If you missed seeing Rep. Darrell Issa and CBS Investigative Reporter Sharyl Attkisson on CBS’s Face The Nation this morning, here it is courtesy of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee’s YouTube page.
One of the key things that Issa said was that the Committee’s subpoenas to the Department of Justice were narrowly focused. He goes on to say that in many cases they already have e-mails and memos provided to them by whistle-blowers but want the original documents from the Department of Justice and/or White House to confirm their authenticity. This goes along with what Dave Hardy wrote earlier this week about the subpoena in Of Arms and The Law.
I was happy to see that CBS featured Project Gunwalker on their Sunday news show Face The Nation. While I would have wanted more questions asked (and answered), the mere fact that it was on this program underscores its growing importance in Washington. We in the blogosphere and in the gun rights community have always recognized this but having it shown on one of the premier mainstream media programs confirms it to the general public.
I watched the Tivo of Face the Nation just now. Elijah Cummings isn't even a good liar. When the head of ATF was watching illegal firearm transactions in real time on his desk computer, how can he claim it was a "bottom up" sort of crime? Is he insane?
Issa's very last statement in that interview was way too kind to Leahy, but I know he's just trying to be diplomatic. It's perfectly explicable why Leahy hasn't held hearings in the Senate for anyone who has seen the behavior of Dems in all recent memory. They are circling the wagons as this administration is circling the drain.