Appeal Filed in Ezell Case

Alan Gura and David Sigale have filed an appeal on Friday to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals of Judge Virginia Kendall’s denial of a preliminary injunction in Ezell et al v. Chicago et al. This is the case brought against the City of Chicago’s ban on gun ranges within the city limits. The notice of appeal does not give the grounds but merely informs the District Court and the defendant’s attorneys that an appeal has been filed.

According to a notice issued by the Clerk of Court for the District Court, the entire record of the case must be furnished to the Circuit Court by November 18th and the parties have until November 11th to notify the Clerk of any missing items from the online record which needs to be sent.

The notice of appeal as filed with the Seventh Circuit is below:

Ezell et al v. Chicago – Appeal Filed With 7th Circuit

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