NRA Petition Candidate – Paul Babaz

Paul Babaz was another sitting director who was not re-nominated by the Nominating Committee. As he noted to me in an email, he didn’t get re-nominated “as I haven’t been falling in line with the cabal.” As NRA In Danger opined, he was purged.

Prior to serving on the NRA Board of Directors, Paul was president of Safari Club International. While a much smaller organization, it, too, has a large board of directors but they seem to be more frugal with their members’ dues. For example, last year they instituted a policy change whereby if you were coming to a committee meeting at the same time as the annual convention you paid your own expenses. Would that the NRA was that frugal with members’ dues.

Paul is currently a Managing Director-Investments and a Financial Advisor with Oppenheimer & Co. in Atlanta. His NRA biography is below:

You can return Paul’s petition either to him directly at PO Box 81795, Atlanta, GA 30341. Alternatively, you can return it along with other petitions to Rocky Marshall. That address is Frontier Truck Gear, Attn Rocky Marshall, PO Box 277, Center Point, TX 78010. Regardless of which address you send it, the petition should be sent so that it arrives by September 30th. Both the Complementary Spouse and I have signed his petition.

As with all of these petition candidates, if you can get more voting members to sign it, so much the better. A voting member is a) a Life Member of whatever level or b) an Annual Member with five years of continuous membership without a break.

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