NRA Petition Candidate – Theresa Inacker

Theresa Inacker brings everything to the table. She is an attorney, a writer, a 2A activist, a competitor, a hunter, a Girl Scout leader, and a mom. I met Theresa through what was then called the DC Project. It is now called Women for Gun Rights and she serves as the New Jersey Director for the organization. She also serves on the Executive Board for the Coalition of New Jersey Firearms Owners. As a Second Amendment activist, she knows what the fight is like in the belly of the beast as she lives in one of the most unfree states in the nation – New Jersey.

You can read more about her in her bio below:

You can return Theresa’s petition either to her directly at 18 Lake Road, Tabernacle, NJ 08088. Alternatively, you can return it along with other petitions to Rocky Marshall. That address is Frontier Truck Gear, Attn Rocky Marshall, PO Box 277, Center Point, TX 78010. Regardless of which address you send it, the petition should be sent so that it arrives by September 30th. Both the Complementary Spouse and I have proudly signed her petition.

As with all of these petition candidates, if you can get more voting members to sign it, so much the better. A voting member is a) a Life Member of whatever level or b) an Annual Member with five years of continuous membership without a break.

NRA Petition Candidate – Frank Tait

Frank Tait ran as a reformer before being for reform was cool. It was Frank Tait who authored the controversial resolution expressing no confidence in Wayne LaPierre in 2019. He was right but the cabal fought it off. It was Frank Tait who unsuccessfuly sought to intervene in the New York case on behalf of the members as it seemed no one was actually representing the members. Frank did make it on the Board for a short period in late 2022 and early 2023. He tried to open some eyes and maybe he did.

I have supported Frank each and every time he has run by petition and I proudly support him again. The Complementary Spouse and I cheerfully signed and returned his petition.

You can return Frank’s petition either to him directly at 425 W. Wayne Ave, Wayne, PA 19087. Alternatively, you can return it along with other petitions to Rocky Marshall. That address is Frontier Truck Gear, Attn Rocky Marshall, PO Box 277, Center Point, TX 78010. Regardless of which address you send it, the petition should be sent so that it arrives by September 30th. Both the Complementary Spouse and I have signed his petition.

As with all of these petition candidates, if you can get more voting members to sign it, so much the better. A voting member is a) a Life Member of whatever level or b) an Annual Member with five years of continuous membership without a break.

If you want to know a bit more about Frank’s qualifications, here is his bio:

NRA Petition Candidate – Paul Babaz

Paul Babaz was another sitting director who was not re-nominated by the Nominating Committee. As he noted to me in an email, he didn’t get re-nominated “as I haven’t been falling in line with the cabal.” As NRA In Danger opined, he was purged.

Prior to serving on the NRA Board of Directors, Paul was president of Safari Club International. While a much smaller organization, it, too, has a large board of directors but they seem to be more frugal with their members’ dues. For example, last year they instituted a policy change whereby if you were coming to a committee meeting at the same time as the annual convention you paid your own expenses. Would that the NRA was that frugal with members’ dues.

Paul is currently a Managing Director-Investments and a Financial Advisor with Oppenheimer & Co. in Atlanta. His NRA biography is below:

You can return Paul’s petition either to him directly at PO Box 81795, Atlanta, GA 30341. Alternatively, you can return it along with other petitions to Rocky Marshall. That address is Frontier Truck Gear, Attn Rocky Marshall, PO Box 277, Center Point, TX 78010. Regardless of which address you send it, the petition should be sent so that it arrives by September 30th. Both the Complementary Spouse and I have signed his petition.

As with all of these petition candidates, if you can get more voting members to sign it, so much the better. A voting member is a) a Life Member of whatever level or b) an Annual Member with five years of continuous membership without a break.

While I Was Gone…

I left for South Africa on the afternoon of Friday, August 23rd and only got back home to North Carolina around noon yesterday. As the Complementary Spouse was home alone (though well armed), I was reluctant to go public that I was out of the country. I had won an auction at the SCI Convention in February for a 7-day hunt at a ridiculously low price to go with a Delta “buddy pass” which had to be used by early September. Thus, my brother-in-law Larry and his son Alex joined me for a trip to Thabazimbi in Limpopo Province. I will have more on that trip in subsequent post but suffice to say it was pretty successful.

However, while I was gone, a lot of stuff happened and it is hard to blog about things when using just an iPad. Lets go over some of the things that have happened while I was gone.

Number 1: I was put on the ballot for the 2025 NRA Board of Directors election by the Nominating Committee. I did quickly post about this on August 28th. As I have said, this was not expected. Some have suggested with some justification that this may have been an attempt to shut down my news and criticism of the cabal and the NRA. I promise that if elected I will not stop exposing issues within the NRA while still being observant of my fiduciary duties. I should also note that I am NOT stopping my campaign to be on the ballot by petition. While it may seem redundant now that I am officially on the ballot, being placed on the ballot by petition to me is the Holy Grail as it comes from the members and not the insiders. My goal in running for the Board is to serve the members, the grass roots, and the cause of advancing our Second Amendment rights.

Number 2: NRA In Danger blog was taken down temporarily. I literally had 3-4 emails within an hour of it going down telling me about it. I had multiple back and forth emails with “NRALifer” over the issue after I was alerted to it. While the conspiracy theorist in me and many others pointed towards that lawyer we all love to hate, in the end it was some anti-spam algorithm that targeted the blog for supposed spamming. I hate to say it but in the old days of bulletin boards, listservs, and Usenet groups it was harder to suppress news and opinion. As social media has grown up, censorship has grown with it. I am an advocate for having and using private hosting services that are less likely to be censored than the corporate ones. For the record, I do not know who runs and writes the NRA In Danger blog.

Number 3: A blistering 8-page “Dear Board Member” letter went out on August 30th from NRA VPs Bill Bachenberg and Mark Vaughan. It took aim at the Special Litigation Committee, the original committee assignments, Brewer, and the cabal. More on this letter in another post.

Number 4: The cabal waited a few days and then issued their response officially (supposedly?) written by cabal member Don Saba. It accused Bachenberg and Vaughan of being “divisive” and “harmful” to the NRA as well as trying to coerce and browbeat the cabal. . The letter was full of innuendo about the reform elements cooperating with the NYAG’s office and how they had help from a “competing second amendment organization” to promote “discord, distrust, and confusion” on the Board and with gunowners. Of course, it is nonsense. I do remember well that Dr. Saba was one of the Directors who vehemently disagreed with my 2020 resolution on succession planning at the Annual Meeting in Tucson.

Number 5: I met and became friends with a member of the 2016 South African Olympic Team. Lindsay Hanekom is a field and track athlete who runs the 400m hurdles and was going to Atlanta for training. He, like Larry and I, got bumped from our flight to Atlanta on Monday night. Thanks to Lindsay, we were able to get a ride to a hotel near the airport with his friend Driaan.

Number 6: Our hunt with Tsala Safaris was mostly a success. While I didn’t get my cull zebra, I did get my trophy impala and blue wildebeest. I also saw giraffes, roan, zebra, golden wildebeest, sable, mongoose, nyala, kudu, waterbuck, eland, red hartebeest, warthogs, springbuck, gemsbuck, Cape buffalo, and probably others than I have forgotten to name. I still marvel at the ability of our trackers Sharma and Filomon to see animals amidst the tangle of the bushveld as they saw animals that even with binoculars I couldn’t see.

The backstrap from my impala was made into lunch a few days later when we had impala stroganoff. It was exceptionally good. For those that are into these things, that ram was taken with one shot at about 175 yards and his horns measure right at 24 inches.

Now it is time for me to try and shake off the jet lag and get to work helping the other petition candidates for the NRA Board. There are a total of 26 reform candidates running for the Board of Directors and only 11 are on the ballot courtesy of the Nominating Committee. Despite Judge Cohen’s suggestion that we have an open election with anyone who wished to run on the ballot, we are not there yet.

Put Todd On The Board, Too!

Todd Vandermyde of Illinois is a friend and the type of person who needs to be on the Board of Directors of the NRA. For many years, he labored in the trenches of the Illinois General Assembly as a contract lobbyist for the NRA, FFL of Illinois, and Springfield Armory among others. While he is retired as a lobbyist, Todd most recently was an expert witness in Barnett v. Raoul which challenges the Illinois mag and “assault weapon” (sic) ban. Currently, he serves as the president of the Aurora Sportman’s Club which is one of the largest gun clubs in Illinois.

Todd and I have had many discussions on what could have been done to advance our Second Amendment rights if only half of the money spent (wasted!) on Bill Brewer had been spent on 2A litigation. It is enough to make any activist cry.

Todd, like me, wants reform at the NRA and I have submitted his name to the Nominating Committee for consideration. He, like me, is also running as a petition candidate. I have placed his petition below. If you are a voting member of the NRA – Life or an Annual Member with five or more continuous membership without interruption, please consider signing it.

Email Todd at tvandermyd AT aol DOT com for his mailing address.


You Did It!

Through your efforts and that of other like-minded people all four petition candidates made the 2024 NRA Board election ballot. I don’t remember this many petition candidates on the ballot since I’ve been a voting member.

Jeff Knox, Judge Phil Journey, Rockey Marshall, and Dennis Fusaro will definitely be on my list of endorsed candidates. I might add Rick Ector given the great work he does in Detroit in bringing women into the gun culture.

Two More Petition Candidates For NRA Board

In addition to Rocky Marshall and Judge Phil Journey, the two other petition candidates that I am aware of are Jeff Knox and Dennis Fusaro. They need our help as well to get the necessary signatures. I realize it is the 11th hour but there is still time if you do it NOW.

Here is a link to Jeff’s petition.

And a link to Dennis’s petition.

The Complementary Spouse and I signed and sent the petitions back a while ago. I would urge you, if eligible, to do the same.

Send them to Jeff at:

Jeff Knox, P.O. Box 303, Tombstone, AZ  85638

This needs to be done ASAP as he has to have the petitions in to the NRA by November 7th.

One final note – could you imagine the uproar in Fairfax if Jeff got on the Board. The wailing and gnashing of teeth would be heard everywhere. I do realize that with the size of the board he would be “powerless” in terms of passing stuff. That said, it is not always about passing stuff.

Get Phil Journey On The NRA Ballot (UPDATE)

UPDATE: Time is running out for petition candidates for the NRA Board of Directors to obtain the necessary signatures. Judge Journey must submit all signatures by November 7th. This means he needs everything in hand ASAP. If you are eligible to vote in the 2024 election for NRA Board of Directors and you have not signed the petition, DO IT NOW!

As a reminder, the Nominating Committee has nominated 28 people for the 25 board seats up for election. A full 25 of these people are already on the Board. It is the same old, same old which has allowed the NRA to flounder, to be brought into court in New York, and which has allowed grifters like Wayne, Marion, and company to get away with it for years.

Judge Phil Journey is running for the NRA Board of Directors. I did send in his nomination to the Nominations Committee but I imagine that nomination will be sent directly to the circular file by them. While he was nominated by them in 2020, they refused to do so in 2023.


That is easy to answer. When he called for an independent examiner in the abortive NRA bankruptcy case, he outed himself as not one of the go-along, get-along Friends of Wayne. He also called for Wayne’s replacement as CEO and Executive VP. Thus, he became persona non grata to the powers that be and was a threat to their perks paid for out of the members’ dues. I won’t even get into the childish and contemptible behavior that some Board members have shown towards Phil.

Phil is also Judge Phillip Journey. He serves in Kansas’ 18th District Court, Division 1, and is currently assigned to handle Family Law cases. He told me in the past that as an officer of the court it would have unethical for him to ignore what Bill Brewer was attempting to do when he had the NRA file for bankruptcy protection.

Since the Nominations Committee will ignore Phil Journey, he needs to get on the ballot by petition. This year, thanks to the abysmal voter turnout in 2023, one only need approximately 375 valid signatures to get on the ballot.

So what is a valid signature? It would be that of a Life Member of any level or that of a five-year continuous member. If there had been any break in your annual membership during that five years, the clock starts again. It also has to be an original signature. I suggest signing with blue ink so there is no question that it is not original.

Completed petitions need to be sent back to Phil by October 15th. He must submit all petitions to the NRA by November 7th and this gives him to time to verify membership numbers, etc.

Send the signed petition to him at:

Phillip Journey, PO Box 501 Haysville, KS 67060

Share this post and especially Phil’s petition with friends. We need people like Phil and Rocky Marshall working for us on the inside where there is a chance – slim though it might be – that they can have an impact.

I have embedded both the official petition form and Phil’s bio below.

Let’s Get Rocky Marshall On The NRA Ballot (Updated)

UPDATE: Time is running out for petition candidates for the NRA Board of Directors to obtain the necessary signatures. Rocky must submit all signatures by November 7th. This means he needs everything in hand ASAP. If you are eligible to vote in the 2024 election for NRA Board of Directors and you have not signed the petition, DO IT NOW!

As a reminder, the Nominating Committee has nominated 28 people for the 25 board seats up for election. A full 25 of these people are already on the Board. It is the same old, same old which has allowed the NRA to flounder, to be brought into court in New York, and which has allowed grifters like Wayne, Marion, and company to get away with it for years.

Rocky Marshall is stepping up to run for the NRA Board of Directors. I have run guest posts from Rocky as well as have highlighted the work he had done in bringing reform to the NRA. His work analyzing the finances of the NRA has been insightful. Rocky sought to intervene in the NRA dissolution lawsuit so that someone would actually be representing the members and not Wayne’s interests. Unfortunately, it was denied.

I have sent in the names of both Rocky and Judge Phil Journey to the Nominations Committee. They, like I, fully expect that the nominations will be blown off in favor of someone who won’t rock the boat. Thus, Rocky is seeking to get on the ballot by petition. This year, thanks to the abysmal voter turnout in 2023, one only need approximately 375 valid signatures to get on the ballot.

So what is a valid signature? It would be that of a Life Member of any level or that of a five-year continuous member. If there had been any break in your annual membership during that five years, the clock starts again.

From Rocky’s email to me:

In 2021, I was selected to be on the National Rifle Association Board of Directors. During my tenure, I served a one-year term and worked diligently to change the management and the direction of the NRA due to the corruption that had occurred.  I am once again attempting to be reelected to the Board of Directors in hopes of working to save the NRA from the current demise.  If you would like to help me, and you are an NRA Life Member, please print out the attached petition and fill in your information and sign where indicated. If you are able to obtain additional NRA Life members on the form, please feel free to do so.   


Please mail the petition to the following address:

Rocky Marshall

975 Turkey Knob

Boerne, TX 78006

As noted above this, a 5-year member also qualifies. That said, there is never a question regarding Life Members.

I have embedded both the petition and a bio for Rocky below. Send back the signed petition with your membership number to Rocky at the address he provided. If you have friends who are NRA Life Members, have them sign it as well.

Both the Complementary Spouse and I have signed the petition and will be mailing back to Rocky ASAP.

You Did It! Frank Tait Is On The Ballot

Thanks to everyone who signed petitions for Frank Tait, he beat the “margin of Wayne” and is on the ballot for the 2022 NRA Board of Directors election. He could not have done it without your help and the help of many others who want change at the NRA.

This means that instead of being forced to choose between voting for one of the hand-picked “friends of Wayne” or not voting, you now have a choice.

If you are a voting member, now is the time to start talking to your friends who are also voting members. A personal recommendation from you should mean a lot more than the usual propaganda that you see month after month in the official journal.

Remember it is our NRA and not Wayne’s NRA.

UPDATE: From Frank on getting on the ballot.

The petitions were “beyond the margin of Wayne” and I am on the ballot!

I have to get my approved 150-word biographical sketch in by December 17 so it can be included with the ballots.

This would not be possible without the support of many great people and organizations around the country including the participants at the IDPA Liberty Match, Bitter of Shall Not be Questioned Blog, and the members of Falls Township Rifle and Pistol Association, the participants of the Nineteenth Bi-Annual Machinegun Shoot at Eastern Lancaster County Rod & Gun Club, and the Montgomery County Federation of Sportsmens Clubs Trapshooting League.

I am grateful for this tremendous support and am committed to reforming the board and management of the NRA