The Second Amendment Foundation released information on a number of their confirmed speakers. These include Emily Miller of the Washington Times and “Emily Gets Her Gun” fame, perennial favorite Alan Gura, George Zimmerman’s attorney Mark O’Mara, and Congressman Joe Barton of Texas.
The 27th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference attracts leaders from across the country, including Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms; Joseph Tartaro, president of the Second Amendment Foundation; Maria Heil, board director of the National Rifle Association; Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America and many others.
Also scheduled: Attorney Alan Gura, winner of the landmark Supreme Court Second Amendment Heller and McDonald cases; Criminal Defense Attorney Mark O’Mara; Columnist and Fox News contributor John Fund; John Lott, author of More Guns, Less Crime, and Emily Miller, senior editor of The Washington Times.
Texas Congressman Joe Barton will be the featured Saturday luncheon speaker.
The Gun Rights Policy Conference offers an opportunity for grassroots gun rights activists from across the country to gather under one roof for the opportunity to network, exchange strategies and hear from national gun rights leaders on major issues relating to firearms litigation and politics.
This year’s agenda includes panel discussions on Campus Concealed Carry, Gun rights litigation after the Heller and McDonald rulings, the UN threat to gun rights, Federal and State legislative updates, Media Bias, Self-Defense and Right-to-Carry, Open Carry and Stand Your Ground laws.
For more information and registration:
Alan Gottlieb was the guest in the first hour of Tom Gresham’s GunTalk on Sunday, Sept. 2nd. During the interview, he said that there will be a surprise guest speaker whom he couldn’t name for “security reasons”. The speaker will be announced on Saturday, Sept. 29th when he (or she) is scheduled to speak.
I have no special knowledge and no one has tipped me off to who he or she might be. However, I could think of at least two to three people that might fit that bill given that the conference is in Florida.
Well, I am confirmed as a guest and a minor speaker and nobody has asked for my SSN yet…but they don't always ask for them if they have a list of names for the event.