Oh, Gavin…

Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) is taking offense to Judge Roger Benitez’s decision in Miller v. Bonta that the state’s AWB is unconstitutional. Fortunately, X, the renamed Twitter, now allows community feedback to give needed context.

Here is the context provided by readers.

Provides important context · Directly addresses the post’s claim

Benitez appointment to his federal judge position was backed by both Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, hardly “right wing” https://www.sfchronicle.com/news/article/Feinstein-s-support-of-Judge-Benitez-way-back-16241830.php

Federal judges are appointed for life and do not receive political backing from any organization, including the NRA https://www.uscourts.gov/judges-judgeships/about-federal-judges

Not only is there context provided by readers that is considered helpful but the comments are slamming Newsom up one side and down the other. I don’t think I’ve seen a comment yet that agrees with his position.

The best responses are memes or pictures.

There were plenty more but I think you get the point.