Phase 1 Trial Transcript

The Phase 1 (jury) trail transcript from the New York Attorney General’s lawsuit against the NRA and the individual defendants is now available.

You can find all 4932 pages here.

Additionally, there is an errata or correction sheet of 28 pages that can be found here. Despite these 28 pages of corrections, the transcript is not 100% error free.

For example, on page 104 at lines 12-14, Sarah Rodgers of Brewer, Attorneys and Counselors, appears to be referring to Sonya Rowling who was a mid-level accountant with the NRA before being elevated to CFO. However, the transcript calls her “Sandra Froman”. Ms. Froman, of course, is a past NRA President, an attorney, and a current member of the Board of Directors.

If that is the only error found and not corrected, I’d be surprised. I feel for the court reporter dealing with all sorts of accents trying to accurately convey word for word what was said.

As to the transcript itself, I’m sure that is plenty of good stuff in there that was never reported in the media.