IGOLD 2013

One of the major annual events for the Illinois State Rifle Association is their Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day. This is the day that gun owners from across the Illini State gather to lobby the Illinois General Assembly.

ISRA recently set the date for the 2013 event. It will be held in Springfield, Illinois on Wednesday, March 6th.  You can download their flyer for the event here.

To get an idea about the turnout, check out these pictures on the Days of Our Trailers blog. By contrast, here is the turnout for a Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (sic) event outside the White House.

3 thoughts on “IGOLD 2013”

  1. I plan to be there, hope you are too. I think this makes a difference, if only to raise the awareness for the level of support for the 2nd Amendment. I also learned how my new rep, two years ago, cosponsored a bill without understanding it. Rep. Sente was asked questions which could not answer and said this bill was proposed by Lake County prosecutors. What a bad rep., only carrying the "water". Rep Sente is very anti-gun, voted no on SB681. Need a rep that upholds invididual rights.

  2. IGOLD is a fantastic event. I have gone the past 4 years and been amazed at the huge turnouts! Considering many gun supporters have work or obligations that they cannot make the event. The huge number of pro constitutional rights afforded by the second ammendment enjoyed by both republicans and democrats seem to fall on deaf ears of the minority group of radical gun grabbers in this state and country at large.
    If you truly value your rights to own firearms legally in this state & country as a whole… I hope to see you there!

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