Tweet Of The Day

It seems that Everytown Law and the Brady United are trying to get the Federal Trade Commission to come down on Smith & Wesson for false advertising. You can read their letter here.

However, as Rob Romano of the Firearms Policy Coalition points out, their argument might backfire on them elsewhere. That said, neither Everytown nor Brady have any problem with hypocrisy.

Tweet Of The Day

The tweet of the day comes from my good friend Prof. David Yamane who writes the excellent Gun Culture 2.0 blog.

As the late Dr. Martin Luther King wrote, “A right delayed is a right denied.”

Tweet Of The Day

I know this is in response to the satirical website BabylonBee but it is wonderful.

Jayne Cobb approves!

Tweet Of The Day

It would be hard to top this tweet for a tweet of the day or even the week.

Just as a side note, how can you have a buy back when it was never owned by the buyer in the first place?

Tweet Of The Day

An alternative headline could have been Why (Most) Reporters Shouldn’t Write About Guns.

Every reporter who even mentions a firearm in a story should be required to read this little guide first. The National Shooting Sports Foundation created so reporters aren’t so grossly ignorant about firearms. Obviously, Ms. Bowman did not read it.

Tweet Of The Day

The tweet of the day comes from Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) who just nails Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) over his attempted “I am Spartacus” moment yesterday.

For those who may have missed it, Booker ostensibly released an email from Judge Brett Kavanaugh that was marked “committee confidential” in what he wanted to be a gotcha moment. When he released it Booker said he would be violating Senate rules by doing so. What he failed to say and what we later found out is that the email was no longer classified committee confidential and Booker knew it. Oh, and by the way, the email showed Kavanaugh arguing against racial profiling post 9-11.

Tweet Of The Day

I haven’t said anything on my blog about the shooting at the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs. Part of it because there is more and more coming out. Part of it is because I don’t believe in instant analysis. Finally, part is that I spent the whole weekend taking Massad Ayoob’s MAG-20 Classroom – Armed Citizen’s Rules of Engagement and I am decompressing from that intense experience.

I saw this tweet a bit ago. Former Bush speechwriter David Frum is calling for a lifetime ban on those who “raises a hand against a woman or a child”.

The anti’s are saying some of the stupidest stuff. They are calling for new laws when the laws that would have prevented the church murderer from legally obtaining a firearm were already in place. The problem was that someone in the US Air Force screwed up and didn’t report the results of the general court martial in 2013 to the FBI’s NICS check system. Note that this screw up occurred during the Obama Administration.

Tweet Of The Day

I found the following amusing though profoundly sad in its implications. At one time the FBI was a very respected institution. Lately it seems they are just another part of the politically-correct deep state who are more concerned with trapping Republicans for minor transgressions than in preventing honest to god, people are gonna die, terrorism.