A Tale Of Two Hands

Pictures are oft times much more powerful than words in conveying a message. Compare the two pictures below. They are both from the Middle East. One was from a time where we didn’t believe in appeasement of Islamofascists and the other is from now where we are sending more mixed messages than an awkward teen-aged boy on his first real date.

After voting in 2005 Iraqi parliamentary election

Bloody handprints left as diplomats in Libya were dragged out of Consulate.

I agree with Bob Owens when he said the handprints above define a failed presidency.

I remember all too well how our enemies in the Middle East reacted in 1979 to a weak President who may have been well-meaning but was ineffectual. Fifty-plus Americans were kept in captivity for 444 days as a result.

I never want to see that again. While this election is, and should be, primarily about the abysmal domestic economy, it is also about foreign affairs and the Obama Administration has shown an amazing and disturbing level of naivete. Hillary Clinton campaigned on that 3am call and who would be ready for it. It has become all too obvious that neither Barack nor Hillary were ready for it.

Mitt’s forte might be business and economics and not international relations. Nonetheless, I can be damn sure he wouldn’t be skipping his national security briefings to campaign or play golf. I also know he isn’t a narcissist with a pathological need to be “loved” by even our enemies.

3 thoughts on “A Tale Of Two Hands”

  1. That whole "being loved by our enemies" shit has to stop. The consulate in Libya should be ground zero for a major air strike. Sanitize a 1 mile radius there and tell all the islamonuts that they are next.

  2. "Mitt's forte might be business and economics and not international relations. Nonetheless, I can be damn sure he wouldn't be skipping his national security briefings to campaign or play golf."

    George W. Bush campaigned using this image of himself, even after he HAD in fact skipped his national security briefings to play golf. It took the destruction of the World Trade Center and about 3,000 deaths to get him back from vacation. If Romney is elected, I hope he doesn't turn out the same way.

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