North Carolina CCW Reform Delayed

The NRA-ILA sent out this alert on North Carolina HB 111 this afternoon. The bill would allow concealed carry in restaurants and eating establishments that serve alcohol. It would not change the law that makes it illegal for someone who is carrying concealed to consume alcohol. The bill would also allow concealed carry in state and local parks.

North Carolina: Right-to-Carry Reform Bill Delayed by the state House of Representatives

Monday, March 21, 2011

Please contact your state Representative TODAY!

Consideration for House Bill 111 has been delayed by the state House of Representatives. Please continue to contact your state Representative IMMEDIATELY and urge him or her to support H 111, and to support efforts to remove the Ross Amendment. To locate your state Representative and their contact information, please click here.

HB 111, introduced by state Representatives Mark Hilton (R-96), Jeff Barnhart (R-82), Fred Steen (R-76), and Kelly Hastings (R-110), would remove the prohibition on Right-to-Carry permit holders carrying a concealed firearm into any restaurant that serves alcohol on premises. It would also remove the ability of a local government to ban the carrying of concealed firearms by Right-to-Carry permit holders in local parks, and clarify that permit holders are allowed to carry in State Parks.

The bill was amended in subcommittee to allow servers in restaurants to ask patrons who order an alcoholic beverage whether they are carrying a concealed firearm. This amendment was proposed by state Representative Debra Ross (D-38), one of the most virulently anti-gun legislators in the General Assembly. During the debate, opponents of the legislation grossly misrepresented the current Right-to-Carry law repeatedly. While those opposed to the Ross Amendment questioned the wisdom waiters and waitresses asking such intrusive questions, supporters of the amendment claimed it is illegal for someone carrying a concealed firearm to order an alcoholic beverage, leading some to ask why servers should be asked to act as part-time law enforcement. However, it is not illegal to order alcohol while carrying a firearm. It is illegal to CONSUME alcohol while carrying. Should this law pass, along with the Ross Amendment, law-abiding permittees who simply order alcohol for a friend, but who have no intention of drinking alcohol themselves, may be asked by a server to reveal they are carrying a concealed firearm, thus negating the concept of carrying concealed. Anyone within earshot will certainly know the individual is carrying a firearm, including anyone who may be intent on committing a violent crime at that restaurant, or in that restaurant’s parking lot.

The Ross Amendment was clearly intended as a “poison pill,” and was designed to create opposition to the bill. Nothing in the current law or in H 111 would require a permittee to answer the server. However, restaurant owners may have concerns regarding potential liability should they choose to not harass their patrons with intrusive personal questions. While the NRA remains in support of H 111, we will work to remove the Ross Amendment.

Please continue to contact your state Representative IMMEDIATELY and urge him or her to support H 111, and to support efforts to remove the Ross Amendment.

2 thoughts on “North Carolina CCW Reform Delayed”

  1. WTF? I can't understand the irrationality of these people? What purpose would this serve? Can't servers ask this question anyways?

    Open carry seems to be more and more the way to go with these people. Make me abide by insane rules and I'll open carry my sidearm everywhere I go as a FU to the stupid politicians.

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