Put Todd On The Board, Too!

Todd Vandermyde of Illinois is a friend and the type of person who needs to be on the Board of Directors of the NRA. For many years, he labored in the trenches of the Illinois General Assembly as a contract lobbyist for the NRA, FFL of Illinois, and Springfield Armory among others. While he is retired as a lobbyist, Todd most recently was an expert witness in Barnett v. Raoul which challenges the Illinois mag and “assault weapon” (sic) ban. Currently, he serves as the president of the Aurora Sportman’s Club which is one of the largest gun clubs in Illinois.

Todd and I have had many discussions on what could have been done to advance our Second Amendment rights if only half of the money spent (wasted!) on Bill Brewer had been spent on 2A litigation. It is enough to make any activist cry.

Todd, like me, wants reform at the NRA and I have submitted his name to the Nominating Committee for consideration. He, like me, is also running as a petition candidate. I have placed his petition below. If you are a voting member of the NRA – Life or an Annual Member with five or more continuous membership without interruption, please consider signing it.

Email Todd at tvandermyd AT aol DOT com for his mailing address.
