Mayor Daley Not Fading Away

Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley is not fading away as his latest term in office runs out. At least not with regard to gun control, that is.

Gathering a group of clergy, activists, elected officials, and victim’s families for his annual gun control law press conference, Daley pushed the Illinois General Assembly to pass “common-sense gun laws.”

Felons convicted of illegal gun possession or charged with other gun crimes would no longer be eligible for probation, under one of four new wrinkles in Daley’s annual package of gun control legislation.

The lame-duck mayor is also proposing: a mandatory, ten-year prison sentence for pointing a gun at a first responder; a separate felony charge for parents or guardians who bring a child along when they commit or attempt a felony and automatic transfer from juvenile to criminal court for 15- to 17-year-olds charged with possession or use of a firearm.

According to CBS Chicago, he also reiterated his call for an “assault weapons ban” and background checks on private sales. As heard in the audio report by WBBM, he was dismissive towards the Supreme Court for ruling against Chicago in the McDonald case. I guess when you have been the Mayor of Chicago for as long as Daley, you become a law unto yourself – at least in your own mind.

Asked by another reporter whether this was his last effort on gun control, Daley responded that “I will keep this up as a private citizen as well.” I wonder how much traction Daley will have once he doesn’t have his army of police, elected officials, and the Chicago Machine to back him up anymore.