your home in time to save you in those precious seconds when death is at your door? He didn’t care about the children burned to death at Waco, no doubt he doesn’t care about your safety either. What kind of a nut would confirm someone who is against YOUR right to keep and bear firearms to head up the ATF?

A stronger deadbolt is a road bump to disaster if you have no means to protect yourself from the criminal kicking in your door-or breaking your window. 


  The link below will take you to a website form. It is not an email address. Just click on the link and it will take you to the form.
Contact Thom Tillis using this link, and call him at 202-224-6342 and 919-856-4630.
Contact Richard Burr using this link, and call him at 202-224-3154 and 800-685-8916.

Call AND Contact Mitch McConnell: Use both his phone number (202-224-2541 in D.C. OR  (502) 582-6304 in his district) AND his web contact form: 

Contact him REGARDLESS OF WHERE YOU LIVE and defeat his web form’s attempt to reject out-of-state comments by entering the following in-state address: 601 W. Broadway, Room 630, Louisville, KY 40202.

PLEASE CONTRIBUTE TO GRNC: Help us fight gun control while we promote Second Amendment principles. Please CLICK HERE to contribute. Bear in mind that GRNC is an all-volunteer organization, so you can be sure your donations are put to the best possible use. Any amount helps, and any amount is appreciated.
Suggested Subject: Do Not Confirm David Chipman ATF Nominee
Dear Senator___________

I am contacting you today to demand that the Biden nominee for leading the ATF be rejected without compromise. David Chipman has no business leading an agency that has as it’s mission statement “…to protect communities from violent criminals, criminal organizations….” when he is so dedicated to removing the legal means of citizens to protect themselves from criminals via firearms. 

David Chipman is as anti-Second Amendment as they come and there is no place more dangerous than a gun free zone as we can see in Chicago and many other American cities right now. David Chipman is a danger to my safety and that of my family.

I will continue to monitor this important issue through alerts from Grass Roots North Carolina. Any vote for Chipman will be considered a vote against gun owners. 


A Tale In Three Pictures

Do you recognize either the man or the location of the remnants of this fire?

Here let me give you a hint on the location.

Yes, that is the Branch Davidian compound in Mount Carmel outside of Waco, Texas as it is going up in flames. 76 men, women, and children died in that fire. The siege began when agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms raided the compound on February 28, 1993. 12 surviving members of the Branch Davidians were later tried on a variety of firearm offenses. The young man standing in the ashes holding what appears to be a M16 M14 was the ATF case officer for the trial.

Maybe you recognize him in this picture.

Getty Photo

Credit should go to the the British newspaper Daily Mail for linking the first photo to the man who is now President Biden’s choice to be the next Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. The Daily Mail also has placed Chipman at the other infamous raid of that era – Ruby Ridge.

I guess Biden couldn’t get Waco Jim Cavanaugh so is making do with Chipman.

Chipman Is Delusional!

David Chipman, Biden’s nominee to be Director of BAFTE, is not only anti-gun but a delusional liar.

He participated in a Reddit AMA or Ask Me Anything. During that AMA, he asserted that the Branch Davidians shot down two Texas ANG helicopters in Waco with two .50 caliber Barrett rifles.

According to a list of firearms recovered from the compound after the fire that destroyed it, there were zero .50 caliber firearms regardless of maker. This list came from the US Department of the Treasury based upon a dual FBI and Texas Depart of Public Safety search of the Branch Davidian compound.

As the case agent assigned to the trial of the surviving Branch Davidians, Chipman must have known this. If he didn’t, he was derelict in his job performance. Thus, we can either assume Chipman is an incompetent or a liar. You make the call.

H/T David Harsanyi – National Review

Biden’s BOHICA

The White House just posted the proposed Executive Actions along with their intent to nominate David Chipman to head BATFE.

It has all the stuff we’ve been expecting.

“Ghost guns” (sic). Check.

Pistol braces under NFA. Check.

Red flag law. Check.

Infrastructure monies to “community violence intervention.” Check.

So you don’t have to go and pull it up, here is it in its entirety.

Today, the Biden-Harris Administration is announcing six initial actions to address the gun violence public health epidemic. The recent high-profile mass shootings in Boulder – taking the lives of 10 individuals – and Atlanta – taking the lives of eight individuals, including six Asian American women – underscored the relentlessness of this epidemic. Gun violence takes lives and leaves a lasting legacy of trauma in communities every single day in this country, even when it is not on the nightly news. In fact, cities across the country are in the midst of a historic spike in homicides, violence that disproportionately impacts Black and brown Americans. The President is committed to taking action to reduce all forms of gun violence – community violence, mass shootings, domestic violence, and suicide by firearm.

President Biden is reiterating his call for Congress to pass legislation to reduce gun violence. Last month, a bipartisan coalition in the House passed two bills to close loopholes in the gun background check system. Congress should close those loopholes and go further, including by closing “boyfriend” and stalking loopholes that currently allow people found by the courts to be abusers to possess firearms, banning assault weapons and high capacity magazines, repealing gun manufacturers’ immunity from liability, and investing in evidence-based community violence interventions. Congress should also pass an appropriate national “red flag” law, as well as legislation incentivizing states to pass “red flag” laws of their own.

But this Administration will not wait for Congress to act to take its own steps – fully within the Administration’s authority and the Second Amendment – to save lives. Today, the Administration is announcing the following six initial actions:

The Justice Department, within 30 days, will issue a proposed rule to help stop the proliferation of “ghost guns.” We are experiencing a growing problem: criminals are buying kits containing nearly all of the components and directions for finishing a firearm within as little as 30 minutes and using these firearms to commit crimes. When these firearms turn up at crime scenes, they often cannot be traced by law enforcement due to the lack of a serial number. The Justice Department will issue a proposed rule to help stop the proliferation of these firearms.

The Justice Department, within 60 days, will issue a proposed rule to make clear when a device marketed as a stabilizing brace effectively turns a pistol into a short-barreled rifle subject to the requirements of the National Firearms Act. The alleged shooter in the Boulder tragedy last month appears to have used a pistol with an arm brace, which can make a firearm more stable and accurate while still being concealable.

The Justice Department, within 60 days, will publish model “red flag” legislation for states. Red flag laws allow family members or law enforcement to petition for a court order temporarily barring people in crisis from accessing firearms if they present a danger to themselves or others. The President urges Congress to pass an appropriate national “red flag” law, as well as legislation incentivizing states to pass “red flag” laws of their own. In the interim, the Justice Department’s published model legislation will make it easier for states that want to adopt red flag laws to do so.

The Administration is investing in evidence-based community violence interventions. Community violence interventions are proven strategies for reducing gun violence in urban communities through tools other than incarceration. Because cities across the country are experiencing a historic spike in homicides, the Biden-Harris Administration is taking a number of steps to prioritize investment in community violence interventions.

* The American Jobs Plan proposes a $5 billion investment over eight years to support community violence intervention programs. A key part of community violence intervention strategies is to help connect individuals to job training and job opportunities.

* The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is organizing a webinar and toolkit to educate states on how they can use Medicaid to reimburse certain community violence intervention programs, like Hospital-Based Violence Interventions.

* Five federal agencies are making changes to 26 different programs to direct vital support to community violence intervention programs as quickly as possible. These changes mean we can start increasing investments in community violence interventions as we wait on Congress to appropriate additional funds.

The Justice Department will issue an annual report on firearms trafficking. In 2000, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) issued a report summarizing information regarding its investigations into firearms trafficking, which is one way firearms are diverted into the illegal market where they can easily end up in the hands of dangerous individuals. Since the report’s publication, states, local, and federal policymakers have relied on its data to better thwart the common channels of firearms trafficking. But there is good reason to believe that firearms trafficking channels have changed since 2000, for example due to the emergence of online sales and proliferation of “ghost guns.” The Justice Department will issue a new, comprehensive report on firearms trafficking and annual updates necessary to give policymakers the information they need to help address firearms trafficking today.

The President will nominate David Chipman to serve as Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. ATF is the key agency enforcing our gun laws, and it needs a confirmed director in order to do the job to the best of its ability. But ATF has not had a confirmed director since 2015. Chipman served at ATF for 25 years and now works to advance commonsense gun safety laws.

I’m surprised that they didn’t add a PS saying, “Fuck you, all you bitter clingers.”

I fully expect each and every one of these proposals to be fought in the courts. If it was good enough for President Trump’s immigration Executive Actions, it is good enough for this.

As to Chipman, you damn well better start calling your senators. Filibuster or no filibuster, he must be stopped.

David Chipman As Head Of ATF? WTF!

President Joe Biden is reportedly going to nominate David Chipman to be the next Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. For those who are unaware of Chipman, he is a senior policy advisor for the Cult of Personality known as Giffords. He retired nine years ago as a Special Agent with BATFE. He has since become like a trained seal that the gun prohibitionists trot out anytime there is a hearing on gun control.

According to LinkedIn, Chipman’s last position was as Chief of the Liaison Division, Office of Public and Governmental Affairs. He was there for all of six months. The liaison division for the uninitiated is the lobbying arm of BATFE. So Slow Joe is planning on nominating a lobbyist to head BATFE. It figures.

Here is his self-reported history with BATFE. As you can see, he spent a good part of his career in administrative support or policy roles.

Chief, Liaison Division, Office of Public and Governmental Affairs Dec 2011 – May 2012 D.C. Metro Area Managed external partnerships of the Bureau of ATF to include law enforcement organizations, international liaison, industry, research, and other groups with interest in the prevention of violent crime and public safety.

International Association of Chiefs of Police Jan 2011 – Dec 2011 Alexandria, Virginia Served as ATF Liaison to the IACP assigned to the Research Center Directorate. Advisor to the National Law Enforcement Partnership to Prevent Gun Violence, the Center for the Prevention of Violence Against the Police and various other programs that support law enforcement safety and effectiveness.

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives 22 yrs 7 mos

Special Agent in Charge, Apr 2009 – Dec 2010 Responsible for execution of ATF’s operational budget in 25 Field Divisions. Manager of Asset Forfeiture Program charged with oversight of evidence seized by field agents and properties forfeited as a result of criminal investigations. Charged with monitoring Spectrum Relocation Program tasked with transition of undercover monitoring infrastructure from bandwidths sold by the government. In total, accountable for an annual budget in excess of $150 million.

Assistant Special Agent in Charge, Detroit Field Division, Nov 2006 – Mar 2009 Manager of Law Enforcement Operations for the Detroit Field Division; charged with leading federal firearm, explosives, arson and tobacco diversion investigations throughout the State of Michigan.

Chief, Firearms Programs Division, Sep 2005 – Nov 2006 Managed six branches staffed with over 70 employees that support ATF’s firearms enforcement and compliance missions. Managed foreign offices in Bogota, Mexico City, Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver. Oversaw budget in excess of $20 million. ATF representative to Department of Justice (DOJ) and International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)

Chief, Firearms Enforcement Branch Sep 2004 – Sep 2005 Managed developement (sic) of national firearms enforcement strategies to include implimentation (sic) of the Violent Crime Impact Team (VCIT)program charged with lowering homicides in 15 cities. ATF’s representative to DOJ subcommittee on Violent Crime and Gangs responsible for coordinating National anti-gang strategy.

Chief, Policy Development and Evaluation Branch Jul 2002 – Sep 2004 Led staff charged with programmatic development, budgetary analysis, strategic planning and performance measurement. Managed transition of ATF from the Department of Treasury to the Department of Justice. Managed ATF’s logistical response to the DC Area Sniper Investigation.

Resident Agent in Charge, Flint Field Office Jan 2001 – Jul 2002 Managed criminal investigations in 26 counties in north-central Michigan. Formed Project Safe Neighborhoods Task Force.

Group Supervisor, Arson and Explosives Team III, Detroit Field Division Jan 1999 – Jan 2001 Managed responses to large scale fireworks manufacturing plant explosion, multi-million dollar commercial firearm and tobacco diversion conspiracy that funded middle-eastern terrorist group.

Special Agent, Houston Field Division May 1993 – Jan 1999 Case agent in Branch Davidian Trial. Apprehended arsonist resulting in $1.5 million criminal forfeiture. Apprehended mail bomber resulting in 30 year federal sentence. Responded to Oklahoma City bombing as member of Western National Response Team.

Special Agent, Washington Field Division Jun 1988 – May 1993 Assigned to Norfolk, Virginia Field Office charged with combating firearms trafficking. Conducted numerous high risk enforcement operations as member of Washington Entry Control Team. Responded to World Trade Center bombing as member of Northeast National Response Team.

Within a couple of months of retiring from BATFE, Chipman had secured a position with Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown.

You may remember Andrew Traver. He was President Obama’s first pick to head BATFE. His nomination went nowhere and his nomination was eventually withdrawn. When he was nominated, Traver was Special Agent in Charge of the Chicago Field Division. Unlike Chipman, Traver’s gun control bonafides were only suspected and not confirmed.

Chipman’s nomination to head BATFE is not only bad but it is a slap in the face to every one of America’s gun owners. I rarely resort to profanity on this blog but Chipman’s presumed nomination has me saying, “Are you fucking kidding me?” There is no way in hell that a BATFE with Chipman in charge will be a responsible law enforcement agency upholding both the law and the Constitution.

One last thing about Chipman that I always found strange. Rarely, if ever, do you see a person’s high school listed on schools attended on a professional LinkedIn profile. Chipman, however, not only lists his high school but wants you to know that he went to the uber-connected and prestigious Phillips Exeter Academy.

I Don’t Think That Headline Means What You Think It Means

The online version of Newsweek magazine had the most misleading headline ever related to the recent panic buying of firearms. Since I don’t think merely quoting it does it justice, here is a screen shot of it.

Do they mean gun rights advocacy groups like the National Rifle Association, the Second Amendment Foundation, Gun Owners of America, the Firearms Policy Coaliton, or one of the many state-level groups?

Umm. No.

Once you start reading the article you come across comments from these “gun advocacy” luminaries.

“Fear has been the motivation for much of the increases in firearms purchases,” David Chipman, Senior Policy Advisor for gun control advocate group Giffords, told Newsweek.

“A small percentage of the marketing to gun owners has been to encourage preparation for end times scenarios and zombie apocalypses.”

Chipman said the country’s current gun laws allow people to hoard weapons in the same way they are able to mass buy toilet paper.

Chipman, of the Cult of Personality Known As Giffords, goes on to say he is a gun owner himself. Of course he is.

Not to be out done is this advocate is the co-president of Brady United.

Kris Brown, President of the Brady gun control campaign group, also said she is “very fearful” that the number of friendly fire incidents involving children could also dramatically increase as millions of children who are not currently at school will be present in their homes with these new weapons.

Brown said the feeling of short term security and safety that is provided by purchasing a weapon is masking the actual risk that will be dramatically increased.

“I understand in any time of crisis there is fear, the desire to do something to try and create a sense of security, and safety is paramount. The same instinct as fight or flight is what’s kicking in here,” she told Newsweek.

“The reality is the purchase of a gun is actually going right into harm’s way.”

It’s always “for the children” with them.

Last but not least is that “stay at home mom of five” and former corporate PR flack Shannon Watts herself.

“Right now, there’s no question that everyone is worried about their family’s safety. We know there are risks associated with having a gun in the home, especially when kids are involved, which is why responsible gun owners store their guns locked, unloaded and separate from ammunition.”

Watts added the presence of guns in a house also increases the risks of suicide and domestic violence.

“The NRA has spent decades selling a myth that more guns make us safer, but if that were true, the U.S. would be the safest nation on earth,” she said. “Instead, we have a gun homicide rate that’s 25 times higher than the average of other developed nations.”

Watts suggested if people truly want to protect their families during these unsettled times, they should “wash their hands and lock up their guns.”

While I can’t disagree with Mrs. Watts on the importance of hand washing, the rest of her statement is all too typical of her.

The best thing I can say about that headline is that they didn’t characterize these gun prohibitionists as “gun safety groups”. Indeed, the author of this article specifically refers to both Giffords and Brady as “gun control advocate” or “gun control campaign” groups.

Sucks To Be Him

Imagine that you a retired Federal special agent with one of the alphabet agencies. Now imagine that you are in a Congressional hearing as the “resident expert” for one of the anti-rights, gun control organizations. You get stuck next to a former street cop from an department in flyover country. That cop is an attractive woman, has more street cred than you’ll ever have, can out shoot you and most everyone in your alphabet agency, and gets all the TV time after the hearing.

It sucks to be you.

That is what David Chipman faced yesterday in the House Judiciary Committee hearing on banning modern sporting rifles. It helps to explain his petulant little tweet this morning.

Jealous much?

Reading through his biography provided to the committee some things stood out. First, most of his BATFE experience was in management and not as a field agent. Second, he was assigned to the Waco field office and was the “case agent in the Branch Davidian trial”. Third, he parlayed his work with BATFE and as a International Association of Police Chiefs Fellow into either a job with the gun control lobby or in a related industry.

Then there is this tidbit from They are the guys in the field who got tired of the corruption, back-scratching, and incompetence of the BATFE Headquarters and management.

 When it was brought to the Bureaus attention that Chipman had tried to grease the skids for former ASAC Stankoweicz(sp), the 5th floor was outraged and tanked the contract offer for someone who had so blatantly and publicly disgraced the Bureau. That did not prevent him from sliding into some other non Bureau contracted position. The problem is, that Chipman has been manipulating the Bureau sponsored contractor to pad the BQL with friends. The net effect is that the truly qualified people are not being considered for the positions. It has also been stated that Chipman has delivered HIS version of the BQLs for these contract positions, demanding his buddies be placed at the top of the list. Yep fraud. That simple. Yep the 5th floor knows.

BQL stands for best qualified list.

Finally, what kind of person puts where he or she went to high school on their professional resume? We may be proud of our alma mater but give me a frigging break. Chipman wants you to know he graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy. I’m guessing that is a kind of virtue signaling. It says that while he didn’t graduate from an Ivy League college, he wasn’t like the other jack-booted thugs in his alphabet agency. I’m guessing Chipman thinks it signals that he is one of the elite who “care”.

Damn Furriners!

If you were to believe the representative from Giffords the AR market is being flooded with foreign imports and home-made ARs.

This came up today in the House Judiciary Committee hearing today on banning “assault weapons”. Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) started the conversation by asking David Chipman about Colt and their decision to temporarily leave the commercial market. Chipman, a retired BATFE agent, is now a Senior Policy Advisor with Giffords. He previously held a similar position with Mayor Bloomberg’s Illegal Mayors.

I seem to remember that the late President George H. W. Bush imposed a ban on so-called assault weapons in 1989. Given that, I wonder where Chipman is getting his information. I mean an ATF agent, active or retired, would never make stuff up, now would he?

Much Ado About Nothing

The Brady Campaign, CNN, and the cult of personality known as Giffords are all in a tizzy that an BATFE official actually reached out to a lobbyist for comments. You may remember the white paper written by BATFE Associate Deputy Director Ron Turk that suggested items for discussion with regard to firearms regulations. The white paper was released after the inauguration of President Trump. It is to be noted that Ron Turk has always maintained that the items discussed in the paper were not official policy but rather items for discussion that he proposed.

According to CNN, after writing his initial draft of the white paper, Turk sent it to firearms lobbyist Mark Barnes for comments.

“If I am missing the mark on a major issue or disregarding a major discussion point any feedback you have would be appreciated,” Turk wrote to the lobbyist, Mark Barnes, on January 9, 2017. “My hope is that the agency can demonstrate flexibility where appropriate and identify areas for further discussion, recognizing that solving everyone’s concerns on each side would be difficult.”

Some of the suggestions from Barnes were included in the final draft of the white paper. Things like allowing dealers to use the NICS system to run background check on their own employees and a re-examination of a 20-year old sporting use study in light of the sporting uses of AKs and ARs. However, things that Barnes also suggested like loosening restrictions on the imports of SKS carbines and Makarov pistols from Russia were not included.

I think what has the gun control lobby and their enablers in the media so upset is that they weren’t approached for suggestions.

From Avery Gardiner of the Brady Campaign:

“I was surprised to see that the draft document had been emailed out to a gun industry lawyer and the final product took his suggestions as edits — without any disclosure of that until we went to court to get these documents,” said Avery W. Gardiner, co-president of the Brady Center. …

“There was a secret white paper that was partially written by the gun lobby. That’s exactly the kind of thing the Freedom of Information Act is supposed to address — transparency of government,” Gardiner said.

And from David Chipman, the former BATFE Special Agent who now works for Giffords, who is dismayed by the revelation:

“An independent ATF is critical to this nation’s security. The white paper suggests that the gun industry’s quest for power and influence has trumped public safety,” Chipman said.

An interesting side note on Chipman, he is a 1984 graduate of Phillips Exeter Academy – the ultra-expensive, ultra-upper class, prep school. I’m having a little bit of cognitive dissonance over a preppy actually getting his hands dirty working for a lackluster agency like BATFE. Isn’t that a little beneath a graduate of Phillips Exeter?

Back to the story in question, think back to the Obama Administration and all the photo ops and meeting held with the gun control industry. They were quite numerous. I think the problem here is that they are miffed to be on the outside looking in as opposed to the good old days when they had a seat at the table.

The CNN story does have link to all the drafts of the white papers if you are interested. They have also included a video on the page that seems like an outright editorial call for universal background checks. As Glenn Reynolds has often said they are Democratic operatives with a byline. I’d modify it to include gun control advocates with a byline.