Meme Of The Day

My friend Derek LeBlanc who heads the Kids Safe Foundation has created a number of 2A memes and infographics. I will be posting them on occasion.

Additionally, if you want to make a tax deductible donation to a great organization which does fantastic gun safety education for kids, consider Kids Safe. I have attended one of Derek’s presentation to children and it is top notch.

An Interesting Question

The meme below posits an interesting question for which the anti-gun forces have no answer. I assume most of them will say that you will be protected by the government which any rational person knows is a fallacy.

While any weapon can be abused by those with evil intent, these same weapons can and are used by good people to protect themselves and their families on a daily basis. It doesn’t matter if we are talking about an AR-15, a baseball bat, or a knife. All can be used for defensive purposes.

Entertainment At The 2024 SCI Convention

The Safari Club International convention is more than just a chance to meet with outfitters, attend educational seminars, or bid on trips in the auctions. It also has a lineup of entertainment events on Wednesday through Saturday nights.

It starts with Southern rockers .38 Special, moves to mega-country star Jason Aldean, then on Big & Rich, and concludes with late 70s, early 80s icons Foreigner. There should be something there for everyone.

Tickets for all acts but the Jason Aldean concerts include the dinner, auction, and entertainment. You can register for them here. The tickets for Jason Aldean will go on sale today through

UPDATE: Tickets for the Jason Aldean concert have a special code and link. Prices range from $140 to $247. These price are pretty much in line with his other concerts from what I can tell. You can see the info below:

Tickets are now available for Jason Aldean’s private concert at the famous Bridgestone Arena exclusively for SCI members! 

Tickets are available through Ticketmaster with your presale offer code. Please click on the link below which will direct you to Ticketmaster. Enter the Safari Club Presale Offer Code listed in this email when prompted by Ticketmaster. Your code is valid for a one-time purchase up to 8 tickets for the private show at Bridgestone Arena on Thursday February 1, 2024. Tickets only available while supplies last. 

Jason Aldean’s exclusive event for SCI members requires separate tickets from SCI’s Thursday evening’s Night of the Hunter dinner and auction at the Music City Center. Premium concert seats are also available for Thursday night’s SCI banquet attendees. Purchase Thursday night dinner tickets to unlock access to premium concert tickets.

Safari Club Presale Offer Code: SCI3CZUPW

Link to ticket to purchase tickets:

Know Any Budding Outdoor Writers?

I received a press release today on behalf of the Outdoor Journalist Education Foundation of America. It was seeking entries for their Lindsay Sale-Tinney Award. This award is open to those ages 12 to 25. They will be paired with a mentor and will be given up to $1,000 in travel expenses to attend an outdoor-related trade show, conference, or workshop. Examples of the types of events approved can be found here. Applications for the scholarship will be accepted until January 31, 2024.

I reached out to Lisa Snuggs, CEO of the organization, this afternoon as I was surprised to find out they were based in Badin, North Carolina. Badin and its namesake lake adjoin the Uwharrie National Forest. Despite its North Carolina, it is actually groups from South Carolina including the SC Outdoor Press Association who are promoting the scholarship. We Tar Heels need to step up our game!

Now to more details on the Lindsay Sale-Tinney Award:

BADIN, N.C. — With school in full swing, now is the perfect time to promote scholarship opportunities for young people interested in learning more about outdoor communications. The Outdoor Journalist Education Foundation (OJEFA) is accepting applications for its Lindsay Sale-Tinney Award through January 31, 2024, for hands-on experiences next year.

“We are here to help encourage and educate the next generation of outdoor storytellers and the Lindsay Sale-Tinney Award can open up a whole new world to young people who might consider a career in this arena,” said Lisa Snuggs, CEO of OJEFA.

Funding is widely available for projects that teach young people about wildlife and the environment or for programs that actually take kids fishing or hunting, but only a few opportunities exist for those who want to learn about communications in the outdoors industry.

Recipients of an OJEFA scholarship will be able to choose from a pre-approved list of events to attend, or they may ask for consideration of something aligned with their specific areas of interest. This could include anything from shadowing a content creator at the Bassmaster Classic to accompanying a wildlife biologist in the field or attending a video editing workshop.

The Lindsay Sale-Tinney Award was first awarded in 2011. More than one-half of the recipients are still actively associated with the outdoors as communicators, guides, champion shooters, land managers, and more. The most recent recipient, Lindsey Lucas wrote in her application essay these telling words.

“My long-term goals include pursuing a career as an outdoor writer and using the stories of my outdoor adventures to inspire people of all ages to step outside their comfort zones and try new outdoor adventures. I especially hope to inspire young ladies.”

Lucas, 17, is already a featured columnist with CrappieNow and has appeared on several television shows, including “Outdoor Vigilantes,” “Living the Dream Outdoors TV,” and “MNP Outdoors.”

View all the past recipients HERE and click HERE for the scholarship information and application. Contact Lisa Snuggs for more information:

Special thanks go to our partners who make the scholarships possible: Stu Tinney, South Carolina Wildlife, SCOPe, Eagle Anglers, Outdoors Tomorrow Foundation, and the South Carolina Waterfowl Association.

OJEFA Mission: OJEFA is dedicated to the education and support of outdoor communicators and their efforts to promote the wise and ethical use of our wildlife and natural resources, with an emphasis on developing and implementing programs to encourage such communications among young people.

“Easier to buy ARs than Sudafed” – Shannon Watts

There has been a mass casualty event in Lewiston, Maine this evening. We don’t know the details, we don’t know if the killer is in custody, or much of anything else other than photos appear to show a white male with an AR.

Nonetheless, this has not stopped Shannon Watts of the Demanding Mommies from going ballistic on Twitter.

She is peeved at the Republicans in Maine for standing in the way of a bill that required a 72 hour waiting period. She then makes the claim that it is easier to buy an AR in Maine than Sudafed.

Really, Shannon?

According to the law in Maine, you may be asked to show identification to the pharmacist. Notice the law says you “may” be asked not that you are “required” to show ID. By contrast, my home state requires ID.

However, neither Maine nor North Carolina require a FBI NICS check. Moreover, while they may ask more questions if you are under the age of 18, you are not required to be age 18 or older. The state also doesn’t treat you differently if you are between the ages of 18 and 21.

To buy an AR in Maine or any state without an AWB, you must:

  • Pass a FBI NICS check or alternative (CCW, if accepted by ATF)
  • Be age 18 or older
  • Show a valid state or Federally issued picture ID with your street address on it
  • Fill out a Form 4473
  • Imposes a waiting period if between the ages of 18 and 21
  • Face felony charges if you lie on the Form 4473

If Shannon Watts could not lie while rolling in the blood of victims, she would be lost.

UPDATE: It looks like Shannon deleted the first part of the post and then doubled down on her Sudafed claim. She did later repost the first part so I’ll try to get it up as well.

Doubling down on the Sudafed claim which is now in all caps as in SHOUTING.

This is what the first part of her original tweet included:

While Maine does not have an “official Red Flag” law, it does have what is referred to as a Yellow Flag law according to the Wall Street Journal.

Under the legislation, a medical practitioner is supposed to notify a law-enforcement agency in writing if a person “is found to present a likelihood of foreseeable harm.” Law enforcement is then supposed to take that information to a judge, who can authorize officers to temporarily take the person’s guns and prohibit him or her from acquiring other firearms.

Two More Petition Candidates For NRA Board

In addition to Rocky Marshall and Judge Phil Journey, the two other petition candidates that I am aware of are Jeff Knox and Dennis Fusaro. They need our help as well to get the necessary signatures. I realize it is the 11th hour but there is still time if you do it NOW.

Here is a link to Jeff’s petition.

And a link to Dennis’s petition.

The Complementary Spouse and I signed and sent the petitions back a while ago. I would urge you, if eligible, to do the same.

Send them to Jeff at:

Jeff Knox, P.O. Box 303, Tombstone, AZ  85638

This needs to be done ASAP as he has to have the petitions in to the NRA by November 7th.

One final note – could you imagine the uproar in Fairfax if Jeff got on the Board. The wailing and gnashing of teeth would be heard everywhere. I do realize that with the size of the board he would be “powerless” in terms of passing stuff. That said, it is not always about passing stuff.

Get Phil Journey On The NRA Ballot (UPDATE)

UPDATE: Time is running out for petition candidates for the NRA Board of Directors to obtain the necessary signatures. Judge Journey must submit all signatures by November 7th. This means he needs everything in hand ASAP. If you are eligible to vote in the 2024 election for NRA Board of Directors and you have not signed the petition, DO IT NOW!

As a reminder, the Nominating Committee has nominated 28 people for the 25 board seats up for election. A full 25 of these people are already on the Board. It is the same old, same old which has allowed the NRA to flounder, to be brought into court in New York, and which has allowed grifters like Wayne, Marion, and company to get away with it for years.

Judge Phil Journey is running for the NRA Board of Directors. I did send in his nomination to the Nominations Committee but I imagine that nomination will be sent directly to the circular file by them. While he was nominated by them in 2020, they refused to do so in 2023.


That is easy to answer. When he called for an independent examiner in the abortive NRA bankruptcy case, he outed himself as not one of the go-along, get-along Friends of Wayne. He also called for Wayne’s replacement as CEO and Executive VP. Thus, he became persona non grata to the powers that be and was a threat to their perks paid for out of the members’ dues. I won’t even get into the childish and contemptible behavior that some Board members have shown towards Phil.

Phil is also Judge Phillip Journey. He serves in Kansas’ 18th District Court, Division 1, and is currently assigned to handle Family Law cases. He told me in the past that as an officer of the court it would have unethical for him to ignore what Bill Brewer was attempting to do when he had the NRA file for bankruptcy protection.

Since the Nominations Committee will ignore Phil Journey, he needs to get on the ballot by petition. This year, thanks to the abysmal voter turnout in 2023, one only need approximately 375 valid signatures to get on the ballot.

So what is a valid signature? It would be that of a Life Member of any level or that of a five-year continuous member. If there had been any break in your annual membership during that five years, the clock starts again. It also has to be an original signature. I suggest signing with blue ink so there is no question that it is not original.

Completed petitions need to be sent back to Phil by October 15th. He must submit all petitions to the NRA by November 7th and this gives him to time to verify membership numbers, etc.

Send the signed petition to him at:

Phillip Journey, PO Box 501 Haysville, KS 67060

Share this post and especially Phil’s petition with friends. We need people like Phil and Rocky Marshall working for us on the inside where there is a chance – slim though it might be – that they can have an impact.

I have embedded both the official petition form and Phil’s bio below.



Let’s Get Rocky Marshall On The NRA Ballot (Updated)

UPDATE: Time is running out for petition candidates for the NRA Board of Directors to obtain the necessary signatures. Rocky must submit all signatures by November 7th. This means he needs everything in hand ASAP. If you are eligible to vote in the 2024 election for NRA Board of Directors and you have not signed the petition, DO IT NOW!

As a reminder, the Nominating Committee has nominated 28 people for the 25 board seats up for election. A full 25 of these people are already on the Board. It is the same old, same old which has allowed the NRA to flounder, to be brought into court in New York, and which has allowed grifters like Wayne, Marion, and company to get away with it for years.

Rocky Marshall is stepping up to run for the NRA Board of Directors. I have run guest posts from Rocky as well as have highlighted the work he had done in bringing reform to the NRA. His work analyzing the finances of the NRA has been insightful. Rocky sought to intervene in the NRA dissolution lawsuit so that someone would actually be representing the members and not Wayne’s interests. Unfortunately, it was denied.

I have sent in the names of both Rocky and Judge Phil Journey to the Nominations Committee. They, like I, fully expect that the nominations will be blown off in favor of someone who won’t rock the boat. Thus, Rocky is seeking to get on the ballot by petition. This year, thanks to the abysmal voter turnout in 2023, one only need approximately 375 valid signatures to get on the ballot.

So what is a valid signature? It would be that of a Life Member of any level or that of a five-year continuous member. If there had been any break in your annual membership during that five years, the clock starts again.

From Rocky’s email to me:

In 2021, I was selected to be on the National Rifle Association Board of Directors. During my tenure, I served a one-year term and worked diligently to change the management and the direction of the NRA due to the corruption that had occurred.  I am once again attempting to be reelected to the Board of Directors in hopes of working to save the NRA from the current demise.  If you would like to help me, and you are an NRA Life Member, please print out the attached petition and fill in your information and sign where indicated. If you are able to obtain additional NRA Life members on the form, please feel free to do so.   


Please mail the petition to the following address:

Rocky Marshall

975 Turkey Knob

Boerne, TX 78006

As noted above this, a 5-year member also qualifies. That said, there is never a question regarding Life Members.

I have embedded both the petition and a bio for Rocky below. Send back the signed petition with your membership number to Rocky at the address he provided. If you have friends who are NRA Life Members, have them sign it as well.

Both the Complementary Spouse and I have signed the petition and will be mailing back to Rocky ASAP.



The Pew Pew Jew On Ingraham Angle (Updated)

My friend, Yehuda Remer, the Pew Pew Jew, will be on Fox’s The Ingraham Angle tonight. He will be speaking with Laura Ingraham presumably about Jews arming themselves.

I don’t have cable anymore and thus don’t get Fox News. It airs at 7 pm EDT. The time in your time zone will vary. I hope they offer an excerpt of it later tonight or tomorrow.

Go Yehuda! And one of my favorite photos of Yehuda is below.

UPDATE: The video interview of Yehuda by Laura Ingraham is below. Good for Yehuda in getting in a plug for his book on gun safety for children!

Oh, Gavin…

Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) is taking offense to Judge Roger Benitez’s decision in Miller v. Bonta that the state’s AWB is unconstitutional. Fortunately, X, the renamed Twitter, now allows community feedback to give needed context.

Here is the context provided by readers.

Provides important context · Directly addresses the post’s claim

Benitez appointment to his federal judge position was backed by both Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, hardly “right wing”

Federal judges are appointed for life and do not receive political backing from any organization, including the NRA

Not only is there context provided by readers that is considered helpful but the comments are slamming Newsom up one side and down the other. I don’t think I’ve seen a comment yet that agrees with his position.

The best responses are memes or pictures.

There were plenty more but I think you get the point.