Cartoon Of The Day

We have all been there waiting and waiting for a file to download or upload. Some of us including me still (somewhat) remember the days before high speed internet where we had dial-up modems running at 1200 and 2400 baud. When I transitioned from a 56k baud modem to DSL at 3 Mbps I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Now if my cable modem isn’t running at close to 100 Mbps I begin to wonder what is wrong.

So at the junction of firearms and computers, we have this:

A College Minor In Changemaking?

With Smith & Wesson moving a lot of their operations to Tennessee, I was checking to see what colleges and universities in the area offered that might be useful to that company. I was particularly interested in engineering and STEM programs.

Along the way I stumbled across a school that had a minor in “Changemaking”. I thought that it was good that this school was offering a practical minor for those students who had majored in fields with less than optimal job prospects. You know, the majors where graduates will be asking “do you want fries with that?” Now, at least, they would be equipped with the skills to handle a cash register and make correct change.

Unfortunately, it seems more about community organizing and “positive social change”.

The Changemaking minor equips students with the mindset, knowledge,ย and skills toย effect positive social change in theirย communities. Grounded in theories and methodologies of social innovation and social entrepreneurship, the minor affords students opportunities to study, develop, and implement regional socialย change projects in collaboration with partners in education, government, industry, and nonprofit sectors.

I am not going to name the university lest it embarrass my good friend David Cole. I do expect that school to kick one of my alma maters in football when they meet in November.

I will note the school does have a good number of engineering technology programs including in fields like product development, industrial engineering technology, and mechanical engineering technology. It also has the full range of business majors. Thus, not all is lost.

I think the move of Smith & Wesson to east Tennessee is a great win for that state and their industrial recruiters should be congratulated.

Tweet Of The Day

The tweet of the day comes from the Firearms Policy Coalition with the reminder that tonight is the last time to make your voice heard on pistol braces.

Make sure to turn up your volume.

Needed For Uber In Kabul?

I stumbled across this auction of a 1959 Saladin 6×6 armored car. It supposedly has a 76mm main gun but I’m thinking it is probably demilitarized. With a current high bid of only $1,500, you probably could afford to have it restored and to buy ammo for it. I somehow doubt that Lucky Gunner has ammo for it but you never know. They both are in Knoxville.

From what I’ve read about the Saladin, it held a crew of three. Therefore, if you want to provide safe Uber service to the airport in Kabul for American couples, it would be just the thing. It might not be comfy but it would be safe.

How could the Taliban object? It is named after that great Muslim warrior Saladin!

Admiral In Charge Of Army Armor School?

They put a Navy admiral in charge of the US Army’s Armor School?

What does the Navy know about tanks?!

No, no, no.

The US Army’s Commandant of the US Army Armor School is a Brigadier General named Kevin Admiral.

Brigadier General Kevin D. Admiral assumed duties as the Armor School Commandant on 27 September 2019.

Commissioned in Armor from the University of Kansas in 1994, Brigadier General Admiral holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Cellular Biology and a Master of Science in Campaign Planning & Strategy from the Joint Advanced Warfighting School. He is also a graduate of the Royal College of Defence Studies, London where he was a Senior Service College fellow.

Brigadier General Admiral has served in Armor, Cavalry, Mechanized Infantry and Stryker formations during his career. He served as an OC/T at the National Training Center, Small Group Instructor for the Armor Captain Career Course at Fort Knox, KY and Aide-de-Camp to the 36th Army Chief of Staff. His command assignments at every echelon from Company through Regiment includes two commands in combat; 1st Battalion, 36th Infantry (SBCT) and 3d U.S. Cavalry Regiment (SBCT) in Afghanistan. Following command of the Regiment of Mounted Riflemen at Fort Hood, TX, Brigadier General Admiral served as Executive Officer to the Commanding General of United Nations Command, Combined Forces Command, US Forces Korea (UNC/CFC/USFK). Prior to assuming his current duties at Fort Benning, he most recently served as the Deputy Commanding General for Maneuver, 4th Infantry Division and Fort Carson and Commander, Task Force Southeast in Paktiya, Afghanistan.

It’s Friday and I just found this kind of funny. The plays on his name just write themselves.

Prince Philip Anecdote

As most people know by now, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, has passed away. He was known to have quite a dry sense of humor and I rolled over laughing when I read this one.

I think even the Aussies would like that one.