An Insult To North Carolinians

Yesterday, Governor Bev Perdue announced that she was appointing former U.S. Representative Bob “Who are you?” Etheridge as the new Director of the NC Office of Economic Recovery and Investment.

Nearly 80 percent of the state recovery funds have been dispersed and the money will continue to flow through at least 2012. Projects to date include train station expansions, highway improvements, new water and sewer projects for local governments, historic expansion of the state’s broadband network, funding to keep teacher positions across the state and assistance towards single family home ownership.

In his new position, Etheridge will oversee how the funds are dispersed, ensuring that money continues to be spent in a timely fashion with high accountability, and will make sure the projects under contract are getting done.

For overseeing the administration of the remaining 20% of the “stimulus” funds, Etheridge will be paid $98,500 a year. Of course, this is on top of his pension as a (forcibly) retired Congressman.

Michelle Malkin commented on this appointment saying:

That’s right. Etheridge was booted out of office thanks to the Tea Party movement — which coalesced against the federal porkulus — and now he gets to redistribute porkulus wealth on the public’s dime.

To give this a gun rights related spin, Etheridge’s NRA-PVF ranking was D. His opponent, Rep. Renee Ellmers, was AQ rated and eventually got the NRA endorsement.

3 thoughts on “An Insult To North Carolinians”

  1. Was he "D" rated? I thought it was "F." I listened to Ellmers give a radio interview yesterday and she was, in the interviewer's words, "magnanimous" towards Etheridge and his new job.

    I wish that people like Etheridge would just quietly fade away, but they seem more like herpes. Once you catch them, they never go away.

  2. @Sean: He was either D or F. Either way it wasn't good. I agree that people like Etheridge should just fade away. The man is 69 years old. Doesn't he have grandkids that he wants to play with?

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