Needed For Uber In Kabul?

I stumbled across this auction of a 1959 Saladin 6×6 armored car. It supposedly has a 76mm main gun but I’m thinking it is probably demilitarized. With a current high bid of only $1,500, you probably could afford to have it restored and to buy ammo for it. I somehow doubt that Lucky Gunner has ammo for it but you never know. They both are in Knoxville.

From what I’ve read about the Saladin, it held a crew of three. Therefore, if you want to provide safe Uber service to the airport in Kabul for American couples, it would be just the thing. It might not be comfy but it would be safe.

How could the Taliban object? It is named after that great Muslim warrior Saladin!

3 thoughts on “Needed For Uber In Kabul?”

    1. Though you might want something a little more stout for places like the Southside of Chicago and places in Detroit.

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